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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Manners of players on this server

    Hello all, I've been playing here for a little over a month or so now, and up until recently have had a mostly smooth experience. However, lately I've been encountering some very rude players.

    Some of the rudeness I mentioned include bad language/insults in the advice channel, a player slapping my character several times while I was playing music (the guy had a RP tag on no less, I guess he doesn't really grasp the concept of RP), another player standing on top of me spamming the roar emote to drown out my music, and finally a player who completely ignored me while I said hello as he bought the house next to mine.

    When I first started playing I had read about how the player base in LOTRO is generally much more mature and friendly than in most other MMOs, but lately I haven't seen much difference so I'm wondering if this kind of behaviour is the norm here or if I just ran into some bad apples. Thank you for reading and if you happen to me in Bree or anywhere else playing my lute please don't be afraid to say hi or stick around and enjoy the music. It's one aspects of the game which I really do truly enjoy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Manners of players on this server

    With games like these, you're going to run into players of all kinds - the good, bad and ugly. Unfortunately, you've obviously ran into a few of the ruder characters running around. Don't get discouraged with the game. There are a ton of friendly people who play who don't act immature just because they can. Fortunately, this game kind of limits the type of 'grief' play I've seen in other games, which is one reason this is the only MMO I currently play. Just keep playing like YOU want to and you'll eventually run into a group you like to play with.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Manners of players on this server

    Just by the way, Landroval is the unofficial RP server on US.
    *according to turbine I haz no chars* :(

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Manners of players on this server

    Quote Originally Posted by Grymn View Post
    Just by the way, Landroval is the unofficial RP server on US.
    Yeah I've heard that, I just found it funny/strange/slightly disturbing that a guy with the RP tag on goes around /slap-ing people he's never met before. In all of Tolkein's works I never read about a guy going around slapping people playing their lutes in the local tavern. I'd guess he just has that on so his name stands out from the rest?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Manners of players on this server

    Quote Originally Posted by Shandrise View Post
    Yeah I've heard that, I just found it funny/strange/slightly disturbing that a guy with the RP tag on goes around /slap-ing people he's never met before. In all of Tolkein's works I never read about a guy going around slapping people playing their lutes in the local tavern. I'd guess he just has that on so his name stands out from the rest?
    I'm guessing this happened in Bree at the pony? That was probably some kid that couldn't find the player music volume control. Yes, a lot of the players you see with the RP tag enabled only have it enabled because its a pretty white text.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Manners of players on this server

    Welcome to F2P

    Landroval used to be a great server, since F2P it filled with all manner of people.

    Not to mention the names... Oh the names....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Manners of players on this server

    Quote Originally Posted by giampiero View Post
    Welcome to F2P

    Landroval used to be a great server, since F2P it filled with all manner of people.

    Not to mention the names... Oh the names....
    Come on now, not only is an esteemed man of Rohan named Williewonka in middle earth possible, but probable.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Manners of players on this server

    Most people with the RP tag on just like the white letters (or think they are bugging out WL's in the moors)
    Freeps: Beast, Cadaverous, Deadite, Elphaba, Joules, Kookaburra, Stheno, Weebey, Zod
    Creeps: Barfbag, Bulgingeggsac, Elphabash, Farfel

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Manners of players on this server

    Quote Originally Posted by Shandrise View Post
    Hello all, I've been playing here for a little over a month or so now, and up until recently have had a mostly smooth experience. However, lately I've been encountering some very rude players.

    Some of the rudeness I mentioned include bad language/insults in the advice channel, a player slapping my character several times while I was playing music (the guy had a RP tag on no less, I guess he doesn't really grasp the concept of RP), another player standing on top of me spamming the roar emote to drown out my music, and finally a player who completely ignored me while I said hello as he bought the house next to mine.
    Glad to hear you are enjoying the game and sorry about the rudeness that was shown both BY and TO you.

    Yes, BY YOU. The player music control has been broken since FTP was introduced. The control is always at 100% volume and we can not turn off other players music. Most players are aware of all the complaints about this problem and are hoping that the patch on 11/29 will fix this control before we are driven crazy by all the deliberate rude acts of people playing bad music (or playing it badly) in public places where others are forced to listen to them. For this reason, many of us simply put players like you on ignore since then we can not see or hear anything you say or play.

    As for bad language in the advice channel, since FTP came into being, there have been a lot of new players on all the servers. So while the maturity of the player base was once very good, it has gone downhill a bit since FTP. All you can do is simply right click the name of the person, select chat, and then select ignore. You will never again be bothered by anything they say as you won't hear them. The same works for emotes as well.

