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  1. #51
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    Jul 2007

    Re: Worried, only 4 months left 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by xNonphixionx View Post
    Oh I was never implying that FFXIV would kill LOTRO by any means. I'm just looking forward to FFXIV more than I am 1 quest zone in LOTRO. Edenwaith, with a bunch of rehashed old content that I've already done 100 times. Like I said I hope Edenwaith comes out a week or 2 before FFXIV so i can blaze through the lack of content on all 3 of my 65 toons and be ready for FFXIV.

    Nothing will ever "kill" LOTRO, just like nothing will "kill" any mmorpg that has a dedicated fanbase. It's still one of my favourite mmo's to ever come along. But I played FFXI for 5 years so I'm really looking forward to FFXIV.

    Someone just suggested that it will be a buggier version of FFXI? I disagree. You just need to read the game mechanics. Sure it's buffed up graphics of most of the same races and such, but it completely changes the way the game is played. Cant wait! (yes some are still very excited about it still)
    When FF MMO came out I Really really wanted to love it.
    But I just couldnt get past the UI,...I hated it with a Passion!

    Tell me the UI is fully 'customizable" and you can remap all the keys and it may be worth a download to me.

    This Lotro game is pretty darned awesome though, and the players are what pushes it over the top,..so it would proly take a cataclysm to pull me away.

  2. #52
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    Re: Worried, only 4 months left 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by RicardoFurriel View Post
    Semantics... Oh wait...
    There's a difference between semantics and hermeneutics.

  3. #53
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    Jan 2009

    Re: Worried, only 4 months left 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by Beschutzer View Post
    When FF MMO came out I Really really wanted to love it.
    But I just couldnt get past the UI,...I hated it with a Passion!

    Tell me the UI is fully 'customizable" and you can remap all the keys and it may be worth a download to me.

    This Lotro game is pretty darned awesome though, and the players are what pushes it over the top,..so it would proly take a cataclysm to pull me away.
    Thing about FFXI was it was designed to be played with a controller. Although it supported both controller and keyboard/mouse setups. I couldnt use a keyboard for FFXI at all (but I use a keyboard/mouse for every other mmo i play). I wouldnt have played the game if i didnt use an xbox controller.

    Thing about Square Enix is they dont make the same **** with different graphics like almost every developer is doing right now. They rethink the entire UI, they rethink the game mechanics completely. Sometimes it's hit, sometimes it's miss. Some will love it, some will absolutely hate it. I personally loved FFXI for 5 years and still to this day think no mmo's come close as far as endgame content and challenge. So to me, having it released with an entirely new combat system and completely unique mechanics in every way from questing to class changing to just how you travel around, is very exciting. Basically the feeling for me is like this...Imagine "LOTRO 2" was coming out and you played LOTRO for 5 years. However LOTRO 2 had completely different everything. Way better graphics. Totally different classes, totally different UI, totally different everything.

    In my opinion many people are too hung up on the classic "hotbar" UI that they are unwilling to change to anything else, even if it's better in the long run. Lets face it, any mmo that comes out with a hotbar UI is automatically deemed a "WOW CLONE" whereas any new mmo that is released that DOESNT have a hotbar UI is deemed to instantly "suck" even before people give it a chance. I'm a chance taker.

    edit: to the person i quoted. You're already assuming FFXIV will have hotbars and stuff. You've basically been brainwashed that hotbars are the only way. FFXI had by FAR the most in depth macro system of any mmorpg on the market. You could make 1 button to almost anything you want. It just wasnt ezmode like other mmo's to figure out. FFXI macro's had their own language that had to be learned. But you could most definately make any key do anything you wanted.
    Last edited by xNonphixionx; Aug 12 2010 at 06:40 PM.

