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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    Yesterday we ran through OD and completed on T2 the challenge mode for the disease wing. We got one armour piece, a purple dagger, and a bunch of runes and settings. During Bullroarer testing when we downed this wing without completing challenge mode the rewards were the same. I was under the assumption that if we downed CM we got the item to craft a first age. However, it seems my assumption was incorrect. So this begs the question why do challenge mode at all? I am aware that on Gotheron the final boss if we do challenge mode we get an orange item. However, what are the rewards for doing these other bosses other than quest completions. I am sure bragging rights come along with it but, some of us gear driven. So is this a bug and was T2 CM supposed to drop a first age symbol or is this like doing Blind One Hard Mode strictly bragging rights?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    You should get a second chest with more loot and first age. Sounds like its bugged.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    Last night on Brandywine we beat the Disease wing T2 Challenge mode and did receive the 2nd chest (which contained a 2nd armor token for boots and a Symbol of the Elder Kings).

    Obvious question, are you 100% sure you beat the Challenge mode? If so, you should definitely bug it.
    "For them to perceive the advantage of defeating the enemy, they must also have their rewards." ~Sun Tzu

  4. #4
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    Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    Quote Originally Posted by Yosoff View Post
    Last night on Brandywine we beat the Disease wing T2 Challenge mode and did receive the 2nd chest (which contained a 2nd armor token for boots and a Symbol of the Elder Kings).

    Obvious question, are you 100% sure you beat the Challenge mode? If so, you should definitely bug it.
    Thanks for the reply, yea everyone completed the challenge quest in their logs. Are the two chests next to each other? I will definitely bug it hopefully no one else has this happen to them.

  5. #5
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    Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    Same with us last night, have the deed log screenshot to prove it but only got the gold chest(should get gold and ornate chest). We bugged it and got a GM response that it wasn't a known issue so there wasn't anything they would do. The guy who bugged it told the GM that we should just send a PM to JWBerry but the GM said there isn't anything that could be done. Another person in the raid said back in the Rift days the GM's would spawn the chest if it was bugged. Change of management I guess.

  6. #6
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    Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    Quote Originally Posted by KiboshGT View Post
    Same with us last night, have the deed log screenshot to prove it but only got the gold chest(should get gold and ornate chest). We bugged it and got a GM response that it wasn't a known issue so there wasn't anything they would do. The guy who bugged it told the GM that we should just send a PM to JWBerry but the GM said there isn't anything that could be done. Another person in the raid said back in the Rift days the GM's would spawn the chest if it was bugged. Change of management I guess.
    Very unfortunate, in regards to the rift days yes we had a GM spawn a chest for us once when this sort of thing happened pity they still don't do it.

  7. #7
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    Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    Wow, Hope they fix that soon. We beat it last night on challenge and luckily got both chests.

  8. #8
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    Post Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    Quote Originally Posted by crowthorne View Post
    Yesterday we ran through OD and completed on T2 the challenge mode for the disease wing. We got one armour piece, a purple dagger, and a bunch of runes and settings. During Bullroarer testing when we downed this wing without completing challenge mode the rewards were the same. I was under the assumption that if we downed CM we got the item to craft a first age. However, it seems my assumption was incorrect. So this begs the question why do challenge mode at all? I am aware that on Gotheron the final boss if we do challenge mode we get an orange item. However, what are the rewards for doing these other bosses other than quest completions. I am sure bragging rights come along with it but, some of us gear driven. So is this a bug and was T2 CM supposed to drop a first age symbol or is this like doing Blind One Hard Mode strictly bragging rights?
    Can you provide some more details as to the specific chain of events you went through? How many attempts, how many wipes, which ways you failed challenge, etc.
    We've been trying to repro this internally looking at a variety of variables and combinations of the above and so far have always gotten both chests. More specific detail would be very useful.

  9. #9
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    Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    Got it on the 2nd attempt. On the first attempt we didn't wipe we just reset it because dps was slightly lopsided(failed because 3rd set of hounds spawned and were killed). Once we reset the fight we waited for the challenge to be re-bestowed for all raid members and went back in and listened to the drama sequence, the fight proceeded as usual. We got the pop-up about the sticky-sap completion and the deed log for all members confirms it. But only the gold chest was given. Thanks for looking into it.
    Last edited by KiboshGT; Mar 22 2011 at 03:34 PM.