    I hope you have a more enjoyable experience in the future.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Manners of players on this server

    Quote Originally Posted by Shandrise View Post
    Hello all, I've been playing here for a little over a month or so now, and up until recently have had a mostly smooth experience. However, lately I've been encountering some very rude players.

    Some of the rudeness I mentioned include bad language/insults in the advice channel, a player slapping my character several times while I was playing music (the guy had a RP tag on no less, I guess he doesn't really grasp the concept of RP), another player standing on top of me spamming the roar emote to drown out my music, and finally a player who completely ignored me while I said hello as he bought the house next to mine.

    When I first started playing I had read about how the player base in LOTRO is generally much more mature and friendly than in most other MMOs, but lately I haven't seen much difference so I'm wondering if this kind of behaviour is the norm here or if I just ran into some bad apples. Thank you for reading and if you happen to me in Bree or anywhere else playing my lute please don't be afraid to say hi or stick around and enjoy the music. It's one aspects of the game which I really do truly enjoy.
    Absolutely no way!!! Unbelievable!!! Wait....

    Let me digest this for a moment and get this straight.

    Somebody /slap you? Are you serious? You got /slap-ped? I am speechless, horrified, and ashamed that this happened.

    I hope you contacted the LOTRO Executive Producer. Heck, maybe give the CEO of Warner Brothers a heads up.

    Turbine! You must remove the /slap oh and please stop the /fishslap....look at the damage they cause.

    I am a still overwhelmed by all of this to start discussing your incredibly horrible dramatic encounter with your neighbor. Maybe I can after I go hug somebody.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Manners of players on this server

    Quote Originally Posted by Jadowyn View Post
    Glad to hear you are enjoying the game and sorry about the rudeness that was shown both BY and TO you.

    Yes, BY YOU. The player music control has been broken since FTP was introduced. The control is always at 100% volume and we can not turn off other players music. Most players are aware of all the complaints about this problem and are hoping that the patch on 11/29 will fix this control before we are driven crazy by all the deliberate rude acts of people playing bad music (or playing it badly) in public places where others are forced to listen to them. For this reason, many of us simply put players like you on ignore since then we can not see or hear anything you say or play.

    As for bad language in the advice channel, since FTP came into being, there have been a lot of new players on all the servers. So while the maturity of the player base was once very good, it has gone downhill a bit since FTP. All you can do is simply right click the name of the person, select chat, and then select ignore. You will never again be bothered by anything they say as you won't hear them. The same works for emotes as well.

    I hope you have a more enjoyable experience in the future.
    First off I wasn't aware of this, I'd hardly consider it rude when I've never read about nor heard anyone before complain to me about the music I was playing (I play actual songs and not just playing random notes badly). If anyone is really truly bothered by my music I'd expect them to act like a human being and politely ask me to stop either in chat or in tells. It's amazing the results you can get from someone by being polite rather than acting like a jerk (not talking to you directly).

    So while I respect your right to put "players like me" on ignore, I'm really a very nice person if you take the time to chat with me for a bit. You'd be missing out meeting new friends if you just ignore people for something so simple as playing music.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grodo View Post
    Absolutely no way!!! Unbelievable!!! Wait....

    Let me digest this for a moment and get this straight.

    Somebody /slap you? Are you serious? You got /slap-ped? I am speechless, horrified, and ashamed that this happened.

    I hope you contacted the LOTRO Executive Producer. Heck, maybe give the CEO of Warner Brothers a heads up.

    Turbine! You must remove the /slap oh and please stop the /fishslap....look at the damage they cause.

    I am a still overwhelmed by all of this to start discussing your incredibly horrible dramatic encounter with your neighbor. Maybe I can after I go hug somebody.
    Yet another example of what I'm talking about, /sigh. Sarcasm doesn't get you very far in life my friend.
    Last edited by Shandrise; Nov 24 2010 at 02:20 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Manners of players on this server

    Player Music is bugged atm and is nearly uncontrollable in volume. So your music plays at MAX volume and is annoying as can be Sorry to be brutally honest, but playing music until it is fixed is going to upset many people sorry
    Kozzmo *Invictus* R13 RK
    Novafett *Soldiers of the White Hand* R11 WL
    Aterju *Soldiers of the White Hand* R9 Weaver

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Manners of players on this server