    Absolutevirtue-65 Minstrel / Soezu-65 Burglar / Sabac-65 Champion
    Why can't we see that when we bleed we bleed the same? -Matt Bellamy

  4. #54
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    Mar 2007

    Re: Worried, only 4 months left 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by Dotlbeme View Post
    We will be lucky if it gets launched (and post-patch fixed) by December 19th (which is still fall technically), but that's MY wife's birthday and well you know the drill...
    You don't think it'll launch till December? They said they couldn't get an update to the vault UI chest windows done in time for the F2P launch so they must be really close to launch. There are some bugs still in beta but they've said some will be fixed for the live launch like the AP purchaser shared storage bug. If it doesn't launch by October, I'll be REALLY shocked unless a MAJOR bug appears out of nowhere.
    Sarik - Warleader // Jacin - Champion // Aiden - Minstrel

  5. #55
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    Re: Worried, only 4 months left 2010

    Fall goes all the way until December, so we got plenty of time. Best they get it right, lol. I still see the same broken links in the store that i have reported before. However I got to think were getting this update like in the next few weeks, after all nda has been lifted and at this point theres nothing left other than the polish.

  6. #56
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    Re: Worried, only 4 months left 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by xNonphixionx View Post
    Thing about FFXI was it was designed to be played with a controller. Although it supported both controller and keyboard/mouse setups. I couldnt use a keyboard for FFXI at all (but I use a keyboard/mouse for every other mmo i play). I wouldnt have played the game if i didnt use an xbox controller.

    Thing about Square Enix is they dont make the same **** with different graphics like almost every developer is doing right now. They rethink the entire UI, they rethink the game mechanics completely. Sometimes it's hit, sometimes it's miss. Some will love it, some will absolutely hate it. I personally loved FFXI for 5 years and still to this day think no mmo's come close as far as endgame content and challenge. So to me, having it released with an entirely new combat system and completely unique mechanics in every way from questing to class changing to just how you travel around, is very exciting. Basically the feeling for me is like this...Imagine "LOTRO 2" was coming out and you played LOTRO for 5 years. However LOTRO 2 had completely different everything. Way better graphics. Totally different classes, totally different UI, totally different everything.

    In my opinion many people are too hung up on the classic "hotbar" UI that they are unwilling to change to anything else, even if it's better in the long run. Lets face it, any mmo that comes out with a hotbar UI is automatically deemed a "WOW CLONE" whereas any new mmo that is released that DOESNT have a hotbar UI is deemed to instantly "suck" even before people give it a chance. I'm a chance taker.

    edit: to the person i quoted. You're already assuming FFXIV will have hotbars and stuff. You've basically been brainwashed that hotbars are the only way. FFXI had by FAR the most in depth macro system of any mmorpg on the market. You could make 1 button to almost anything you want. It just wasnt ezmode like other mmo's to figure out. FFXI macro's had their own language that had to be learned. But you could most definately make any key do anything you wanted.
    Hey,..dont bash me.

    I never once mentioned Hotbar. or macros.

    I didn't like their controls,..not everyone likes the feel of things. That's why you give players options to move stuff around and resize. what's the big deal?!

    I know it was made to accommodate controllers. I don't care,..it's not "better" that is very much just an opinion..

    I didn't like the feel. I never said I expected the new FF to be the same..
    I merely said I didn't like the old one and if they made something that "felt' right to me in the new one,..I'd give it a try. If not,..oh well,...

  7. #57
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    Jan 2009

    Re: Worried, only 4 months left 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by Beschutzer View Post
    Hey,..dont bash me.

    I never once mentioned Hotbar. or macros.

    I didn't like their controls,..not everyone likes the feel of things. That's why you give players options to move stuff around and resize. what's the big deal?!

    I know it was made to accommodate controllers. I don't care,..it's not "better" that is very much just an opinion..

    I didn't like the feel. I never said I expected the new FF to be the same..
    I merely said I didn't like the old one and if they made something that "felt' right to me in the new one,..I'd give it a try. If not,..oh well,...
    Oh no sorry, I wasnt "bashing" you. I was just saying, FFXI always gets a bad wrap just because of the UI and how it's played. Most people that play it at first have NO IDEA how deep the macro system is and how much you can customize it to your liking. But yeah like I said it's built to be played with a controller. And it's quite awesome controls WITH A CONTROLLER. I agree that it's absolutely horrible for mouse and keyboard setup.

