~Landroval - The Council of the Secret Fire~
Torang - 75 Champion /// Tulung - 75 Rune-keeper /// Timadoc - 75 Warden /// Gilharthad - 75 Hunter /// Minniver - 65 Minstrel /// Danlac - 67 Burglar /// Alawyn - 58 Loremaster /// Niala - 68 Captain /// Loracar - 40 Guardian /// and others...
~Landroval - The Council of the Secret Fire~
Torang - 75 Champion /// Tulung - 75 Rune-keeper /// Timadoc - 75 Warden /// Gilharthad - 75 Hunter /// Minniver - 65 Minstrel /// Danlac - 67 Burglar /// Alawyn - 58 Loremaster /// Niala - 68 Captain /// Loracar - 40 Guardian /// and others...
~Landroval - The Council of the Secret Fire~
Torang - 75 Champion /// Tulung - 75 Rune-keeper /// Timadoc - 75 Warden /// Gilharthad - 75 Hunter /// Minniver - 65 Minstrel /// Danlac - 67 Burglar /// Alawyn - 58 Loremaster /// Niala - 68 Captain /// Loracar - 40 Guardian /// and others...
Kin Website:[url]http://middle-earthexplorers.guildportal.com[/url]
Last edited by Asheron86; Apr 30 2008 at 07:52 AM.
Busted makin lolcatz at work, dang it!
I got this one done before that happened tho
"Life's tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid." -John Wayne
[COLOR=Teal]Kinship [URL="http://lotro-exodus.guildlaunch.com"]Exodus[/URL] - Arkenstone Server[/COLOR]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Cheers! [/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=5][B]the Lady in Red[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
The quest behaves as intended when the players behave as intended!!1!
*foams at mouth*
Tinwe Morimaite - Elven Hunter - "And the Light of Aman shone in his face"
Tarlach of Dale - Human Captain - "Now for wrath!"
"We are the Content"
Andryel lvl 50 Hunter
Ezzie Mezzie lvl 40 lore-master
Andryel lvl 50 Hunter
Ezzie Mezzie lvl 40 lore-master
and one more...
Andryel lvl 50 Hunter
Ezzie Mezzie lvl 40 lore-master
"Lemarque is an awful Burg. he only comes out of stealth when there's something to kill" - Kateaclysm
Le Marque De Tueurs
The Mark of Killers
Formerly of Vilya
God, I love this thread. I wish I had something to contribute, but keep them coming!
[CENTER][B][URL="http://my.lotro.com/azaelia_proudfoot/category/ramble-on/"][COLOR="DarkRed"]The sneaky little red bird...[/COLOR][/URL][/B][SIZE="1"]
Click above to read "Ramble On," the tale of Cardinal's Adventures![/SIZE]
"My size is inversely proportional to how awesome I am." [/CENTER]
Last edited by mickey34; May 01 2008 at 11:40 AM. Reason: Redo