The Bullroarer Test server does not use the same LOTRO Store found on the Live worlds. As a result, your LOTRO Point balance does not carry over. If you see a 0 point balance when logged into Bullroarer, this is expected. Your Point Balance on the Live worlds will still be correct.
Important information regarding earning and using points on the Bullroarer Test Server
Points earned or granted on Bullroarer do not carry over to live.
Do not use purchased point codes or cards on Bullroarer! Any points granted to Bullroarer by these cards will not be available to use on Live and will not be refunded!
Players who participated in previous preview periods may find they still have points attached to their accounts. You can use these points only on Bullroarer.
Bullroarer is a Test server. We wipe all data from this server between tests and at other times as our testing requires. As a result, any lost points, items, or upgrades will not be refunded.
As a test server, Bullroarer content will contain bugs and an unfinished gameplay experience. The servers may not be available at all times and patching will occur whenever SSG determines it is necessary.
Reminder: Your character, items, and LOTRO Store purchases will never be transferred to live.
Last edited by Kehleyr_SSG; Oct 15 2019 at 05:22 PM.