Beta v0.5 is now live on This release fixes a number of UI and data issues. See the release notes for the full list. Also, we've been tuning performance, so please be sure to Refresh your browser (Ctrl-F5) to take advantage of this.
What is the LI Spender Tool?
The LI Spender Tool lets you simulate configuring a LOTRO legendary item, including choosing legacies, setting tiers, setting the item's experience level and spending points. This lets you run your own "what if" scenarios for your legendary items, and even provides a URL you can bookmark to get back to your configuration later.
Some Caveats
The design of the tool has a couple simplifications to make it easier to use, and reign in the data collection task:
Only Legendary Items with a minimum level-to-equip of 60 and 65 are shown since these two levels are the most likely to be leveled by players.
Only legacies that currently appear on ID or reforge are included.
Tell Us What You Think
Please give the tool a try and tell us what you think. For additional design notes and instructions on how to use the tool, see Using the LI Spender Tool. Does the tool work like you expected? Did you find anything confusing or annoying? Discover any bugs? Let us know by leaving a PM here or sending us mail at