Re: Lifetime Account Members Thread
Sapience, I read in another thread something about even with Lifetime members that at least a minimum play session login per month would still be required to maintain:
a) was that information correct;
b) if so, what consitutes a "minimum play session"?
I couldn't find this in the FAQ.
Right now I'm doing ok with play, but sometimes a session in a night is only 30 minutes or less for days due to work or other RL life constraints, and this summer I only see that getting worse. Now I know these changes aren't until the Fall, I'm thinking more next summer...
Thanks in advance.
Ethuilel Swiftbow - Officer, Bree's Company, Landroval
Avorthiel - Officer, Bree's Company, Landroval
Wordgifted Aladylorea - Officer, Exiles of Numenor, Landroval
Laeraen - Leader, Children of Creativity, Arkenstone
among many others...