  10. #10
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    Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    Quote Originally Posted by KiboshGT View Post
    Got it on the 2nd attempt. On the first attempt we didn't wipe we just reset it because dps was slightly lopsided(failed because 3rd set of hounds spawned and were killed). Once we reset the fight we waited for the challenge to be re-bestowed for all raid members and went back in and listened to the drama sequence, the fight proceeded as usual. We got the pop-up about the sticky-sap completion and the deed log for all members confirms it. But only the gold chest was given. Thanks for looking into it.
    Actually, there was one more reset and rebestow in there. Before we started our second attempt, the boss was up (initial state; not aggroed), so we just reset it again so we had the time to set up.

  11. #11
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    Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    Quote Originally Posted by Admo View Post
    Actually, there was one more reset and rebestow in there. Before we started our second attempt, the boss was up (initial state; not aggroed), so we just reset it again so we had the time to set up.
    I think that is where the problem is. When the raid tries to reset the encounter. We had a wipe on ivar once or twice, then we had a reset. Thats when things got messed up for us.

    Also the gate bugged on us ( was down) so we had to disband, reform and reclear that center lane! That was nasty! So now we know, we just die and do not try to reset it.

    Anyway, lets see what the dev team comes back with. As I said the problem might be people reset the encounter (leaving instance, leaving room, etc)

  12. #12
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    Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    My group had problems in several instances when group members left the instance, usually to repair, or go back to their vault for more hope tokens.

    We had one guy leave to get hope tokens, he didn't leave group, just used the Leave instance drop down, when he came back our challenge mode quest trackers disappeared like we had failed the challenge. We were all just standing around while he repaired and grabbed some hope tokens.

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  13. #13
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    Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    Quote Originally Posted by GEARS1980 View Post
    My group had problems in several instances when group members left the instance, usually to repair, or go back to their vault for more hope tokens.

    We had one guy leave to get hope tokens, he didn't leave group, just used the Leave instance drop down, when he came back our challenge mode quest trackers disappeared like we had failed the challenge. We were all just standing around while he repaired and grabbed some hope tokens.

    It has to be it, the constant we see in all of these issues...people leaving grp, leaving instance, etc

  14. #14
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    Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    Three attempts:
    First and Second attempt a couple people died, so we ran out and reset the trees
    Third attempt completed, no second chest
    Last edited by Rconsole; Mar 22 2011 at 09:51 PM.
    Stry, Captain

  15. Mar 23 2011, 04:02 AM

  16. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    we had same issue yesterday, done challenge on 4th attempt and only 1 chest spawned, plz fix it, we all want those 1st agers veeeery bad

  17. #16
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    Post Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    Thanks for all the info guys. The key information was the amount of attempts involved. If you succeed within the first two tries you do get the chest. There's part of the reset logic that looks like it was accidentally setup to only fire once.
    So, short term workaround, if you're working on this challenge or trying to get first ages from it, for the time being reform the raid if you fail twice. Not great, but it'll work and you'll hopefully get really good at the trash.
    This should be coming in a forthcoming patch at some point (no clue when, I just make and fix stuff)

  18. #17
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    Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    Quote Originally Posted by jwbarry View Post
    Thanks for all the info guys. The key information was the amount of attempts involved. If you succeed within the first two tries you do get the chest. There's part of the reset logic that looks like it was accidentally setup to only fire once.
    So, short term workaround, if you're working on this challenge or trying to get first ages from it, for the time being reform the raid if you fail twice. Not great, but it'll work and you'll hopefully get really good at the trash.
    This should be coming in a forthcoming patch at some point (no clue when, I just make and fix stuff)
    Thanks for the update. Is this for all of the bosses, or just the Disease Wing?
    "For them to perceive the advantage of defeating the enemy, they must also have their rewards." ~Sun Tzu

  19. #18
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    Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    Quote Originally Posted by john_anthony View Post
    we also had only one chest (the gold chest) spawn after beating Disease Wing challenge mode this evening.

    we succeeded on the third attempt. on the first two attempts, while we were learning the mechanics, we ran out to reset it halfway through. there were no group wipes (although there were several individual deaths) or any people leaving the instance, merely people resetting the fight by running back out the door. it seems like resetting the fight messes up the second chest.

    a lot of groups have reported this problem, specifically for the Disease Wing, so i'm not sure why the devs would be having a tough time reproducing it. seems to be happening quite often, most likely as a result of resetting the fight halfway through.
    This is what happened to us as well a few resets on the boss and we got through i believe our fourth attempt

    Edit: should have read all the way through thanks jdub for the quick reply and fix hopefully it gets patched soon!

