Today Kate “Nereid” Paiz talks about LOTRO's 4th birthday, Update 3, and more! Click here for her latest Producer's Letter and post your comments here!
Today Kate “Nereid” Paiz talks about LOTRO's 4th birthday, Update 3, and more! Click here for her latest Producer's Letter and post your comments here!
Last edited by Clover; Mar 30 2011 at 03:48 PM.
Err 2011 ?
While saddened to hear about the raid not being finished until ROI, and a little annoyed by the plugs for store items (wonder if you are required to mention the store a certain number of times), I'm quite glad to hear that there's another update scheduled just a couple months away.
Don't get me wrong. I love the new patch and all there is to do, but my kin lost a lot of people in the long dark time between mirkwood and update 2, and people are still leery about an announcement devoid of any new group content.
Last edited by geoboy; Mar 30 2011 at 10:33 PM.
Nerves, of the Brandywine.
After that, we’ll be introducing a new festival-like event where players will get a chance to spend a few days frantically searching for buried treasure. It’ll have some cool in-game rewards, and will likely be open for play periodically over the year.
we’ll be introducing a new Anniversary Festival, for players to enjoy as we celebrate our 4th birthday in April!
Sad to hear about the delay:
To answer one question about Isengard: some of you have been asking about the other raid we have in development – it’s going to be an amazing experience, as it has a monstrous dragon boss with custom voice-over and lip-syncing animation, but it’s also been challenging to get all those pieces intertwined so we’re going to keep working on it and it will now be a part of the Isengard release this fall.
Good to hear info on update 3 and a date:
We’re also working on Update 3, currently scheduled for late May, with 2 new mid-level instances and 2 new Skirmishes, all of which support scaling to level 65.
Hooray for 2 new mid-level instances and 2 new skirmishes in May. I was actually wondering if there was going to be another big update before Isengard, so I'm glad that the answer is yes.
I wonder, will the May update include a new book as a prelude to Isengard? Or is that something that will launch with Isengard itself?
[center][url=] Children of Illuvatar Kinship[/url], [b]Arkenstone[/b]
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The advertisement for the newly improved (and more expensive) LOTRO Store potions in the first paragraph kind of ruined the rest of it for me. At least players now know not to expect another raid until Isengard is released.
My overall feedback: LOTRO needs less "store" and more "story".
Though I question the slightly blatant store item plugs [sorry, just my opinion] I did like the information that was presented. I like that there will be a SM reset token coming to the LotRO store [this is something I can definitely live with being store only - it isn't a requirement, just something nice to have in case you make a mistake w/ your soldier].
The treasure hunt thing reminds me, going by her words only, of the latest DDO anniversary event... I hope it isn't like the DDO event [not only to keep the products unique, but because that particular event didn't sit well with me - opinion again]. Please let it not be Goblin Pirates and Miners...
I don't have much of an opinion on the raid delay, but it looks like they are working some new tech into the game via it and can understand why it may take longer than expected. New skirmishes and instances coming in may? That is the quick pace we have been hoping for since F2P was announced - Considering the time between the last pre-F2P content patch, then between F2P and Update 2 - Update 3 will be coming in quicker than we have gotten used to
[B][I]Back after a long hiatus[/I][/B]
Founding Lifetime Member/LotRO Beta Tester - Still love the game
Fashion Hero 2010
In terms of end-game instances:
What we have now is all we're gettting till Isenguard..6-8 months of nothing new, wonderfull to hear.
"...FF is still the best server period, its like the Texas of Lotro"-Bace
If anyone wants to know what was in the letter and not read it...
The store is doing great!
The Raid is delayed 8 months for a fluff feature in it with moving lips on a voice over.
We are getting 2 instances (no disclosure on group size) and 2 skirmishes for mid to max level!
Holding on by the last hair on the dwarfs beard.
Hrm - figured what I said may be taken out of context so I have removed it before a moderator has to. I will keep quiet now.
Last edited by carlosjuero; Mar 30 2011 at 04:22 PM. Reason: Forestalling potential misunderstanding/issues
[B][I]Back after a long hiatus[/I][/B]
Founding Lifetime Member/LotRO Beta Tester - Still love the game
I sincerely hope, that when you design your end game raids, you don't have store pots hot keyed to make it playable, as a set variable of design.
That would be highly dishonorable, profitable yes, but highly dishonorable, and not a sustainable practice in the long run.
Profit now, pay for your sins later.
