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  1. #426

    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    "....and he chose one from among the whelps of the race of Draugluin; and he fed him with his own hand upon living flesh, and put his power upon him."

    I can go both ways with this, but I'm still going to say it was Morgoth's own flesh 'cus that's just cooler

    QUESTION: How did Maedhros and Maglor know that their right of claim over the Silmarils had been voided due to their violent actions?

  2. #427
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    Sep 2007

    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Arasilion View Post
    QUESTION: How did Maedhros and Maglor know that their right of claim over the Silmarils had been voided due to their violent actions?
    Because when they picked one up it would burn their hands.

    QUESTION: Where did the three Silmarils finally end up?
    [SIZE=1][COLOR=lime][SIZE=1][COLOR=lime]Note to players who want to be considered literate: [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=cyan][I]You're [/I]= You are. [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=cyan][I]Your [/I]= Belonging to you. [I]It's[/I] = It is. [I]Its[/I] = belonging to it. [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=cyan][I]They're[/I] = They are. [I]Their[/I] = Belonging to them. [I]There[/I] = At that place.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=1][COLOR=lime][SIZE=1][COLOR=yellow][I]Items[/I] = More than one item. [I]Item's[/I] = Belonging to the item. (True for almost all nouns.)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]

  3. #428
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    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    One ended up being borne by Earendil upon his ship Vingilot(the North star is the result I believe), one was thrown in the sea by Maglor in his pain, and the last was cast into a fiery crack with Maehdros along with himself.
    Valestir - LM 59th

  4. #429
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    Sep 2007

    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    Correct! Except it's the Evenstar (evening star, i.e., Venus), not the North Star.

    This isn't a quiz question because I don't know the answer, but does anyone remember why the mortal human Beren went to the Halls of Mandos when he died? Did Thingol somehow get him admitted to the immortal elf club because we was marrying his daughter? Or (now that I think of if) did Beren's body stay in Middle Earth and Mandos somehow had the power to bring it back to life (a power affecting humans I thought reserved to Eru alone)? I don't remember. (If no one knows I'll try to remember to check The Silmarillion tonight.)
    Last edited by gradivus; Apr 23 2008 at 01:03 PM.
    [SIZE=1][COLOR=lime][SIZE=1][COLOR=lime]Note to players who want to be considered literate: [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=cyan][I]You're [/I]= You are. [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=cyan][I]Your [/I]= Belonging to you. [I]It's[/I] = It is. [I]Its[/I] = belonging to it. [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=cyan][I]They're[/I] = They are. [I]Their[/I] = Belonging to them. [I]There[/I] = At that place.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=1][COLOR=lime][SIZE=1][COLOR=yellow][I]Items[/I] = More than one item. [I]Item's[/I] = Belonging to the item. (True for almost all nouns.)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]

  5. #430
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    May 2007

    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    His spirit "tarried at the Halls of Mandos by the bidding of Luthien"

    So I'm assuming that either his wielding of the Silmaril or Luthien's love were the reasons of his admittance and prolonged stay. Either way, somehow it was her bidding that kept him there long enough for her to show up and sing a little pity into Mandos' heart.

    I don't think there's a question up so I'll ask one:

    How did Sauron feed his enormous army of orcs in Mordor?

    (hint: it wasn't just tasty trespassers)
    [COLOR="Cyan"]Landroval - Nibenrhaw ~ Loremaster | Eladrid ~ Burglar | Squeesh ~ Defiler[/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Orange"]Meneldor - Fungushnitzel ~ Minstrel | Clingan ~ Champion | Snapnakh ~ Stalker[/COLOR]

  6. #431
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    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    Luthien was the only being of any power to ever sway Mandos to pity with the beauty of her song, and the sadness of her and Beren's tale. Thus he was allowed to return from the Halls where no mortal ever was before or again.

    The inland sea of Nurnen inside the land of Mordor had a fertile area around it cultivated by slaves. So foodstuffs were grown to support Saurons armies/people.
    Valestir - LM 59th

  7. #432

    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    That Valar had no power at all to put aside the fate of Man. What happened is that Mandos felt pity for Beren and Luthien, so he forwarded their case to Manwe who had direct communication with Iluvatar, the only Being who can put aside the doom of mankind. Iluvatar granted their wish, but with the condition that Beren stay in Valinor to live forever and never return to Middle-Earth, or that both should come back to life in Beleriand and live to die another mortal death.

  8. #433
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    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Arasilion View Post
    That Valar had no power at all to put aside the fate of Man. What happened is that Mandos felt pity for Beren and Luthien, so he forwarded their case to Manwe who had direct communication with Iluvatar, the only Being who can put aside the doom of mankind. Iluvatar granted their wish, but with the condition that Beren stay in Valinor to live forever and never return to Middle-Earth, or that both should come back to life in Beleriand and live to die another mortal death.

    I guess I forgot the full details of Mandos taking it to Manwe, and Manwe getting on the Red Phone to the Big Guy.
    Valestir - LM 59th

  9. #434

    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    Haha, the Red Phone :-D Good analogy!

