Jmez Warbringer The Warlord
Ha I remember feeling like big **** when my hunter got over 3k morale.
Also, guys, back up your screenies! Flash drives and external HDs are cheap now. I back up all of my screenies, pics and music every few months. It sucks to lose screen shots.
Jeffaman-Guarding Hobbit Jeffro-Burgling Hobbit Tinulaurien-Elf Lore Master Cephus-Champion of Men Lilnooblet-Hunting Hobbit Jeffrandir-Snooty Elf Rune-keeper- All of Brandywine
Long live the halflings! Praise them with great praise!
RIP Nidor - Brandywine's bravest warrior
Gloinfast - rank 11 dwarf Paladin - Brandywine
Gloinfastisback - rank 4 Ranger - Riddermark
Cudspitter - Rank 5 Warlock
Bowdowntogloinfast - Rank 4 Rogue
Thanks for the pics everyone. It brought back memories. I'm kicking myself now for not taking any screenshots. WTB old school freeps and creeps.
Creeps: Mrfurley r13 Reaver, Johnnyderp r10 Warleader,
Freeps: Jefalastar r12 Champ, Hudzen r7 Burg, Algomir r8 LM,
i don't wanna derail this nostalgia thread too much but i really am interested in this b/c i never play my wl anymore so i have no idea about how to trait. all i remember is alex making fun of me for having almost 10k morale still so i hung my head in shame and went to get rid of some of it. not that it really matters since i've only played my wl like twice since mirkwood came out
so i traited for some dps but i still don't understand why. how does traiting for dps increase our heals? relieve some of my confusion please
[COLOR=#afeeee]Urtica, redundant captain[/COLOR] - [COLOR=#dda0dd]Brotherhood of the Shadow, Brandywine[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#dda0dd]Toft, small hunter[/COLOR] - [COLOR=#afeeee]Phantom, Brandywine[/COLOR]
After the last update I think? WL's and Defilers have to trait dmg in order to be able to heal better. So the the more dmg corruptions you trait, the better your heals will be. I guess you could say it's kinda like mini's using healing books and weapons. It increases their base healing.
there are like 30 other threads to cry in people not this one...thnxbai
This is because he has no idea about creep healers at all since the only job they do in Mirkwood is zerg rez with 11 others rez bots behind.
Dead healer doesnt heal, not for 100 hp, 500 or 2k. If it could be situation where healers arent being targeted then i would agree - go for +damage traits, stay behind and spam heals. But in any PvP game healers are being harassed if arent playing vs total noobs.
WL has induction mechanic which does mean that if he is being attacked he cant toss anything to his fellows besides bubble, rez or random R9 heal = he is useless. And all of his +heals traits arent working then.
But if you have 10k hp build as i do have on my WL or Defiler (around 9500) you can kite, wait for help\slow\mez\cj\root from your fellows to stop, toss a heal and continue kiting. The more morale you do have, the more precious seconds of being alive and helping your team you can get.
Difference of, lets say, 7.5% more heals can be covered by a couple of random crit heals or 1 additional group heal if you do manage to throw it.
So hp helps you to stay alive longer, heal longer, deal with spike damage, spend more heals on your fellows than on yourself being afraid of lucky EC devastate and to be much more usefull than dead WL with uber +7% heal build.
Keeping in mind that i dont use rez button for my fellows as they rarely die with me healing them and the only killed target in our groups could be myself as a result of focus fire i can definetely say that the difference of 2500+ hp is significant advantage vs several % of heals that cant be landed when you are being attacked.
and PIE! welcome back you air have some of the best screenies!
Not PVMP related but still old school-the best gold-spammer email subject line evar!
Old school baby Jeffaman before he even had heavy armor.
Even older school-Jeffaman1.0 from closed beta. I made it to Rivendell with no help. :D
Jeffaman 1.0 after being autoleveled for the CB end of the world. Nice stats huh? Also a good look at what the UI/icons used to look like.
used to look like.
Hehe I've look at so many old screenes today. Thanks for giving me something to do on a slow work day. :D I may have to check my archives for some more interesting shots.
Jeffaman-Guarding Hobbit Jeffro-Burgling Hobbit Tinulaurien-Elf Lore Master Cephus-Champion of Men Lilnooblet-Hunting Hobbit Jeffrandir-Snooty Elf Rune-keeper- All of Brandywine
Long live the halflings! Praise them with great praise!
RIP Nidor - Brandywine's bravest warrior
Gloinfast - rank 11 dwarf Paladin - Brandywine
Gloinfastisback - rank 4 Ranger - Riddermark
Cudspitter - Rank 5 Warlock
Bowdowntogloinfast - Rank 4 Rogue
Creeps: Mrfurley r13 Reaver, Johnnyderp r10 Warleader,
Freeps: Jefalastar r12 Champ, Hudzen r7 Burg, Algomir r8 LM,
I found this one from pretty early closed beta. There used to be this funny bug where the server would freeze, but you could still do the jumping animation. And if you kept jumping over and over, when the server eventually caught up, you'd shoot up in the air as high as the number of jumps you attempted, then fall to your death.
The first time I ever saw Weathertop.
Last edited by AroJay; May 28 2010 at 06:04 PM.
Harvester of Sorrow, Elf-bane, Man-slayer, Hobbit-foe, Dwarf-foe, Snitch-killer, Hunter-killer, Lore-master's Foe, Minstrel's Foe, Champion's Foe