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  1. #1
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
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    Aug 2008

    Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    How it works:
    From time to time we'll be asking you questions, and here in our thread, you tell us: What comes to mind; what you think; how you feel; etc, as it relates to the question(s) at hand.

    Ground Rules:
    Because we want this to be a place where we can gather valuable feedback from our community we're going to be a little tougher on the rules enforcement here. Please read both the Ground Rules and the Forum Guidelines before you do anything else. These will be strictly enforced.

    Why do we sometimes ask you to limit your answers?
    Because what we’re looking for are the top issues or absolute best answers you can give. Anyone can come up with a top ten list of things they’d like to see. Filling out a list is easy, but coming up with the most important issues or the things that really matter takes a bit more thought. Those are the responses we’re looking for.

    Reminder: This is not a discussion thread. It is a Q&A. We ask questions, you give your answers. Multiple posts, editorials, debates/opinions about someone Else's answer, will be ignored or deleted.

    Polls: Polls will allow you to vote only once. You cannot change your vote once it is submitted.

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Weaver class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Weavers only please!

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Weaver class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Weaver's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful

    Least Useful

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Weaver class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Weavers only please!
    1. Unhook the cooldowns on Entangling Webs and Clinging Webs
    2. Have the damage reflection on Born of Shadow scale up with inflicted damage (39 or 5%, whichever is greater)
    3. Have an improved version of Trapdoor Sanctuary that also gives a heal like many burrowing mobs

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Weaver class, what would it be? Please be specific.
    Increased safe fall distance as a triggered skill... the spider "lowers" itself on a line.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Weaver's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1. Paralytic Venom
    2. Tainted Kiss

    Least Useful
    1. Smothering Web - since WBMs no longer apply in PvP and half of freeps have stun immunity granting abilities or stun-triggered abilities, this is a joke. This should be set up to work through LM stun immunity, champion CBR, etc..
    2. Venomous Haze - spider have to run into enemy group to use, and tarhets that would most likely be affected will be in the back of the group. Turn it into a single target attack with the same range as Paralytic Venom.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    Finally get to make our wishlists for the weavers! Here are some of my thoughts:


    1. Add some amount of incombat morale regen for Trapdoor Sanctuary or bring the weaver out of combat. Another possibility would be to lower the rank requirement for the Advanced Skill: Trapdoor Sanctuary (currently Rank 14).

    2. I think an honest way to address the issue with stacking dots while still improving the weaver class would be to change our primary dot Tainted Kiss to function like a Rune Keepers firedot from skills like Essence of Flame or Writ of Fire. Instead of the current limitless dots from tainted kiss, they should tier up to say 3 or 4 with each new application from ANY weaver bumping it to the next tier. I stress the fact that any weaver should be able to move it up a tier, that allows multiple weavers to still be advantageous while capping the overall amount of dots. I feel this change would hinder the group/raids that focus on massive amounts of dot stacking, while improving a solo weavers survival by increasing damage output.

    3. While burrowed using the skill Lie in Wait, weavers should be able to track freeps that are in the immediate area. Up to ~40m radius from the burrow, actually have freeps show up in the blue or magenta color on the mini-map(similar to a hunter track). This should be a passive tracking ability, meaning as the freep enters the radius they show up on the mini-map.

    new skill-

    Jumping Spider - when used the players avatar would be propelled 10-15m forward launching them into battle.

    mechanics of the skill: This would have the same purpose as the Reavers skill Charge, but a little toned down and designed to get you into a battle not out of one. The purpose is to move the weaver into battle in a more rapid and unpredictable manner. If possible this skill would use the knockback animation, but instead would propel the player forward (the knockback from a troll for instance, that same arc and distance but in a forward direction and only applied on the weaver using the skill). A 3 or 4 second immunity should be placed on the weaver to prevent any stun/root while in the air. Skill only usable out of combat.

    Least useful?

    1. Lethal Kiss - horrible damage output, damage type is common, self rooting skill, only attacks 1 target

    2. Smothering Web and Necrosis - listed for the same reason, i feel that for their functions they have excessive cooldowns. Smothering Web is now only a 5sec stun against a freep, 5min cooldown. Necrosis is a debuff that does last the full duration of the cooldown which is 2 minutes. However this means it can only be applied to 1 target at a time. Necrosis needs a cooldown reduction, or upgraded with max target of 3.