    Quote Originally Posted by KozzmoKramer View Post
    Player Music is bugged atm and is nearly uncontrollable in volume. So your music plays at MAX volume and is annoying as can be Sorry to be brutally honest, but playing music until it is fixed is going to upset many people sorry
    See, if these people were as courteous as you and informed me of this in a polite manner I would've gladly stopped and moved somewhere else. There's no need to be nasty to people. Now I know to take my lute and play in more secluded areas until this issue is fixed, thank you for not resorting sarcasm or nastiness.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Manners of players on this server

    Shand, just so you know why music right now is considered one of the worst things you can do socially: when you group a lot, as one typically does at kinship events, you need to turn down all the game sounds so you can hear each other over voice chat. Once you turn all the sliders down, except voice chat, and turn up your headphones, any sound at full volume hurts. The skirmish horns, and player music, are the two things not responding to the volume sliders (I think skirmish horns are still not responding, I don't run them anymore). I run all my game sounds at 5%, so player music is 20x too loud for me.

    So if the fit takes you again to play, make sure others can get away from you and still do their business.

    But yeah, it was you.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: Manners of players on this server

    i know i have personally sent tells to a number of folks to stop playing music in public places and i usually get a response along the lines of 'really? i didn't know it was bugged.' So I guess the problem isn't as widely known as people think. Seems kind of strange to me, because there are always people playing music so I would think that everyone has experienced someone else's far too loud music at least once.

    anyway, if you want to play music, do it in your house, kin house, or other private area. If you absolutely must play music in public, don't do it in high traffic areas like travel nodes. If you do it somewhere that people have to stay for a bit while interacting with an npc (bard, AH, vault, etc), expect to annoy people and receive some annoying tells.
    [b][color=cyan]Chroner[/color][/b] - R5 Champion * [b][color=cyan]Cronor[/color][/b] - R7 Lore-master
    [b][color=cyan]Qroner[/color][/b] - R5 Minstrel * [b][color=cyan]Qronir[/color][/b] - R5 Rune-keeper

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Manners of players on this server

    About the "being ignored", some people actually have their chats turned off, including the "say" function. Its nothing personal. And unfortunately, if you're someone like me, you just don't tend to notice the chat going on in the chat channels, especially when you have most of them turned off anyway. I'm not trying to be rude to people its just that there's so much garbage and rudeness going in the channels that I've learned to just completely block it out. Plus, I've turned say... 90% of the channels off because of it. I can't take the rudeness thats popped up ever since f2p started.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Manners of players on this server

    Honestly I think ur overreacting. If you think those things are rude then gl in the future, cuz there will be more 'extreme' rude things than that lol. And dont join glff just my opinion.
    Zekorr hnt-r9 (brandy) ~ Backstabzz burg-r8 ~ Cashout grd-r7~ Arkorz warg-r7 ~ Zekor ba-r6 ~Bashr rvr-r7


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Manners of players on this server

    i didnt know about the music bug. i kinda feel bad about playing Christmas music at KoDA's gift give away now...

    But as for people and their manners. You cant really blame the server for the WoW kiddies who came to see what it was all about. then decide its not as fun as wow and spend their time dissing it instead of leaving. Or people in glff who have nothing better to do but wait for creeps. or run BG. Although i agree, stay out of glff if you find these things bad.
    Axes of the Dwarves The Dwarves are upon you

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Manners of players on this server

    I think the music bug has been fixed now. I haven't tried a skirmish lately to check the skirmish horn volume, but I've been able to turn off player music by adjusting the volume on the player music channel in my audio settings just fine during the Yule Festival. In fact, I had to remember to turn it back up to hear myself play from time to time. Since I had turned it off for people who liked to play songs during the plays in the theater and not just in between them. So, if it's music that has been played since the Yule Festival started, the players can fix it themselves in the player audio settings by adjusting the player music - it's no longer broken.

    And funny you should mention the RP tags in the moors. I totally forgot to turn mine off when I went out there today. I had been doing just festival stuff lately and had RP on and then joined some of my kinnies in the moors tonight and totally forgot that I had my RP tag turned on. LOL! Oh well. I probably won't be back in the Moors again until after the end of the festival and my tag is returned to normal. Thanks for the reminder.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Manners of players on this server

    Most of the non-RP'ers use the white name text as a "look at me! look at me!" to stroke their egos. It stands out among all the dull name color of everyone else.

    Good RP'ers don't need the flag set. They will readily rp whenever approached in a courteous manner.

