Interview with Joe "jwbarry" Barry and Aaron "Rowan" Campbell
This is the last of our interviews from PAX East and this is chatting with Aaron “Rowan” Campbell and Joe “jwbarry” Barry.
Spoiler Alert: This interview is primarily about the new dungeons, especially the new raid. If you want to keep this a surprise, you may want to skip this one.
This interview gives us a nice description and walk through of the new raid, Ost Dunhoth, and discusses the gaunt-lord bosses.
Joe also goes over what’s new with this new instance cluster. For example, the differences with tier 1 and tier 2, the challenges in the dungeons and what players types were considered while designing these instances.
I think this was a really great interview and after listening to jwbarry describe the raid I think you’ll be super excited to get inside this and try it out! I know I am!