    Just some fun ideas for everyone to read. I think leaping into battle would be great, so please bribe those engineers and devs to design the skill ha ha
    Maserton - 65Burg_________________ ________________Masorin - 65RK
    Dolchu R12 wvr

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Spider Weaver class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Spider Weaver only please!

    1. Increase the range of Latent Poison somewhere between 10 and 20 meters. Change the description so that it doesn't say bite, and instead says spit or something along those lines. With this change, it would no longer be able to be BPEed, just resisted.
    2. Make it so Mephitic Kiss and Tainted Kiss stack. Just as defiler's Fire Gourd and Explosive Gourd should stack. (The reaver's single target and AoE DoTs stack.)
    3. Lethal Kiss should have some sort of additional component. It does less damage than its Tainted Kiss counterpart and roots the spider in place. I would suggest something like a 5% incoming damage debuff for 10 seconds be applied on the target 25% of the time, or something like that.

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Spider Weaver class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    Weakening Venom (Somewhere between Ranks 7 and 10?)

    Melee Skill
    Resistance: Poison
    2.5m Range

    An injection of lethal toxin into your prey does not take long to affect their movements and stamina.

    -458 Maximum Power
    Duration: 15s

    Applied on expiration:
    -458 Morale
    -25% Run Speed - Duration: 10s

    Cost:89 Power
    Cooldown: 1m 30s

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Spider Weaver's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1. Paralytic Venom
    2. Shelob's Gift

    Least Useful
    1. Entangling Web
    2. Lethal Kiss

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Weaver class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Weavers only please!
    1. Give web the earth a .5 to 1s induction and make it like an acid trap. Sort of like a BA fire trap or LM gourd. Acid tick while standing in it.
    2.MOAR CC ability. especially with LMs being able to stun dot. Roots are pretty much worthless. Weavers are supposed to be a CC class but our stuns are melee and 1 of them is after a 15 second duration and the other is in melee range. Dont even get me started on the worthless POS roots.
    3. Tracking abilities while burrowed out of combat. or OOOH FUN! ability to weave a giant web between two objects(trees, doorways, ect) out of combat only, 1m duration, 30 second root to anyone that touches it. breakable after damage after 2 seconds

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Weaver class, what would it be? Please be specific.
    new skill hmm...Either a Stun dot ability similar to the LM stun dot, or I like my weaver skill on the question above.
    Trap of Death!!:
    A weaver has the ability to spin an intricate web of massive size between two objects, trapping any poor soul that doesn't avoid it.
    30s Root, 50% chance to break after 2 seconds.
    effect range, 20m | Duration 1m

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Weaver's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1.Shelob's gift
    2. Poison Spray

    Least Useful
    1. Smothering Web
    2. Venomous Haze

    Yicky(R13) Weaver - Now Arkenstone{LOTRO Player Council member 3 years}
    The Black Appendage of Sauron - Leader
    Orenia | Shaxell | Ornethia: Misadventurers Kinship - Arkenstone

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    These new forums are awful, and I do not like to use them, but I have been waiting for this topic.

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Weaver class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Weavers only please!

    1. /PET ATTACK & /PET FOLLOW for hatchlings. Hatchlings were indirectly nerfed due to the NPC aggro range reduction, and the change to Conjunctions has made them FM-bait for the freeps. Please give us more direct control of them as pets.

    2. Double the range/radius of Venomous Haze. This skill was also recently nerfed as it no longer affects short-range skills.... Give it more range so it isn't guaranteed suicide to try to actually use it.

    3. Change Lethal Kiss to be usable while moving. Possibly add acid or shadow damage for the skill to one of our existing traits (ie, change Enhanced Deadly Kiss to Kisses of Death). The skill as it stands right now is too weak with common damage and self-root.

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Weaver class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    SKITTER (rank 4): +50% Evade, +50% movement speed for 8 seconds, maybe ignore speed debuff from falling. cooldown 2 mins. Link the cooldown to Web the Earth if that combo would be too powerful. I realize that the engine isn't designed to let us climb up walls or trees, but Spiders should have something to showcase their 8-legged manuverability, and it would fit well with hit & run tactics.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Weaver's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful (great skills I use all the time)
    1. Web the Earth - very versatile, lots of strategic use, plus it is great for class "flavor".
    2. Tainted Kiss - I remember when it was tainted bite and did common, nicely improved over the years.

