In this episode there is so much going on my fingers are tired from typing it all! We reveal the reason the MoB website was offline on Friday and the steps we have taken to ensure it won’t happen again. We give a shout to a new LOTRO blog and a revived LOTRO blog and podcast! We highlight our first 5 star reviews on iTunes, as well as our first 1 star review. The MoB Podcast made the front page of the iTunes Podcasts store this weekend so thank you all for your support!
I talk about my experiences with skirmishes and fishing this past week. We shine a spotlight on this week’s Vignette that was submitted by Gildalar, Warden on the Brandywine Server. Thank you for that! I share some of my thoughts and concerns about the LOTRO store items that were revealed at E3. I rant about the poor way Turbine went about pruning the LOTRO forums — still steaming about this! We discuss how to be a good beta tester and review the importance of adhering to the beta NDA.
Almost forgot — at one point I snort/laugh. Poor editing FTW!
Last but not least, I can’t disclose in writing what happens at the end of the podcast, but suffice it to say if you are interested in the future of LOTRO you might want to listen in!
New LOTRO Fansites featured in this episode:
A Tale of Two Hunters
iTunes 5 star reviewers:
Kilgarvan of Landroval
OblivionArm of Brandywine
Music Credits:
Shadows of Angmar from The Lord of the Rings Online Official Game Soundtrack
War Pipes from Lord of the Rings Online Free Digital Music Release
Your feedback is always welcome! Please leave a comment below or you can reach us via:
Please send feedback/ideas/flames to: podcast (at)
Vignettes can be submitted to vignette (at)
I can be reached personally at brian (at)
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