  20. #19
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    Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    If this is not worth hotfix...

  21. #20
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    Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    Quote Originally Posted by Finrandiras View Post
    If this is not worth hotfix...
    From Sapience's Blog:

    We could go round and round for hours about the meaning of hotfix, but the only thing that matters here is how we use it when messaging downtime and changes to you, the players. For us, this is usually a change to the game (though it can also be a change to a misbehaving back end system). It can either be server side (no download) or client side (your client will update and patch), depending on what it is we’re fixing. For server side fixes you usually will not see patch or release notes.
    For a client side hotfix you’ll usually get notes or some other notice of what is being addressed. Hotfixes are always small. We use hotfixes to address issues the team sees as urgent (completely closed or blocked content is usually a good hotfix candidate). The number of items addressed in a hotfix is extremely limited. Often it is a single, highly critical item. Items that do not meet our criteria for a hotfix are considered for a …
    Check the Bold part. It's not completely blocked, but it is somewhat useless in this state.
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  22. #21
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    Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    Quote Originally Posted by jwbarry View Post
    Thanks for all the info guys. The key information was the amount of attempts involved. If you succeed within the first two tries you do get the chest. There's part of the reset logic that looks like it was accidentally setup to only fire once.
    So, short term workaround, if you're working on this challenge or trying to get first ages from it, for the time being reform the raid if you fail twice. Not great, but it'll work and you'll hopefully get really good at the trash.
    This should be coming in a forthcoming patch at some point (no clue when, I just make and fix stuff)
    Can you put this into the Known Issues post? Thanks.
    Radian- Champion- Landroval

  23. #22
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    Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    Would REALLY like to know if this applies for all wings or not. My kin reset the poison boss a ton the other night trying for HM but we always got the re-bestowal of the challenge quest dialog. Anybody fail to get a chest in here or has Poison wing not been successfully completed in challenge yet?
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  24. #23
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    Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    So we did T2 Disease HM last night.

    - First try: Semi wipe, tried to reset, botched it as the boss started again. So we decided to play it safe and restart the entire instance and re-clear the wing's trash.
    - Second try: New instance. I don't explicitly remember noting if we reformed or just waited for it to reset, I think it was a full reform though. But definitely a new instance. We re-cleared trash, etc. Tried boss. Messed up killing adds and whatnot, this time we just took the wipe and did not try to reset it.
    - Third try: We went back and took the trees down, in HM. Only the 1 gold chest, no challenge mode chest, no symbol nothing. The HM quest did complete successfully and the HM deed updated. This was our 2nd try under the 2nd instance. I am fairly sure there was no phantom reset in between (gates wouldn't have opened, quest would have noticeably failed an additional time, etc).

    Maybe there's something more to that bug?
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  25. #24
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    Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    Shiara, it was a full reform, since the gate wouldnt open even after we had all exited the instance. Bottom line, 2nd run of HM still only yielded one box for the challenge.

  26. #25
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    Re: Ost Dunhoth Challenge Modes...Whats the point?

    We beat it last night and got both chests on our second or 3rd try, depending on how you count it.

    On our first try, one of our champs hit an errant aoe that caused a challenge fail so I called a wipe to reset. Our burg hips'd and accidentally restarted the fight while most of us were still running back after the reset. With just him stuck behind the gate, he took the defeat and the fight reset again. We had thought that might have counted as our 2nd defeat but didn't feel like resetting the instance and decided to go for the challenge again anyway. Won and got both chests.

    So, everyone died rather than have anyone run out to reset. Perhaps the resetting is part of the problem. Or, the burg's accidental restart of the fight might not have counted as the 2nd try.


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