    Middle of the road (OK skills with drawbacks that prevent them from being great)
    1. Hatchlings - Great skill, great class flavor, but lack of control and indirect nerfs in Mirkwood & book3 have weakened it.... Fodder for freep FMs or dragging to NPCs since we can't control them.
    2. Smothering Web - Nerfed by the changes to WBMs, needs cooldown reduced now that it is just a weak stun in PvP

    Least Useful (skills I hardly ever use because there are severe drawbacks or much better choices)
    1. Lethal Kiss - Needs to be usable on the move to showcase 8-legged mobility of the class, possibly trait for acid or shadow
    2. Venomous Haze - Interesting effect, but poor range and recently nerfed, increase the application range please.
    Last edited by MysterX; Sep 24 2010 at 04:40 PM.
    Not all those who wander are lost. They might be working on one of their exploration deeds.
    The new forums stink on ice. Let others follow them who can.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Weaver class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Weavers only please!

    1.a trait that would change wte to an acid pool. so instead of a slow it becomes a damage skill like fire trap.would have to be out of combat use only and have an induction.

    2. change lethal kiss so it either no longer roots you in place for using it or increase the damage on it s significantly

    3.make roots more effective since we are SUPPOSEDLY a cc class even though we have less effective cc then freep dps classes. they should actually be stronger, not break from a damage reflect, and shouldn't break if a dot was on BEFORE the root.

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Weaver class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    while i would love to see some form of wall/tree crawling ability that would allow us to fall on top of our prey i'm not sure that would even be possible. so how about a web attack that works like the toads in moria's tongue ie it can be used to pull freeps/npcs a set distance. make it between rank 7-9 and have a longish cd 5mins?

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Weaver's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1.shelob's gift
    2.lie in wait

    Least Useful
    1.lethal kiss (to little common damage+ roots u for using it)
    2.smothering web- now that its just a 5 sec stun and so many freeps either have skills to be stun immune,pots,brands or even a lm to give si + it having an induction really makes it kinda worthless now most situations.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Weaver class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Weavers only please!

    1. Due to the "new" Freep speed skills and "toys", spiders 10% extra speed needs a new look at.
    2. Move stronger initital damage from skills like Tainted Kiss to close range skills like Piercing Attack (makes more sense.)
    3. Spiders have way to many skills that work against themselfs or other spiders. They should to be corrected.

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Weaver class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    A buff remover. A skill that removes X buffs from the target. Depending on X the cooldown, induction etc. can be adjusted. In the light of the fiasco that is SoP:R Creep side needs a counter and what would be more fitting than to give it to the Spiders who are the most affected by SoP:R.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Weaver's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1. Lie In Wait
    2. Shelob's Gift

    Least Useful
    1. Lethal Kiss (Someone at Turbine had a twisted sense of humour to give this skill to the Spiders.)
    2. Venomous Haze (Very few situational uses. Must be used togheter with other spiders and at a to great of a risk and effort for to little gain.)

    [url=http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=301899]Silkdawn's movie collection[/url]

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Weaver class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Weavers only please!

    Rudimentary control over broodlings, at the very least an easier way to dismiss them, but an attack and follow command would be nice.

    2.Make Trapdoor Sancuary work correctly, dots shouldn't pop you out when the tooltip says you cannot be attacked, dots are an attack.

    3.Change Venomous Haze to a 20-30m ranged skill. Whats the point of a skill that reduces opponents ranged attack being a melee skill?

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Weaver class, what would it be? Please be specific.
    A debuff that removes SI, no Creeps have SI, if we don't have a similar skill then give us a skill to remove it.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Weaver's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    Lie in Wait
    2.Shelobs' Gift

    Least Useful
    Venomous Haze
    2.Smothering Web, sadly
    [center][color=red]Now roaming the earth searching for a fun, interesting game.......again.[/color][/center]


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Weaver class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Weavers only please!