  10. #435
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    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Arasilion View Post
    That Valar had no power at all to put aside the fate of Man. What happened is that Mandos felt pity for Beren and Luthien, so he forwarded their case to Manwe who had direct communication with Iluvatar, the only Being who can put aside the doom of mankind. Iluvatar granted their wish, but with the condition that Beren stay in Valinor to live forever and never return to Middle-Earth, or that both should come back to life in Beleriand and live to die another mortal death.
    Cool. Why couldn't Elrond go to Manwe once he returned to Valinor and ask him to see if Eru could cut another deal like that for Arwen and Aragorn?
    [SIZE=1][COLOR=lime][SIZE=1][COLOR=lime]Note to players who want to be considered literate: [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=cyan][I]You're [/I]= You are. [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=cyan][I]Your [/I]= Belonging to you. [I]It's[/I] = It is. [I]Its[/I] = belonging to it. [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=cyan][I]They're[/I] = They are. [I]Their[/I] = Belonging to them. [I]There[/I] = At that place.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=1][COLOR=lime][SIZE=1][COLOR=yellow][I]Items[/I] = More than one item. [I]Item's[/I] = Belonging to the item. (True for almost all nouns.)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]

  11. #436

    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    I think I messed that up because I think think they'd have to be very stupid to pick the latter choice. I think it was something like both can come back to life but Luthien had to stay in Valinor to live forever and forget completely Beren and her sorrow whilst Beren himself had to return to Earth and forget Luthien and die another mortal death, or they could both come back together to Earth and die another mortal death. I'm too lazy to actually look that up, though.

  12. #437
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    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Arasilion View Post
    The game is simple. One person asks a question about anything regarding the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, and someone else tries to answer it. The first person to answer correctly gets to ask the next question. I'll start:

    QUESTION: The constellation of Orion is a figure of whom and what event does it prophecy?
    LOL ... thats remains to be unknown

  13. #438
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    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    Name the one reference to something in LOTR that doesn't have a real backing in the legendarium. Who was the speaker, what was he referring to, and who was he making the comparison with?

  14. #439
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    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    Hmm, tough one. Something about the Cats of Queen Beruthiel is all I've got.
    Valestir - LM 59th

  15. #440
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    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    I'm afraid I don't understand the question. If something actually appears in LotR (you mean the novel, not the films, right) and it's not in the legendarium, then what's the legendarium? Or do you mean a reference in something other than the books? A reference in what, the game?
    [SIZE=1][COLOR=lime][SIZE=1][COLOR=lime]Note to players who want to be considered literate: [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=cyan][I]You're [/I]= You are. [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=cyan][I]Your [/I]= Belonging to you. [I]It's[/I] = It is. [I]Its[/I] = belonging to it. [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=cyan][I]They're[/I] = They are. [I]Their[/I] = Belonging to them. [I]There[/I] = At that place.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=1][COLOR=lime][SIZE=1][COLOR=yellow][I]Items[/I] = More than one item. [I]Item's[/I] = Belonging to the item. (True for almost all nouns.)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]

  16. #441
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    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Talanthiar View Post
    Hmm, tough one. Something about the Cats of Queen Beruthiel is all I've got.
    Yeah, that's what I was going for--I was reading the Letters and saw one of the Prof.'s footnotes saying this was the only reference he didn't explain.

    There is, however, still the context (speaker and who he's referring to) to be adressed, so you got it half right.

  17. #442
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    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    Quote Originally Posted by LOTRFan101 View Post
    Yeah, that's what I was going for--I was reading the Letters and saw one of the Prof.'s footnotes saying this was the only reference he didn't explain.

    There is, however, still the context (speaker and who he's referring to) to be adressed, so you got it half right.
    Gandalf about Aragorn.
    “The world is indeed full of peril and in it there are many dark places.”
    ? J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

  18. #443

    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    Aragorn said that to Frodo in Moria, I think, to comfort him.

    Something like "Gandalf can find his way in the dark better than the cats of Queen Beruthiel."

  19. #444
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    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    That's it. He didn't give her an identity until Unfinished Tales.

    See this webpage: http://tolkien.cro.net/humans/beruthie.html

  20. #445
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    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Arasilion View Post
    Aragorn said that to Frodo in Moria, I think, to comfort him.

    Something like "Gandalf can find his way in the dark better than the cats of Queen Beruthiel."
    well, in my version of the story it says that aragorn was addressing this to everyone in the fellowship (other than gandalf)

  21. #446
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    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Arasilion View Post
    Aragorn said that to Frodo in Moria, I think, to comfort him.

    Something like "Gandalf can find his way in the dark better than the cats of Queen Beruthiel."
    Yep. You got it.

  22. #447

    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    After the Dwarves finished ransacking the ruins of Doriath and fled back to their mountain homes, what creature/person happened to appear and killed them all?

  23. #448
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    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    The Ents. They killed what few managed to flee from Beren, who killed their Lord, and regained the Nauglimir(sp?) containing the Silmaril.
    Valestir - LM 59th

  24. #449

    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!



  25. #450
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    Re: Middle-Earth Quiz!!

    Name an inn or tavern in the Shire that isn't represented in the game.
    [COLOR="Cyan"]Landroval - Nibenrhaw ~ Loremaster | Eladrid ~ Burglar | Squeesh ~ Defiler[/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Orange"]Meneldor - Fungushnitzel ~ Minstrel | Clingan ~ Champion | Snapnakh ~ Stalker[/COLOR]


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