... to respond to any threads about anything. And I'm sorta not kidding.
... to respond to any threads about anything. And I'm sorta not kidding.
I was kinda thinking the same thing.
I'm going to tempt fate and post in the discussion thread, not the petition thread, but not the discussion, not petition thread, the other one that isn't closed. Wish me luck.
Last edited by Pusher; Jun 02 2010 at 12:36 PM.
Darkrain / Ghostdog / Bettyford
Pouncing Pwny - Landroval
Heh, I was just mentioning something in PMs about that exact feeling.
Big brother sure is active today.
... and ironically on a slow day in landroval terms.
Echlon - R11 Burglar, Landroval.
Defeelher - R7 Defiler, Landroval.
Time to start talking about puppy dogs and ***** cats, thats always a safe topic.
Seriously though, all of these are very reasonable and I'm glad they're finally cracking down on the infractions some people have been getting away with for awhile.
Adarin Ouest of There and Back Again
Thradin Stoneshield of Baruk Khazad
Errrr....kitty kats, lol
[FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=#ffffff][COLOR=red][FONT=Tahoma][B][COLOR=darkorchid]Second Marshal[/COLOR] Luc Brandenbuck[/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=#a9a9a9][FONT=Tahoma] ~[B]Battlemaster[/B]~
Stalker's Enemy*Reaver's Enemy*Blackarrow's Enemy*Warleader-Foe*Weaver's Enemy*Defiler-Foe
[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#ffffff][COLOR=lime][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=#ff0000][FONT=Tahoma][B]Champion[/B][FONT=Tahoma]:[SIZE=1]'The only thing our opponents can do that we care about is die.'-Graalx2[/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
A list of infractions that were enforced...
Cross-linking of threads from other forums.
Supporting traffic of a petition thread when there are no petitions allowed on the forums.
Discussing moderator actions/infractions/etc. by opening a thread ABOUT a closed thread.
I mean these are pretty cut and dried.
Adarin Ouest of There and Back Again
Thradin Stoneshield of Baruk Khazad
We have no issue with anyone discussing various topics, but starting a thread to say "hey lets discuss this thread over there" is not acceptable and I have closed multiple threads just like that today.
The whole point is that if one thread on the topic has been started, there is no need to start another thread linking to the previous thread.