Mordor or Bust Podcast Episode 7: From the Mouths of Babes…

The LOTROverse was hopping this past week so we have a lot of stuff to talk about in this episode. We review our Q&A with LOTRO Executive Producer Kate Paiz. We discuss the pros and cons of lua scripting in LOTRO F2P, the new tournament system and the excellent (and lengthy) new Developer’s Diary covering Enedwaith. Want more?

We also have a great segment from our European Correspondent Xusia! And as a bonus we toss in the Community Calendar, New Player Question, Poll Results, Fansite Focus, Encyclopaedia of Middle-earth lore segment and, of course, much, much more!

Community Calendar

Summer of the Orc — Brandywine 7/17-7/23
Horse Races — Meneldor — 7/26
Ales and Tales — Landroval — Every Monday
Vagabond Canticles RP Prompt — Wednesdays
Saturday Night Fights — Windfola — Saturdays
Weekly RP — Landroval — Saturdays

Fansite Focus

Wanderer of LotRO —
Breeland Times —