i dont know man, being that i have children.. i guess i dont see the humor.
i dont know man, being that i have children.. i guess i dont see the humor.
My youngest hatchling and I from Fall '08:
Its hard to get my oldest to let her picture get taken now...she's self conscious now that she's 11 and it's not cool posing w/your parents for a picture I guess.
Last edited by snarfy; Oct 14 2009 at 10:26 PM.
Good bye, Vapor/Immortality, Tyrannicus, Naurath, Faja, Riecker, Energizer, Barkinin, Guen, Rauko, Ramster, Familiarity, Knitefall/Pepperidge, Blaeloch, Kriptic, Illthallion, Angfauglir, Kosemos, Jmez, Gloinfast, Bots, Legions, Genocide, And Anyone else I have played with over the years.
-Fuzion Rank 11 Rk/Lews Rank 7 Cpt/Swel/Arctic Rank 9 Warg ~ Forever RIP Keep Jamming
Good bye, Vapor/Immortality, Tyrannicus, Naurath, Faja, Riecker, Energizer, Barkinin, Guen, Rauko, Ramster, Familiarity, Knitefall/Pepperidge, Blaeloch, Kriptic, Illthallion, Angfauglir, Kosemos, Jmez, Gloinfast, Bots, Legions, Genocide, And Anyone else I have played with over the years.
-Fuzion Rank 11 Rk/Lews Rank 7 Cpt/Swel/Arctic Rank 9 Warg ~ Forever RIP Keep Jamming
Alex Hawke - Karolina - Azeren
<Professional Awesome - Brandywine>
Aion's not bad. Certainly a good change of pace from this pile.
[Color=Red][URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKrsVRZV5LA&feature=channel_page]Savage Fangs Trailer[/URL][/color]
what is this!?! endorsing aion?
Gloinfast - rank 11 dwarf Paladin - Brandywine
Gloinfastisback - rank 4 Ranger - Riddermark
Cudspitter - Rank 5 Warlock
Bowdowntogloinfast - Rank 4 Rogue
ROFL, trying but...their AI is flawed, they can't sit still for more than 20 seconds, I think they still have the book 8 TDS coding.
however, I'm hoping that by feeding them I will get them to rank up so they will go out on their own someday. I could use their part of the burrow for an office.
Seriously, guys, the Aion **** is getting old at this point. It's been out almost a month and I think everyone that is going to jump ship has jumped already. There's definitely no reason to keep hijacking threads over it. This is a picture thread for **** sake.
Jeffaman-Guarding Hobbit Jeffro-Burgling Hobbit Tinulaurien-Elf Lore Master Cephus-Champion of Men Lilnooblet-Hunting Hobbit Jeffrandir-Snooty Elf Rune-keeper- All of Brandywine
Long live the halflings! Praise them with great praise!
RIP Nidor - Brandywine's bravest warrior
[B]Dale Cooper[/B]: What does Bob want? [B]The One-Armed Man[/B]: He is Bob, eager for fun. He wears a smile. Everybody run!
[COLOR=darkorange][COLOR=darkorange]Polvo [/COLOR][COLOR=white]R0 Guard -- [/COLOR]Glarthur[/COLOR] R7 Mini -- [COLOR=darkorange]Glar[/COLOR] R5 Champ -- [COLOR=darkorange]Nitor[/COLOR] R5 Hunter [COLOR=darkorange](Brandywine)[/COLOR]
Someone asked me if I was enjoying it and I replied. I'm not endorsing it at all. If people want to play it they can. Back to posting pictures!
Alex Hawke - Karolina - Azeren
<Professional Awesome - Brandywine>
the latest and greatest only a few days old lol
Zardor Rk8 Hunter Unicrom Rk10 BA Evilpickle Rk8 Defiler
Frequent Poster
The most beautiful thing in the world to my eyes, and that is all i will say.
♥-ღ°•๑۩۩๑ •°♥ ~ Lovepounce ~ R11 Arctic Wolf ~ ♥-ღ°•๑۩۩๑ •°♥[charsig=http://lotrosigs.level3.turbine.com/0320c01000012caec/signature.png]Hailpup[/charsig]
๑۩۩๑ R0 ~ R8 34 Days ๑۩۩๑ R9 ~ R10 27 Days ๑۩۩๑ R10 ~ R11 16 Days ๑۩۩๑
Grand Poster
I captured chat. Want me to PM it?