Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10

Originally Posted by
How it works:
e you do anything else. These will be strictly enforced.
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
A. Since you took away my first choice(pvmp), let's say combat? Is that a system? More speciliazing abilities? the ability to set up particular combat styles with player selected traits. ie Deorwyn selects champion moors play. All i have to do is select the box Moors Play. I've already selected which traits I prefer for that style of play and set up a preference (I know there's a word for this, it's just not coming to me now)
B. I don't know if this would be considered pvmp, but I mean it as a kinship modification. A Freeps Pvmp only kin which is secondary to our main kin? Inn League Kins? Crafting Kins? Hobby Kins? (btw booze making and smoke making ought to be hobbies!!!!)
2.This is so easy. MOUNTED COMBAT!!!!!!!!
a. Again, easy. I love exploring! More exploration deeds and traits or other rewards for exploring.
b.I love cooking. How about beermaking as a hobby???
Deorwyn (Champion)
Here, in the realm of decline, among momentary days, be the crystal cup that shattered even as it rang. (R. M. Rilke)