Re: The ABCs of Player Music Sharing

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I have been looking at all these wonderful pieces, and yet I don't see any in a flat key. For the flats are they all in there relative minor? If so what about Bb through Ab, in minor mode.
There are several songs in flats and minors. As with all music, if the Key chord has flats and sharps, the notes in the music don't have to be marked since it is automatically known to musicians to flat and sharp those notes. The abc music program also knows this. So, at the top of the abc file is the Header information. the last one is the Key denoted by the K: what follows is the key of the music. so the key of B flat would be Bb, F flat Fb, minors in lotro can only me denoted by 'min' so B minor would be Bmin and so on.
If the lotro music system doesn't recognize he Key you wanted, try to change it to find what it will accept. If no Key is mentioned I believe it will play in C major. If you can't get it to work with the Key header at all, then go ahead and put your sharps, flats and naturals in the melody notation.
Chases Butterflies, Roheryn Elegance Kin, Roheryn,
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