haha, only 700K to go abraa!!
Here's mine
haha, only 700K to go abraa!!
Here's mine
ya bish
woosh abraa that's crazy, kudos. Wonder what will happen at rank 15 - will renown just continuously go up into nothingness or what?
Soon after I hit the Battlemaster
used to raid a lot ranks 1-7, now almost always solo/3-6man group.
hoping to get r11 in about a week also
Just about 22 renown per kill, 1 kb every 86 renown.
Gloinfast - rank 11 dwarf Paladin - Brandywine
Gloinfastisback - rank 4 Ranger - Riddermark
Cudspitter - Rank 5 Warlock
Bowdowntogloinfast - Rank 4 Rogue
Hit R9 on my second Freep. He is my Main now. Love the Landy Moors.
Almost exclusively small group. Occasionally, will lead a raid or join one. Mainly a Battle RK that heals about 20% of the time in the zone.
Last edited by Overtone; Aug 20 2010 at 04:49 PM.
[center]Landy: [b]Alphanova 3.0[/b] - R10 RK [b][i]Hitman for Mother Nature[/i][/b]
Brandy: [b]Rotoreaver[/b] - R9 Reaver [b][i]Chop-N-Cleaver[/i][/b]
Firefoot-Retired: [b]Alphazen[/b] - R9 Hunt*rd (MoM); [b]Spankdush[/b] - R6 Warg (SoA)
Me after hitting R9
Gruid-Level 65 Burglar. Trebon-Level 65 Minstrel. Foilfang-Level 60 Hobbit Warden. Stiric-Level 56 Man Champion.
Grand Poster
R1-9 on Windfola, small group action and 1v1s, and a bit of suicide rage into creep STAB.
10 a few days ago.
Vercetorix: R12 Warden- Arkenstone - formerly Vercingetorix of Windfola & Elendilmir
Epiales: R9 Defiler- Arkenstone, formerly of Elendilmir
Did a month of raiding before book 12 to get rank 5, a mixture of raiding to get from rank 6 to rank 8, and been mostly solo/small group since then. My days of healing are over!
<3 captains.
Grats on 11 fam
Gloinfast - rank 11 dwarf Paladin - Brandywine
Gloinfastisback - rank 4 Ranger - Riddermark
Cudspitter - Rank 5 Warlock
Bowdowntogloinfast - Rank 4 Rogue
I'll leave this here...
Congrats Fam, how goes?
Ugdush, Black Orc of Mordor~~~Rank 7 Reaver
Ungweliant of Nan Dungortheb~~~~~Rank 6 Weaver
Utúlien Aurë! Utúlien Aurë!
Hey Ug and Droilan!
It goes well. Working on my RK alt. How's Nimrodel?
Eh, it has it's nights. Gotta play late on the weekend though, at least for me.
Getting there oh so slowly
ya bish
Unfortunately I got my new PC and had some issues with it and internet problems around 3 weeks before F2P hit. As far as I got in the era of ez-mode warg cjs!!!:
I have learned a lot from each death, 16 of which were caused by CJ's. 2 from my own stupidity. 8 From the night I raided for a few hours (although this can be considered my own stupidity )
Was soooo close to hitting 4 stars that night. Think I got to about 1780 before they finally overran us while we stood in OC. Was an epic night, Windfola rarely gets full RvR action.
kind of unclear but -
23k kills
1681 deaths
14.8 k/d
4855 kb's
**Shapz R11 BA**Shapzz R10 Capt**Shapsz R8 Hunter**Georick R7 Guard**
Just hit r10 so here it is
Iinferno - r12 LM IVillKillU - r8 Reaver Dongramorthil - Warden Doalin - Hunter Defaelearin - RK Dongrailin - Captain (Officer of Preying Mantis)
Author of DebuffHelper