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Thread: GA help?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Question GA help?

    I have a level 33 Guardian, and I am currently doing some GA quests.(Garth Agarwen.) The main problem is that my epic quest is telling me to go to the north downs... and I like to finish up some where before I move on. The only thing I have left to do in the lone lands is the GA instances. plus I really want the egalian token rewards. But every time I manage to find a group, we either lose or wipe on the boss. What should I do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: GA help?

    Was your group all the level range? when i did it i took 2 session in the first one, had a 40ish and a 54, with some other level ranged guys. the second run had two level ranged(me one of them) guys, a 65, a 50ish, and another 60ish(final boss)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: GA help?

    We were all lvl30-37

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: GA help?

    You're always going to have quests left over when you're "told" to move to the next map. So if you want to do every quest on a given map before moving on, then you'll end up doing a lot of gray/green quests. Especially with the reworked zone, Bree and LL.
    So if you're looking to do the Epic Books near level, then I suggest going to ND and doing just the Epic Book while still working on the last LL quests. So follow the Epic Books from map to map while they are white/blue, and stay in the old lands to finish all the quests there.

    As for GA. It can help to have an over-leveled character help out, but it's not needed. I've only done part of it since they did the revamp, so I can't give any specific advice, but just take it slow and watch your pulls. It's still early in the game so most people are still getting used to their characters and playing (effectively) in a group, plus you're missing a lot of your big "oh carp" skills you get later on, so take things slow, pay attention, read mob buffs/debuffs, and keep at it.

    Also, the token rewards are nice, but they will be replaced soonish, so don't let those hold you back from progressing in the game.

    If you have more details about what part of GA you're having trouble with (instance/mobs/boss/etc) then I'm sure there is someone more familiar with the instance who can help with that.

    Good luck!
    Level 65 Hunter // Level 65 Warden // Level 65 Captain // Level 65 Lore Master // Level 65 Champion
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