Definitely enjoying the 3 dev diaries, thumbs up to you guys.
The lack of care shown towards PvP is still disheartening though, you guys are gonna be taking a large hit to subs come SoM
To each their own, but I cannot EXPRESS how glad I will be to finally be able to talk to NPCs from horseback. It may be impolite to talk to someone while up on your high horse (where do you think that phrase comes from), but it's perfectly doable, and frankly, if I'm running all kinds of errands for someone, and/or saving their butts, they can tolerate craning their necks to hear me tell them that yes, I've completed their task.
Where reality and convenience converge, going for inconvenience (dismount, talk, remount, ride back out where I came from for the next quest in the chain) does not suit me.
<< Co-founder of The Firebrands of Caruja on Landroval >>
Ceolford of Dale, Dorolin, Tordag, Garberend Bellheather, Colfinn Belegorn, Garmo Butterbuckles, Calensarn Nimlos, Langtiriel, Bergteir
Well then. Paying my sub fee? It's definitely something that I am thinking about trying to do for a future release.
Kidding aside. This really needs to be taken care of. I'm working on filling my second quickbar with travel skills. Some of the other classes have their own UI elements. I think the Hunter should have had one from the start.
You could even use one travel icon in the quickbar (and/or hot key). Hit it, and a quick bar like grid pops up. You then choose your destination, and click the appropriate icon. I imagine you could reuse the UI element for vault/house storage as a template to save on development time/rsources. Wouldn't it really just be a square quickbar? As described above, all we need is love.. No, wait.. All we need, is a new quickbar dedicated to travel skills.
I'm a bit confused about this one... we no longer need bag space for the mounts because the mounts are going to become skills, but there's still a reliance on a temporary mount-item to grant the appropriate skill? Does this mean that, in order to mount, we need to have a free space in our bags for the addition of the temporary item, or will the temporary item have the ability to go into the overflow bag? Or will the temporary item work like the quest items that funnel into/out of the logbook?Even though we still rely on a mount-item in your pack, it’s a temporary item used to grant the appropriate mount skill to you. Once used, the item will grant a skill to you and be deleted.
Thanks! Excellent work on this new system, and a great dev diary...
[center]We [color="red"]♥[/color] Brian Klemm Fan Club
[color="#0099FF"][I]"May all your choices be ones that intrinsically honour your soul"[/I][/color]
Pretty sure the temp item is just like what you currently get when you receive a horse, only it will automatically (or you may have to click it) disappear and become a skill, just the way that keys worked if you had some in your bank when keys became passive skills.
(you removed from bank into your back and clicked them to make them convert to passive skills).
Domineaux - Elven Hunter (65) | (R5) Stalker - Lockejaw @
Ironhydin - Dwarven Guardian (65) | (R7) BlackArrow - Driptip @
Hannaas - Man Captain (65) | (R5) Reaver -MadClash @
Suggestions by Domineaux
When you first receive any given mount, you will have an item in your inventory. After using the item once (for example by right-clicking it), the item will disappear forever, and you will have a new skill to shortcut.
Thanks. Avon wrote the awesome dev diary and did a ton of work to make the new mount system work. I am just an engineer that worked (and continues to work) on the engineering side.
Razor // Lusitanius // Crickhollow ~ Portuguese Kinship //
Not sure if someone asked this (or if it was mentioned in the diary...I don't recall it being in there)...
Will the new mount "toggle" have an induction time like mounting right now? If so, same amount of time?
Same induction, you will still see yourself whistling for a horse the same way. I'm pretty sure that the induction time hasn't changed.
In the old system, there's a slight pause before you can move once you've mounted on the horse. In the new system that we are testing right now, this pause is gone, so you can start moving a little bit faster, but the feel of the system will be very similar.