    There will always be jerks/jerkettes on every server. Don't judge the whole server by the few you've seen/heard.
    Φ 3.4 GHz i7-2600 • 8 Gigs DDR3-1333 Memory • ATI HD6770 • 768K DSL Broadband • 2x500gig RAID0 Storage • RealTek Integrated 5.1 Digital Audio • Windows 7 Home Premium • Dell 2410 24" LCD Monitor Φ.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Manners of players on this server

    Quote Originally Posted by Jadowyn View Post
    The player music control has been broken since FTP was introduced.
    Has worked fine for me the entire time.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Manners of players on this server

    Quote Originally Posted by Jadowyn View Post
    Glad to hear you are enjoying the game and sorry about the rudeness that was shown both BY and TO you.

    Yes, BY YOU. The player music control has been broken since FTP was introduced. The control is always at 100% volume and we can not turn off other players music. Most players are aware of all the complaints about this problem and are hoping that the patch on 11/29 will fix this control before we are driven crazy by all the deliberate rude acts of people playing bad music (or playing it badly) in public places where others are forced to listen to them. For this reason, many of us simply put players like you on ignore since then we can not see or hear anything you say or play.

    As for bad language in the advice channel, since FTP came into being, there have been a lot of new players on all the servers. So while the maturity of the player base was once very good, it has gone downhill a bit since FTP. All you can do is simply right click the name of the person, select chat, and then select ignore. You will never again be bothered by anything they say as you won't hear them. The same works for emotes as well.

    I hope you have a more enjoyable experience in the future.
    My player music Volume is set at 50% and works just fine. It worked just fine on my old PC too. I have heard people make the claim and those that did as I instructed matched my settings and found the volume works.

    As for the one playing the music, he or she should stay a good distance away from the Vendor/crafting/vault/auctioneer NPCs. I myself pick out of the way locations, to one side a distance away just to be certain as to not disturb and generally gather a small crowd by doing so...BUT have found those rude people doing the same thing as described above, even the RP white tagged ones.

    As for bad language, you can report them, unless they are getting warnings often they will get nothing but a warning.

    Last edited by crazyfoxx; Jan 26 2011 at 08:40 AM.
    There are those who believe that life here began out there, far across the universe, with tribes of humans who may have been the forefathers of the Egyptians, or the Toltecs, or the Mayans.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Manners of players on this server

    Quote Originally Posted by Shandrise View Post
    Hello all, I've been playing here for a little over a month or so now, and up until recently have had a mostly smooth experience. However, lately I've been encountering some very rude players.

    Some of the rudeness I mentioned include bad language/insults in the advice channel, a player slapping my character several times while I was playing music (the guy had a RP tag on no less, I guess he doesn't really grasp the concept of RP), another player standing on top of me spamming the roar emote to drown out my music, and finally a player who completely ignored me while I said hello as he bought the house next to mine.

    When I first started playing I had read about how the player base in LOTRO is generally much more mature and friendly than in most other MMOs, but lately I haven't seen much difference so I'm wondering if this kind of behaviour is the norm here or if I just ran into some bad apples. Thank you for reading and if you happen to me in Bree or anywhere else playing my lute please don't be afraid to say hi or stick around and enjoy the music. It's one aspects of the game which I really do truly enjoy.

    You raise a good point. Although, there is many other people out there on Gladden like yourself that aren't COMPLETELY moronic.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Bauer
    The only reason you're still concious is because I don't want to carry you.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Smile Re: Manners of players on this server

    Hello I'm new to this server and the game but a vet mmo player. Here is a cartoon I found a while ago that I thought folks would find amusing in this thread:


    I'm just glad that this issue is important enough, still, in mmo's that it garners this amount of discussion. Great game, so far, too!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Thumbs up Re: Manners of players on this server

    Quote Originally Posted by Shandrise View Post
    See, if these people were as courteous as you and informed me of this in a polite manner I would've gladly stopped and moved somewhere else. There's no need to be nasty to people. Now I know to take my lute and play in more secluded areas until this issue is fixed, thank you for not resorting sarcasm or nastiness.
    I hope the music problem is fixed soon. Rare to Gladden, I enjoyed an entertaining concert last night in Thorin's Hall at the AH. I sat down and listened for quite awhile as I forced everyone in my RL home to come and watch. I spend all day at work lining up the specific Middle Earth tasks to get done in my precious free time, so I always start running as soon as I'm in-game. It was nice to just relax and enjoy the immersion. Of course, I couldn't stay long, there IS a war to fight you know! Thanks for the entertaining the troops!



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