    1. Hatchlings should have an Aura debuff like Gnats cus if you were being attacked by some small spiders your focus would be off so you would miss more and such

    2. Lethal Kiss should get a Debuff when SteelWeave Webs trait is slotted and increase the target count to 3. Debuff Webbed Weapon: Attack rating - (5-10%) lasts 20 seconds.

    3. We are suppose to be the CC class on creepside so i think that Steelweave Webs should double the target count of Grasping Webs and cut break on damage chance in half for Grasping Webs and Snaring Web. Plus Steelweave webs should enhance all web skills not just some of them. Another side note please adjust Swift weave also cus .25 seconds of inductions is not really that much yea most of the skills have a 1 second induction so that cuts them down to 0.8 seconds but in my opinion thats not really much faster.

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Weaver class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    Ok i have 2 suggestions here

    1. Trapdoor Ambush: When Burrowed you are ready to strike an unknowing enemy with the cunning of Shelob's Brood. Deal Shadow Damage. 20% Chance to Fear 5 seconds and apply Run Speed -50% for 20 seconds. Rank 6-9

    2. Enzymetic Webbing: You Fling Webbing soaked in Enzymes onto the enemy. Channel Duration 10 seconds. Drain 40-60 Morale from the enemy 1 second and transfer it too you. Run speed -10% for 10 seconds. Rank 4-6
    Question 3
    Thinking about the Weaver's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1. Tainted Kiss
    2. Latent Poison

    Least Useful
    1. Venomous Haze ( Make it a ranged skill maybe 20 meters then it might be useful )
    2. Smothering Web ( Ever since the Warband and Fellowship manuever change in ettenmoors it should atleast still be able to pass Stun Immunity )

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Weaver class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Weavers only please!
    1. Lethal kiss needs to have a 3s stun added on a critical hit. Also/or an advanced trait at rank 11 instead of the latent poison stun countdown that increases the cooldown to fifteen seconds but adds a 20% slow that lasts 10s.

    2. The cooldown on Entangling and Clinging webs needs to be halved.

    3. Web the Earth should have a change. Replace the advanced skill "Feast" with "Acid Pool": Web the Earth slow is removed, duration doubled (30s), 2s induction added and a DoT is added to all those in the vicinity. Base 200 acid damage every 2s for 30s, leaving the radius of the webs removes the bleed.

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Weaver class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    At rank ten or eleven, spiders need to get a toggle skill that hampers their crowd-control and de-buffing in exchange for a DPS increase. As such:

    Condensed webs (toggle): Useable in combat, one minute cooldown. Costs 250 power. Disables snaring web, grasping web, paralytic venom, entangling webs, catch prey, clinging webs and web the earth. All damage skills receive a 50% boost in damage and damage over time. Halves the cooldown on lethal kiss and hatchlings. Acid damage bleed added to lethal kiss.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Weaver's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1. Web the Earth
    2. Toxin

    Least Useful
    1.Acid Spray
    2.Necrosis (resisted far too much, too weak of a debuff)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Weaver class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Weavers only please!
    1. Lethal Kiss: either make it do shadow damage and give it a 4 sec. cooldown or give it a 1 second cooldown so the weaver doesn't have to have half of range attacks as auto-attacks.
    2. Piercing attack: should do acid damage including the DOT and make the cooldown to 1 second so the weaver doesn't have to have most melee attacks auto-attack, and lose the rooting effect as well.
    3. Toxin: make it do shadow damage and more per tick power drain. I mean 1410 per 30 seconds doesn't make a dent in freeps power bar considering freeps icpr is better then ours and 30 seconds out for all 1410! Right now there is no real impact.

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Weaver class, what would it be? Please be specific.
    Real spiders have a 6th sense, we humans coined the term spidey sense. Either have weavers have a track ability or have them have an evade buff like in the spiderman movies. bottom line, put something in there that reflects real world spider's 6th sense, pay homage.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Weaver's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1. lie in wait
    2. paralytic venom

    Least Useful
    1. Smothering web
    2. venomous haze

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Weaver class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Weavers only please!

    1. The combat system changes that arrived with Mirkwood have had a very serious impact on induction based skills, they are a LOT more difficult to use while being attacked and we've been hit hard by this. We need something to improve our ability to get off induction attacks. Even with swiftweave slotted it's a problem. My suggestion is that the induction on snaring web be removed so that we can apply this and use the root effect to gain distance to apply an induction. Barring this, an increase to the base induction time on a few of our skills, or increase to the effect of the swiftweave trait would also work... but might be over the top. All I know is, that this is a problem that we need addressed.

