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  1. #101
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    does anyone know if you can put deeds on the fellowship tracker, to see who else is grinding the same monsters your grinding in the same zone?

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    and sorry for spamming, but does anyone know when exaclty in april is book 13 coming out?

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    Quote Originally Posted by parmmmm View Post
    and sorry for spamming, but does anyone know when exaclty in april is book 13 coming out?
    End of the month. And there is an edit button you know....
    Brangdha - 50/Hunter/Rank 1/Firefoot | Brongdha - 16/Champion/Rank 0/Firefoot

  4. #104

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    Should be very soon (few days) since only a few days left .
    "KHAZÂD FUNDINUL"- On Brandywine.
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  5. #105
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    [quote]On landroval, there is a global channel called GLFF. Type /joinchannel glff to join it, and type /1 (or /2, etc) to talk in it. I'd imagine that other servers might have the same thing set up. This doesn't help people who don't know about it, but it's a decent solution until (if) the devs make the regular LFF channel global.[quote]

    Thats part of why I'm such an advocate of the LFF going global. GLFF is a fantastic resource. I get so many groups and members from it.

  6. #106

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right spot, but....

    If I download the Book 13 patch, as it is available early, will I be able to access the new content early as well? (I know this is just wishful thinking, but I suppose there is a chance).
    [CENTER][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=white][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000][B]Hydrothodor[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] (65 Elf Hunter - SM Jeweller ) [SIZE=3]| [/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=white][SIZE=1][COLOR=red][B]Hydrophor[/B][/COLOR] ( [/SIZE][SIZE=2]60[/SIZE] Elf Lore Master - SM Scholar) [SIZE=3]| [COLOR=#ff0000][SIZE=1][B]Hydrodor[/B] [/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=#ffffff][SIZE=2](65 Elf Rune-Keeper - GM Tailor) [/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]| [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=white][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000][B]Hydrothorond[/B] [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2](16 [/SIZE]Elf Champion) | [SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000][B]Hydroburg [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE](55 Man Burglar)[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]

  7. #107
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    Quote Originally Posted by Hydrothodor View Post
    I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right spot, but....

    If I download the Book 13 patch, as it is available early, will I be able to access the new content early as well? (I know this is just wishful thinking, but I suppose there is a chance).
    No. But if you download and install the preview client (Roheryn), you'll be able to try new content a week or two before it's released. You won't be able to play your regular characters and no progress you make will transfer to the live servers.
    Digero Guardian | Digrim Burglar | Defenders of the Mithril Halls Officer
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  8. #108
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    Okay, I'm learning. I gather this is where I should have posted my thoughts and appreciation.

    Posted here.

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    being able to flag only 1 quest for LFF, is like having a machine gun with only 1 bullet... it misses the point of improving the LFF system completely. the original LFF system failed because it was deemed useless by players so nobody bothered to even use it pass the 1st 2 weeks. PLEASE change this before people decide once again that the new system is useless and stop using it before it had a chance to develop. flagging of quests for LFF should be a "check box" event NOT a "pull down menu" event. I may be in GF right now trying to get a CD group going, But, it doesn't mean I'm not ALSO interested in a quest for gobby town or 10.14 in evendim if they already have a mins in the fellowship. the whole point of improving the LFF system is so that I need to get viable groups together and IF the CD group fails to come together, I want the "option" of being listed for book10, gobby town, misty, or urugarth. 95% of the time I play, I don't much care WHERE I do my questing AS LONG AS I can start chipping away at the 40 quest limit that is preventing me from getting other quests done.

    aside from this GIGANTIC flaw in the new LFF system, everything looks good.

    Some capt. complaints about the horn.... if your sole reason of being in a fellowship is to be a summoning donkey, I DON'T want you in my fellowship anyway... because you completely missed the point of being a capt.

    as far as travel ration goes, I would say kill the cost of the ration for low level areas where the people are still struggling to put 2 silver pieces together in their pocket. as far as high level areas... dude stop paying 20 gold for a piece of gear you wont ever use and you will have plenty of travel ration to burn. the ONLY complaint I have for the travel ration is that now there are more reasons to use them, I would like to ask that the stacking size be upped to 100 instead of 50. this is more of an inventory management problem rather then travel ration, but I absolutely can not afford to commit more then 1 bag slot for travel rations on any of my toons.

    UI looks good. But, would look MUCH better if you put a little check box next to the quest to allow us to flag multiple quests for LFF

    another request that may not be as popular is an "auto LFF" in the options section. If I picked up a quest, that usually means I want to do the quests(not always, but usually) so an "auto lff" is simply streamlining the process and allow people to find me quickly and we can get the fun going faster. it's actually 2 different options. an "auto quest lff" which flags the quest you pick up as LFF. and a 2nd option that is "auto lff upon login" where you would be flagged as LFF as soon as you log into the game. effectively i want to have the quests i pick up automatically flagged for LFF, and I want my LFF flag to kick up whenever i log into the game. those would be options you can enable/disable in the options menu so if you dont like the idea, then don't enable them. this would encourage the usage of LFF since people arent "forgetting" to flag something LFF or forgetting to kick up the LFF flag when they are looking for things to do. you can still take off the flag if you are doing trade skills, but overall I think it would definitely allow the LFF system to be used and grow.

    ok flame away everyone

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Talking Re: Book 13 Dev Diary Feedback: Better Together

    This is without doubt the best MMO ever, and that's saying a lot. The biggest problem has been its reliance on fellowships. That is certainly in the spirit of the book and is necessary, but makes it difficult for those like me who can't spend all day on the computer.

    Your changes here are probably the best improvement to date. Great work! You have managed to keep the spirit but enhance the playability.


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