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  1. #1
    Saffron's Avatar
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    Middle-earth Feedback: Ost Guruth

    Take a tour of the once-great fortress of Ost Guruth! While it lies in runs today, it once served as a castle belonging to the kingdom of Rhudaur.

    Read more about Ost Guruth, then post your comments below!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Ost Guruth

    It's a wonderful quest hub and place, ... but it needs trainers
    [color=red]Razaele[/color] (55 Champion, Man) | [color=red]Suttros[/color] (24 Runekeeper, Elf) | [color=red]Kolton[/color] (24 Captain, Man)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Exclamation Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Ost Guruth

    fun quest and i loved talking to radagast but trainers are needed. otherwise people have to travel to bree or (if high enough) to rivendale. both of which is not fun on $.
    altogether a great hub to stop by on the way to rivendale or garth argwen, and the last "safe spot" for miles around

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Ost Guruth

    Have to agree. Ost Guruth has the room, to make it a much livelier place, especially if trainers were placed there.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Ost Guruth

    I like the mad dash you have to do sometimes when the aggressive mobs are between the road and "safety".

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Ost Guruth

    This is one of my favorite places but I absolutely do not look forward to hitting levels while in the lone lands due to knowing that I have a 30 silver expense for a ride back to hit my trainer (just to spend more money).

    Also I have to say that tossing in novice crafters and a bank would totally enhance the usefulness of the settlement.

    ps. How do they expect to get adventurers to hang around and help if they provide nothing to aid the wandering adventurers?
    All the place has is vendors of armour and weps far too lowly for anyone that comes by.

  7. #7

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Ost Guruth

    Vault access would be nice, yes, although given that the Edain are basically supposed to be squatting on a random ruin they found, it makes sense there isn't one there. Ditto an auction house.

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    [url=http://www.gneech.com]Gneech.com[/url] - My writing, comics, and art.

  8. #8
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    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Ost Guruth

    Just FYI to the Forum Mod/Dev -- read the "teaser" blurb for this on the front page of the LOTRO.com site ... slight spelling error up there.

    Take a tour of the once-great fortress of Ost Guruth! While it lies in runs today, it once served as a castle belonging to the kingdom of Rhudaur.
    "runs" instead of "ruins"

    Wanted to make sure someone knew since it's on the front page
    Christian Kinship :: Founded March 2007
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Ost Guruth

    I've been very impressed with the care given in LOTRO to consistency with Tolkien's books. I find almost all of your additions very believable. I also get the sense that you (Turbine) rightly believe that this consistency is important to the immersive experience, i.e. to drawing players in. I find almost no jarring credibility problems in the game, but I'd like to point one out in hopes you can polish it up a bit: the Eglain of Ost Guruth and Agmaur. I can "believe" that the ruins of Rhudaur are populated with nastier wights than those of Cardolan. I can believe that there are scavenger folk, treasure hunters or grave robbers (in fact, kudos on this addition, since it's to be expected). I can believe that a river-spirit can be corrupted (as can Maiar, et al.). But some very minor lazy details ruin the credibility of your "Eglain". You could easily clean these up in a patch. First and foremost, I can't believe that these folk wear the garb of Breeland men-at-arms. You describe them as nomadic exiles. Second, I can't believe that anybody wearing the gear of a Breeland man-at-arms could be an elite bad-*** such as the guards of Ost Guruth and Agmaur. If anybody in Breeland arms could battle off wights, then they might have held Bree against the Black Riders, no? Right, ridiculous. There's no PVP in this zone, so why make them so tough anyhow? Third, no man chums around with ghosts, even if the ghosts are "on the same side" (if that even makes sense). So, I suggest that barring making fresh models for the Eglain, you use different colored Ranger models (since the lifestyle and skills are most similar) for the Eglain, and that you separate the living and dead quest-givers in Agmaur by at least a few paces. Easy fix, enhanced believability, enhanced immersion.

