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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Question about 'new' legendary pages (Furthest Charge)

    Is my luck just appalling? Furthest charge pages used to drop in any of the pager areas. When they made the tradable pages 'old', I'm told furthest charge went to like the other books (half in one set of areas, half in the other).

    I'm down to 10 and 14, and have been hunting in Eregion (after hunting in goblin town for like three days, I found the 'those pages aren't in misty anymore' lore). That will work, yes? Because lord, I've killed an awful lot of things with pockets and haven't seen either of these last two pages drop.

    Hunter has nearly finished L54 just hunting pages from this book, and doing incidental quests in the hunting areas.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Question about 'new' legendary pages (Furthest Charge)

    Quote Originally Posted by Hint View Post
    Is my luck just appalling? Furthest charge pages used to drop in any of the pager areas. When they made the tradable pages 'old', I'm told furthest charge went to like the other books (half in one set of areas, half in the other).

    I'm down to 10 and 14, and have been hunting in Eregion (after hunting in goblin town for like three days, I found the 'those pages aren't in misty anymore' lore). That will work, yes? Because lord, I've killed an awful lot of things with pockets and haven't seen either of these last two pages drop.

    Hunter has nearly finished L54 just hunting pages from this book, and doing incidental quests in the hunting areas.
    All Hunter pages can be found off of Humanoid mobs in Goblins in the Misty Mountains, and Angmar. I was able to grind out the pages in an afternoon (all three books).

    You can also google the pages you're looking for and it will point you into the right direction.

    Hope that helps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Question about 'new' legendary pages (Furthest Charge)

    Officially the new book pages drop out of Misty Mountains, Eregion, Angmar, and Ferochel. Other then that, everything else is rumor and hearsay about how they drop. I first heard that it's 2 pages per area, and they go in sets, but then I got 3rd page out of the same area I got the first 2, and I got 2 different pages (like a page 3 and a page 27) out of the same area, so they aren't limited to 2 per area, and they don't go in sets.

    So I can't tell ya exactly how they drop....probably the best thing to do is devote a small amount of time each play session, pick and area, and grind for a bit. I've had measured luck with this, sometimes I get a page, sometimes I don't.

    My best luck has been goblin town in MM, angmarim in ferochel (east of the northern town), the orc caves just outside of aughaire, and in eregion grinding on orcs just west of echad eregion. doesn't mean thats THE places to get them, but i've had the best luc with those areas (decent concentration of mobs).
    My alternate Personality is Elyxthaxzus. Plz dont confuse us, were actually quite different.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Question about 'new' legendary pages (Furthest Charge)

    You can get all 4 possible pages in the same zone; it's not two pages only per listed zone. Unfortunately that last page can take a long time to drop. First the mob has to check it's low inherent chance to drop a page...then it actually has to check which page dropped. By the time you're down to the last page you have a 1 in 4 chance on an already low base chance to drop a page to see what you need in the loot pool.

    Keep at it, you'll get them. Just make sure you aren't farming a zone that's already dropped the 4 pages it can drop.
    [LEFT][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen][B]7 Level 65s: Champ, Hunter, Guardian, Captain, RK, LM, Burglar[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=1][COLOR=YellowGreen] [B]All of them are sick of grinding Scrolls of Empowerment[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Question about 'new' legendary pages (Furthest Charge)

    As NAT already pointed out the pages are not a 2 per zone thing.

    4 from MM and 4 from Angmar is certain. Forochel and Eregion do the same as well to help you get those pages while you level up if you notice the grind on pages areas.

    Def a good idea to farm a zone for the 4 pages it will offer as mentioned. This will control your control on what pages location you will need to be at to finish the deed. Some find the whole Top 4 to Bottom 4 confusing as to which zone to be in to grind for them. I myself included from time to time and its been a while since I had to work on Legendary Traits that arnt end game material.