    2. Crowd control has been weakened for us steadily since book 13, and this book release was no different. I agree with the direction crowd control has gone, becoming much less spammable with a much greater emphasis on proper timing and targeting. That being said, I find the power of SOP:R (loremaster stun protection) to completely bar the use of 3/5 of my crowd control abilities on any target to be over the top. We need an ability that counters this protection. Something on a 3-5 minute cooldown (so that it's not spammable and the proper timing/targeting of it will matter).

    3. PLEASE please please fix our camera. It is very problematic in tight areas/steep slopes. It often leaves me blinded by my own giant neon green backside. The camera sits too low and has numerous clipping issues with our own models.

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Weaver class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    Catalytic Poison: You spray your target with enzymes that react violently with your next debuffing poison application, giving the poison an additional effect. Fast skill, animation similar to lethal kiss, 3 minute cooldown

    Necrosis - now also slows target by 15% for 30 seconds
    Latent Poison - now instantly stuns target for 8 seconds, no longer lowers their maximum power
    Venomous Haze - now gives the target a 7% miss chance

    It's fun, tactical, and requires thinking to use properly. Perfect spider skill IMO.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Weaver's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful (great skills I use all the time)
    1. Web the Earth - very versatile, lots of strategic use, plus it is great for class "flavor".
    2. Trapdoor Sanctuary - Supremely useful. Need that RK to drop combat so he loses his attunements? Need to wait out your target's sprint/needful haste/burn hot? I swear I find a new use for this skill weekly.

    Least Useful (skills I hardly ever use because there are severe drawbacks or much better choices)
    1. Feast - FAR too situational. It's good for pve mostly, but for the cost of slotting it in and out I can get enough power pots to make it not even worth it for that. It resets the cooldown on 2 skills with 30 second cooldowns.... yeah. It's just not worth slotting honestly. Class slots are very valuable, and this doesn't have enough value to give up any of my other traits.

    2. Clinging web - A VERY powerful skill that is made quite unusable to me by its drawbacks. Now that avoidances are hard capped it's not nearly the MUST USE it used to be. At the same time, it shares a cooldown with entangling web which has become and almost VITAL debuff for us. Toss in the fact that catch prey is a similar debuff (weaker debuff, but VERY strong buffs for us while its active) and I just find this to be, again, not worth the trait slot.[/QUOTE]

    Even my Signature is trolling!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Talking Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    I completely agree with Spideysense's post (#9 Gladgilrian), but for question 2 I had something else in mind...

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Weaver class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    A very high damage acid bite skill to use with Trap Door Sanctuary or Lie In Wait. At least 2k acid damage with Lie In Wait and 1k damage with Trap Door Sanctuary.
    After all this is what trap door spiders really do; a deadly stealth strike from below. It would be nice to drag freeps under as well, if Kb'd in the burrow no rez and no revive.

    Last edited by ZDim; Sep 25 2010 at 07:36 PM.
    *Sigh* Just call me Z * ZBug * ZMon * ZPew * ZPaq * ZWar * Zone

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Weaver class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Weavers only please!.
    1. I would improve pearcing attack bleed to tick at 2 sec for 10 sec instead of 3 sec for 9 sec. When having the trait that increase dmg to that skill sloted.

    2. Letal Kiss, This skilll really need somthing more, i would like a -25% run speed for 20 sec. With a 30sec. cooldown

    3.Latent poison should do a dmg on application, around 400 common dmg cause this is a melee skill and its a spider bit, Spider bit are painfull, did you see the size of thos mandibule?

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Weaver class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    A skill like the Lore master stun immunity that would give us immunity to slow instead of stun. Cannot be done to an ally, only on our self. We have 8 legs!! Give this skill maybe a race trait instead of feast at R10 wich no one use and il be happy to have somthing usefull at R10. Not juste a skin.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Weaver's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful

    1.tainted kiss
    2.Web the earth

    Least Useful
    1.nécrosis, This skill should remove acid defence intead of shadow defence.
    2.poison spray, It would be bether if it could lower all tats instead of juste agillity.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Weaver class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Weavers only please!
    1. Make Lethal Kiss and Toxin usable while moving.
    2. Stealweave Webs: Increase the resistance or make them immune to dots. The webs break way too fast to make this useful.
    3. Snaring webs and Grasping webs usable while moving.