    My point is though, something that may not feel right at first may feel better than right if and when you learn the ropes. I wasnt really speaking of you specifically, just the general population gets completely lost and have no idea what to do when a mmorpg doesnt have hotbars.

    I just got the impression from you though that "if it's not hotbar controls i wont even give it a chance" which is like almost everyone out there these days. (then they call new mmo's wow clones as soon as they see hotbars lmao)

    Absolutevirtue-65 Minstrel / Soezu-65 Burglar / Sabac-65 Champion
    Why can't we see that when we bleed we bleed the same? -Matt Bellamy

  8. #58
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    Jul 2007

    Re: Worried, only 4 months left 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by xNonphixionx View Post
    Oh no sorry, I wasnt "bashing" you. I was just saying, FFXI always gets a bad wrap just because of the UI and how it's played. Most people that play it at first have NO IDEA how deep the macro system is and how much you can customize it to your liking. But yeah like I said it's built to be played with a controller. And it's quite awesome controls WITH A CONTROLLER. I agree that it's absolutely horrible for mouse and keyboard setup.

    My point is though, something that may not feel right at first may feel better than right if and when you learn the ropes. I wasnt really speaking of you specifically, just the general population gets completely lost and have no idea what to do when a mmorpg doesnt have hotbars.

    I just got the impression from you though that "if it's not hotbar controls i wont even give it a chance" which is like almost everyone out there these days. (then they call new mmo's wow clones as soon as they see hotbars lmao)

    Other than my negative experience with the old UI, I am curious about the new FF. I spent many college hours on the ps1 FF7.
    I played Wow for all but 2 hours before uninstalling it.

    we will pick this conversation up when FF releases

  9. #59
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    Re: Worried, only 4 months left 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by Dwarven-Might View Post
    Like some posters above mentioned middle of September - I'd say its gonna be closer to the end of September - beginning of October, but most likely end of September release. So about a 5-6 weeks I'd say before LOTRO goes F2P and Enedwaith is out.
    I'd personally say that it's much earlier. If it weren't Labour Day I had said PAX but so I'd say Tuesday before PAX or Thursday after PAX.
    "Into the night
    Soon he disappears
    And in the back the attack of the black riders start" - [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVija7KfL80]Frodo's Dream, Van Canto[/URL]

  10. #60
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    Re: Worried, only 4 months left 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by Beschutzer View Post
    . I spent many college hours on the ps1 FF7.
    Oooooooooo, FF7! I started and finished that game at least 4 times. My favorite game of all time, console or PC. If Sephiroth came to Earth I would definitely become a member of Jenova's witnesses!

    I liked FFXI but my family life will not allow me to group. I hope FFIX will give me some solo play time.
    Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out & proclaiming "WOW, what a ride!"
    Continuing the never ending battle to keep Lobelia Sackville-Baggins in check

  11. #61
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    Re: Worried, only 4 months left 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by Ayrolen View Post
    I wish the Houston Symphony would do that again. I can't remember what kept us from going when they did it back in 2004. I think maybe I was going out of town or something.
    I wish there would be an orchestra willing to do that, in Minneapolis. Us South Dakotans miss out on a lot of cool stuff because there is NOTHING around here.
    Turn - Guardian
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  12. #62
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    May 2008

    Re: Worried, only 4 months left 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by Dotlbeme View Post
    We will be lucky if it gets launched (and post-patch fixed) by December 19th (which is still fall technically), but that's MY wife's birthday and well you know the drill...
    I'll toss in my guess just for the heck of it. I expect the new content to be released by the beginning of October at the very latest. After all, the Fall Festival is coming out with the rest of the new content if I understand it correctly. I can't imagine Turbine adding that to the game after Halloween has already passed. I actually expect to see all the new stuff by mid September, but certainly no later than the beginning of October.
    Half of being clever is making certain you are not being stupid.

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