  10. #10

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Ost Guruth

    Turbine put a vault in Esteldin, which I don't altogether agree with; except that there's a superior workbench there and, arguments to the validity of that fact notwithstanding, an area designed to attract crafters should avail them of their collected resources. I do not think a vault should be placed in Ost Guruth. Nor do I think trainers should be placed there. Although it's an inconvenience, it makes sense that a remote outpost is not stocked with conveniences. While story-logic could dictate that trainers would be at an outpost like this to keep folks' skills up, I don't think it's large enough to support trainers of every sort. I also think that it's good that in the "Lone-Lands" this kind of convenience isn't there. It's not the "Densely-Populated-Lands." If you don't like paying 30s to go back to Bree, suck it up. Run back and prospect or harvest along the way. It's a big game and there should be many types of challenges. Asking the devs to make it better is one thing; asking them to make it easier is whining.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Ost Guruth

    I second the Vault request, please.
    You see what you did?! You sir, have ruined everything...

  12. #12

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Ost Guruth

    I like the fact that Ost Guruth seems like the last outpost of civilization before the Trollshaws. It would be nice to see a bit of temp housing (log cabins and tents) set up for the NPC citizens to live in. It seems as is they are all sleeping under the stars. Just an immerssion thing.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Ost Guruth

    In addition to the vault request earlier, I would also like trainers. I havent bought new skills for my character in almost 4-5 levels because I dont feel like traveling all the way to Bree... so yea.. trainers!!
    You see what you did?! You sir, have ruined everything...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Ost Guruth


    Ost Guruth, and the surrounding region... intended for characters levelled in the mid-20's and above, more-or-less, right? I don't know about you, but my lvl 24 Guard isn't levelling so frequently out in that region that I see a need for Trainers in the ruins. I just mark my map at the South end of Bree and teleport back when it's time to level... at least that way, the horse ride is only one way (and 1/2 price, overall) :-D

    However, I could see the validity behind a Vault there. In collecting hides between there and the Forsaken Inn, along with ore and everything else I can get my grubby little hands on, inventory space can be at a premium. Combine all of this with the fact that there's no Vault at the Forsaken, either. I do appreciate the background/story-line element in the game tho... A vault just doesn't fit in that region, when looked at from that perspective. Then call it something different, with the same purpose... I don't know, how about a "Hold" or something. For aesthetics, have it be room inside that is guarded by a bunch of Tough-as-nails Dwarves or something.

    Then again, I'm biased because this is the region of the game I'm currently in... I figure once I'm beyond it, I won't really care... ;-)

  15. #15

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Ost Guruth

    My only issuie with Ost...was, didn't have a work bench... O wait. Yes it does.

    Way in corner of the map were my circle radar failed to find it. -_-'
    Can we move this? Even by looking over there it goes unnoticed.

    -Trainers yes, someone gotta be teaching them guards something.

    -Storage, nah the place is pretty beat down and it is in the lonelands.
    Kinda suppose to go in prepared.
    Capcom Stalker...
    English is not my 1st Language... So shhhh!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Thumbs up Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Ost Guruth

    Quote Originally Posted by RedbeardSkald View Post
    Turbine put a vault in Esteldin, which I don't altogether agree with; except that there's a superior workbench there and, arguments to the validity of that fact notwithstanding, an area designed to attract crafters should avail them of their collected resources. I do not think a vault should be placed in Ost Guruth. Nor do I think trainers should be placed there. Although it's an inconvenience, it makes sense that a remote outpost is not stocked with conveniences. While story-logic could dictate that trainers would be at an outpost like this to keep folks' skills up, I don't think it's large enough to support trainers of every sort. I also think that it's good that in the "Lone-Lands" this kind of convenience isn't there. It's not the "Densely-Populated-Lands." If you don't like paying 30s to go back to Bree, suck it up. Run back and prospect or harvest along the way. It's a big game and there should be many types of challenges. Asking the devs to make it better is one thing; asking them to make it easier is whining.
    I agree with this here. No need for trainers and/or vault. Perhaps a lesser ride fee?

    As for Ost Guruth itself: I liked it when I was there. Glad I'm out of the Lone Lands now though, hehe.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Ost Guruth

    Quote Originally Posted by Yuffie67 View Post
    My only issuie with Ost...was, didn't have a work bench... O wait. Yes it does.

    Way in corner of the map were my circle radar failed to find it. -_-'
    Can we move this? Even by looking over there it goes unnoticed.
    I had no idea there was a workbench there. I was so sure there wasn't. :O

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Ost Guruth

    For story-line reasons, I appreciate the lack of trainers or a vault. It emphasizes the remoteness of the place and thins the number of players who might otherwise linger in Ost Guruth building on the point: between Bree and Rivendell lie only ruin and wilderness.



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