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Weaver class, what would it be? Please be specific.
    Everything in 10m radius gets 1 dread (not stackable). Or a fear attack (debuff or bleed)

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Weaver's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1. Eight legged menace's 10% movement increase.
    2. Web the earth.

    Least Useful
    1. Venomous Haze: You have to get too close. The effect isnt that important and it doesnt last very long.Other choices are better for buffer poison to prevent a pot from wiping the latent/hatchling dots.
    2. Feast: Cooldown is way too long. Too situational to make it worth a slot.
    Last edited by BillG20; Sep 26 2010 at 07:42 PM.
    Duirihir 65 Champion-- Duinhere 65 Burglar -- Call to Arms -- Gladden

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Weaver class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Weavers only please!.
    1. Nerf the power drain, this is so overpowered it's not funny, give it a poison resistance chance, make it curable, half the power it takes. Just something.

    2. Lettal Kiss,could use an improvement, how about getting rid of the animation lockdown?

    3. Web the earth is way to big, its nice and all that you guys fixed the size of the effect, but for the slow it adds, it is way too big. Either get rid of the 10sec slow effect and make it like lm tar, or shrink the size by half.

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Weaver class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    A skill that gives temporary mellee defence with a mediumish cooldown.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Weaver's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful

    1.Toxin (put this on something and stay out of its way until it is out of power, this is the official "i win" button)
    2.Web the earth (I get away TOO much with this skill, as well as being able to kill off a retreating raid)

    Least Useful
    1.Piercing attack, would be more useful if it wasn't common damage.
    2.Lethal kiss - the lockdown animation makes it only useful in some situations.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    Quote Originally Posted by Untg99 View Post
    Question 1
    1. Nerf the power drain, this is so overpowered it's not funny, give it a poison resistance chance, make it curable, half the power it takes. Just something.

    3. Web the earth is way to big, its nice and all that you guys fixed the size of the effect, but for the slow it adds, it is way too big. Either get rid of the 10sec slow effect and make it like lm tar, or shrink the size by half.

    Most Useful[/COLOR]
    1.Toxin (put this on something and stay out of its way until it is out of power, this is the official "i win" button)
    2.Web the earth (I get away TOO much with this skill, as well as being able to kill off a retreating raid)
    kinda interesting how u make statements about getting away TOO much with wte and toxin being an official i win button and how those skills are way to strong and need to be nerfed yet your weaver at only RANK 3 has neither skill

  19. #19
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    Sep 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    Quote Originally Posted by Untg99 View Post
    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Weaver class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Weavers only please!.
    1. Nerf the power drain, this is so overpowered it's not funny, give it a poison resistance chance, make it curable, half the power it takes. Just something.

    2. Lettal Kiss,could use an improvement, how about getting rid of the animation lockdown?

    3. Web the earth is way to big, its nice and all that you guys fixed the size of the effect, but for the slow it adds, it is way too big. Either get rid of the 10sec slow effect and make it like lm tar, or shrink the size by half.

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Weaver class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    A skill that gives temporary mellee defence with a mediumish cooldown.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Weaver's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful

    1.Toxin (put this on something and stay out of its way until it is out of power, this is the official "i win" button)
    2.Web the earth (I get away TOO much with this skill, as well as being able to kill off a retreating raid)

    Least Useful
    1.Piercing attack, would be more useful if it wasn't common damage.
    2.Lethal kiss - the lockdown animation makes it only useful in some situations.
    I didnt realize this is the nerf the spider thread. I should have read the description of what Sapience wanted better. LOL
    Duirihir 65 Champion-- Duinhere 65 Burglar -- Call to Arms -- Gladden

  20. #20
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    Jun 2008

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Weaver class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Weavers only please!.

    1. Either attach a small slow or debuff[-10% movement speed, +10% attack duration] to Lethal Kiss or make it run and gun to bring it in line with the rest of our skills. With either route, it could also use a bump up in damage or a change to shadow damage.

