Join us Saturday, March 12th for a special live episode of A Casual Stroll to Mordor after a day of exploring PAX East!

We are tentatively setting the time for this to be 10pm EST but things my slide as we are booked through dinner that evening. We will post via twitter and facebook when we are starting and will start as close to 10pm as possible!

Joining us on this cast will be the CSTM writers who were able to make the trek out to PAX East this year:

  • Kiarane
  • Ketani
  • Elborigorn
  • Merric
  • Goldenstar

This will be a bit of a special episode and most likely will stray from our typical weekly format. In fact, I think you can expect it to stray all over the place but it should be a lot of fun. I hope you can join us!

Information on how to join CSTM live broadcasts