[B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Herugon LossDagnir, Dwarf hunter,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"]Herubaruk Auledagoram, Dwarf guardian,[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Herucebir Akhilledes, [URL="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?329590-An-Irreverent-LOTRO-Player-Psychological-Profile"]"irresistibly magnetic proprietor of unmatched excellence"[/URL][/COLOR]
Arkenstone, a [URL="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Prized-Pie/53472421428"][COLOR="Yellow"][Prized Pie][/COLOR][/URL] among cakes.[/B]
I'm a little confused on this part:
"Mount Discount
Along with your first level 35 mount comes a new trait granting you a discount on all other common mounts. The trait is granted to you even if your first mount happens to be a reputation mount or pre-existing festival mount (new festival mounts will not grant this trait). The discount itself only applies to the common mounts sold by Eogar, Son of Hadorgar."
Does this mean that we will automatically be granted the discount if we are lvl 35 and over and have a mount already?
[center]"The rejection of grammatical correction is proof of the level of intelligence hinted at by your writing."
[color=orange]Now please keep this discussion on topic or you may be reported for causing time mismanagement[/color]
[color=gray]Llydia[color=blue] - 65 Rune-keeper |[/color]Dawnn [color=blue] - 65 Champion |[/color] Anthari[color=blue] - 65 Lore-master |[/color] Thisnameisavailable Ornot[color=blue] - 65 Guardian
[/color] Firstaidkit[color=blue] - 65 Minstrel |[/color] Malaysia [color=blue] - 65 Waden |[/color] Kornur[color=blue] - 52 Hunter |[/color] Caly[color=blue] - 40 Burglar |[/color] Dharkan Rahl[color=blue] - 40 Captain[/color][/color][/center]
When you log in for the first time in the new system, you will have a horse item in your inventory. When you first use it, it will prompt you that it will be converted into a skill. When you confirm, you will acquire a new mount skill. At the same time, you will get a passive skill: "mount discount".
This sounds cool, but how much is the discount?
Also, if you wouldn't mind, correct my understanding if I'm wrong here. We will also get a discount on festival mounts because we buy one of Eogarth's mounts and then trade it for the festival one. Thus, we can eventually collect all festival mounts by buying Eogarth's mounts and trading them for the receipt, then trading that and some festival tokens for each festival mount.
Last edited by TheOneRinger; Sep 30 2009 at 02:09 PM.
[B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Herugon LossDagnir, Dwarf hunter,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"]Herubaruk Auledagoram, Dwarf guardian,[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Herucebir Akhilledes, [URL="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?329590-An-Irreverent-LOTRO-Player-Psychological-Profile"]"irresistibly magnetic proprietor of unmatched excellence"[/URL][/COLOR]
Arkenstone, a [URL="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Prized-Pie/53472421428"][COLOR="Yellow"][Prized Pie][/COLOR][/URL] among cakes.[/B]
Thanks for the extra fast feedback Ransroth.
Much appreciated.
For something considered a small expansion you're making SoM have quite an impact on our, dare I say it again . . I do, "quality of life".
It Rocks!
The way you acquire festival mounts is revamped in the new system. I'd rather not go into exact detail because I'm not positive whether the way things are right now is going to stay that way for the final release. However, I think it very likely that the discount will indeed be affecting the way you acquire festival horses.
You never had to before. I'd exchange my horse so that I wouldn't end up paying another 4.2 gold fee, but I know people who've bought all of them.no more having to choose between festival horses or exchanging them at a vendor!
This is not a change. You can curently toggle resource tracking skills while riding and you currently cannot gather resources while mounted (obviously), so nothing has changed here.Crafters will be particularly happy to hear that tracking skills can be toggled on/off while riding (although gathering resources while riding is not allowed).
Woah, wait, what? We still can't go into water with our mounts?the old system, you can stay mounted as long as you don’t get knocked off, or fall into a deep body of water.
I'm an impatient guy, so I hit [num lock] for autorun just before I finish summoning the mount. I take a step, the mount appears, I jump aboard and I'm off! There is no pause or bar to my movement once I'm on the horse.
Last edited by Banaticus; Sep 30 2009 at 02:48 PM.
As a level 1 burglar, Bilbo got a pony when he joined the Smaug The Dragon raid. Then he asked for leadership, looted the chest, assigned himself the 1st age Arkenstone and mailed it to an alt (Bilbo's a VIP so can mail from anywhere). They did some PvMP and an Epic Battle, then he apologized and gave the Arkenstone back because it wasn't BoA. He kept the pony.