    2. Change Feast to reset Hatchlings to add some more power/appeal to the skill. I don't know of any other spiders who use it as is.

    3. Increase the radius/range for VH[To 10-20m]

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Weaver class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    As suggested before, a skill with a 3-5m cooldown that changes/adds an effect to some of our skills would be neat to work with.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Weaver's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most useful
    1. Web the Earth
    2. Shelob's Gift

    Least Useful
    1. Lethal Kiss-Even this isn't that useless. It could just use some small buffs to make it more worthwhile.

    Also that cutie Beelzebash.

  21. #21
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    Jun 2008

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Weaver class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Weavers only please!
    1. As the core crowd control class for creepside, the weaver needs more crowd control.
    2. Weavers also need a method for dps besides Tainted Kiss (something that cant be potted/cured). Aside from hatchlings and piercing attack, weavers can't really do a whole lot of damage.
    3. Change Lethal Kiss. The common damage is laughable, and being rooted in an animation causes more problems than its worth.

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Weaver class, what would it be? Please be specific.
    An instant stun -- A "I click the skill and you are stunned" button. 3-5s stun, 30s-1min cooldown. No induction.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Weaver's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1. Web the Earth
    2. Tainted Kiss

    Least Useful
    1. Lethal Kiss
    2. Necrosis - would be better if it didn't have an induction... I can usually find a better induction-based debuff to apply for any given situation.
    Stalker's Bane | Blackarrow-slayer | Reaver-slayer | War-leader's Enemy | Weaver's Enemy | Defiler's Enemy

  22. #22
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    Aug 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Weaver class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Weavers only please!
    1.An aoe shriek that stuns to help a weaver survive in fights.
    2.a web that holds a target that can't be broken even if it only lasts for 5s before it can break.
    3.a 40m ranged damage skill so weavers don't have to move to 30m just to attack (and therefore come under the focused fire of an entire raid).

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Weaver class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    As I said above: an aoe shriek that stuns targets (due to fear) as a weaver should actually be scary.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Weaver's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1. web of the earth. effective in close quarters in a mostly offensive ilk.
    2. The long burrow (if it is not simply found by tabbing which is the way it works now).

    Least Useful
    1. any ranged damage skill that only works at 30m range.
    2. the 40m ranged rooting web that breaks at the first damage.
    Ancient spider of the moors

  23. #23

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Weaver class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Weavers only please!
    1.Make leathal kiss insta cast same as tainted kiss
    2.Snaring webs and Grasping webs usable while moving.
    3.Catch prey as an insta cast or at least reduce the induction a little

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Weaver class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    The ability to weave a web between 2 tree's and wait at the top of it until you snare somthing in it, would work similar to the Burrow, ten mins in stealth, web would not be able to be seen, and target would be rooted until being attacked + after being trapped in it would have some kind of skill slow for 5 - 8 sec's, skill would be atainable around rank 9 +

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Weaver's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1.Web the Earth
    2.Paraletic venom

    Least Useful
    1.Venomous haze
    2.Leathal Kiss
    Lightningbolt Rk7 Lm - Zallando Rk7 Rk - Funellweb Rk9 Weaver

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Spider Weavers - 9/24/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Weaver class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Weavers only please!
    1.change lethal kiss, maybe a small snare attached to it?
    2.would love to have some control over hatchlings, ideally a hotbar with their debuffs and attacks to select from
    like other pet classes i.e. loremaster and captain
    3.not sure what to do, but something altered with the smothering webs now that cjs are out of pvp (which i am happy about) maybe there is a way to reduce the cooldown, but only when used on freeps?

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Weaver class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    This is a well thought out idea that I agree with:
    Catalytic Poison: You spray your target with enzymes that react violently with your next debuffing poison application, giving the poison an additional effect. Fast skill, animation similar to lethal kiss, 3 minute cooldown

    Necrosis - now also slows target by 15% for 30 seconds
    Latent Poison - now instantly stuns target for 8 seconds, no longer lowers their maximum power
    Venomous Haze - now gives the target a 7% miss chance

    It's fun, tactical, and requires thinking to use properly. Perfect spider skill IMO.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Weaver's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1.paralytic venom
    2.web the earth

    Least Useful
    1.venomous haze
    2.clinging webs, i never slot this as i always lead with the entangling web debuff anyway



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