    For the last page issues. It is a known rumor that works that bringing people with you will speed this up. Why? I dont think it increases the actual % of the drop rate but the fact that you can kill more enemies than when solo in a group you are more likely to aquire your pages from mobs at a faster rate

    So take some friends on quests that are in those areas. Dwarves by the way count towards your pages too in Misty Mountains. I notice alot of players skip that tidbit because Goblins out number the Dwarves in the snow lands.
    Pariah Amistacia - Nimrodel - Leader of the Devils of Angmar

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Question about 'new' legendary pages (Furthest Charge)

    A quarter of the way through 55, hunting Eregion for the last part of 54 and the first part of 55, the last two dropped.
    So yes, my luck was either abysmal, or they WERE seperated into two broad areas (like the pre-patch first two books were. You COULD NOT get a page in goblin town/MM if it dropped in angmar, and vice versa, for those books. Rules may be different now, but I'd be willing to bet they just added in the third book to the same patterns.
    So four in one set of areas, four in another set of areas.

    The two 'new' areas were Eregion and Forochel, so I'd say that Eregion is paired with Angmar, and Forochel paired with Misty Mountains, but that's inference not by proof.

    And yeah, I think it's more mobs 'above the threshold level' and 'with pockets' (if they can drop scholar pages and such, they can drop legendary pages), so the dwarves in MM definitely count (in fact, I got some pages on my loremaster from them back in the day).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Question about 'new' legendary pages (Furthest Charge)

    I never had a problem finding all pages on any of my legendary traits except for the way of the hunter. I got the first 4 pages in Eregion. The last 4 I was told to hunt goblins in MM, got 3 pages from them and the 4th i must of killed 300 goblins and never got it. Did the Last Refuge Instance and got the 4th page from a dwarf

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: Question about 'new' legendary pages (Furthest Charge)

    You can get 4 pages for each book in one zone. You'll then have to move on to another. I just completed my books doing this. Took a while, but it finally worked. I mainly got the first 4 in each book off of the Angmarim in Angmar and then got a few more in Goblin-town in the Misty Mts. Just the other night my final page for 'The Way of the Hunter' dropped in The Ironspan in Forochel. Like I said, it took a while but it does work!

    - manooly
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Question about 'new' legendary pages (Furthest Charge)

    I have read that one half drop in angmar/erigion and the other half in MM/forochel.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Question about 'new' legendary pages (Furthest Charge)

    That last page is always a killer. I just recently finished one book on my Champ at level 43 and then another at 44 and I still have one more to go.
    7 Haven Way, Tund Loriel, Falathlorn Homesteads
    [COLOR=White]Elendilmir[/COLOR] Arda Shrugged -[COLOR=White]Crickhollow[/COLOR] The Colonists[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][SIZE=1]

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Question about 'new' legendary pages (Furthest Charge)

    My burg was 50 before I was finally able to acquire the last of his pages. Now I didn't go out and grind for days and days, but I did have to expressly go kill Dourhands in MM for a several hours to finish them off.
    [LEFT][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][I][SIZE=1]Ardent Defender against the Order of Fanatical [/SIZE][/I][I][SIZE=1]Anti-N[/SIZE][SIZE=1]eophyte [/SIZE][SIZE=1]Braggadocios [/SIZE][/I][/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][I][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ordaining Illogicality[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/COLOR][FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Question about 'new' legendary pages (Furthest Charge)

    Quote Originally Posted by D3-Rook View Post
    I have read that one half drop in angmar/erigion and the other half in MM/forochel.
    First 4 in Angmar / Eregion and the last 4 in MM / Forochel.
    Nerves, of the Brandywine.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Question about 'new' legendary pages (Furthest Charge)

    As its been pointed out on drop % the last page is always a pain to receive. Sometimes you liuck out and get it right away and other times it takes a few hours of grinding.

    This is why i love running in groups. The sheer amount of bodies you can keep dropping to the floor increases the probability you will get your drop sooner than later.

    Heck before i gave up my RK she did a run of Goblin Town and I aquired the pages by the time we reached the prison area and the last few pages when we reached that little area of a ditch with the dude sitting on the throne who drops a teal necklace i like to farm for tacticle classes.
    Pariah Amistacia - Nimrodel - Leader of the Devils of Angmar



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