Be Excellent To Each Other
I have to stay I have been enjoying this new update and cant wait to see what comes out in may.. Only thing i want to complain about is I want custom weapon slots so i can hold a fish and still fight with my regular. As for the raid all good things come in time. I don't get why people complain if you compare the amount of content that this game puts out as apposed to WOW and others, LOTRO brings out more raids/ dungeons than any other game. Keep up the good work guys. Im so glad I became a lifer when I did =D!!
If I hear where were the heals one more time, I'll show you were they are. "OHH I thought you said to heal you LESS, My bad!"
Another festival? I guess that's ok since I have no time to explore the one currently on.
Note to Turbine: Releasing a festival at the same time as 5 brand new instances, including a raid, is a really bad idea.
"The improved Morale potions and Battle potions of Restoration have also found permanent places on my hot bar, as have my new milestones."
Easy when you work for Turbine and have access to unlimited Turbine Points. Not so easy when you have to pay cash.
Last edited by opurt; Mar 30 2011 at 04:25 PM.
Well to be fair the letter was a little forum trollish. It plugged the store heavily, it brought up a cool raid that is being pushed back a release, it mentions more skirmishes, and its biggest news was low level and fluff stuff. That is practically a bingo.
Personally, I am very happy to hear about the new skirmish soldier reset and I hope the new instances are the Fornost revamp. I was hoping to hear there would be a new book, but no word.
"...damn you burglars with your endless bag of tricks and utility belts." -Orion
Another Update in MAY?!?!?
Fashion Hero 2010
No mention of continuing class updates? I'm sure Guardians and Wardens are all anxious for their class updates...
[url=""]Isana -- R7 65 Burglar[/url] -- [url=""]Laraia -- R6 65 Champion[/url] -- [url=""]Kathaila -- R5 65 Hunter[/url]
Posts a Lot
I really like the new look of the character panel, as well as the new content. My highest level toon is 45 Hunter, at which point I had to go back to Evendim to re-coup the benefits of Rep. At any rate I have a question: Will there in the next up date a way for Kinships to have a Kinship bank? Not to make this game like WOW. But it would prove to be helpful for Kinsmen to share profession items amongst the Kin.
I really think this game is great alot better than WOW, as I have played that for 6 years, and most of the people that I have come acrossed are very helpful, and polite, as I do pay attention to in game chat as well.
Thanks again for your hard work.
I hope that the Wardens, Guardians and Champion's class revisions are also in Update 3. Did Kate forgot to mention that or are they gonna be delayed?
Razor // Lusitanius // Crickhollow ~ Portuguese Kinship //
As a member of the EU I can say that the new Update is great for most players so a great job there and a round of applause to the dev team for your hard work.
However I agree that the store is becoming an in your face thing, i paid less than a year ago for my life-time subscription despite being with the game since Beta, and am not seeing that many "rewards" anymore for being as such. I don't have a lot of money so i cant buy points, yet all the good things are going there? Plus saving points inst the best option because when you have enough points as a life-time subscriber new things you want are out. Perhaps some consideration to those who didn't start at F2P? Such as separating ways to get things to VIP's and then a different way for F2P?
I have to agree with other posters that bludgeoning me over the head with the Store items in the first paragraph of the Producer's letter gives a clear indication of where the priorities are for the game - and they are not in the game itself. /sadpanda
That said, it's nice to be given a reason for the raid delay (whether or not people find it convincing is beside the point). Bonus points for new scalable instances and skirmishes unlooked-for before the aptly-acronymed ROI expansion. I, too, had grown resigned to seeing no appreciable increase in updates after F2P despite the hype to the contrary. Still not up to what was anticipated, but better than none.
And I am looking forward to seeing what this treasure hunt thing is like - hopefully it's something anyone at any level can participate in, and not something that higher level players can make undoable for others - seen enough of that in other games to last me a lifetime. If so, it will be something new and different than we've really seen - and as such will be a very welcome celebration.
[COLOR=olive]Lyriell, Elf Guardian of Carpe Jugulum [/COLOR]
[COLOR=olive]6 Fairwood Lane, Pel-e-Maenas, Falathlorn (Silverlode)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal]- Comfrey (Minstrel), Lomeloth (LM), Galmiriel (Captain), Melanna (Hunter), Curubrindal (Warden), Collinsia (Burglar)[/COLOR]
My hot bar contains skills/items that I NEED like food, tokens, scrolls or the everyday skills that are part of the skill rotation. Often, useless things like Ardour on my champ, the dance emote on my minie or the bow emote on my captain are out of my hot bars because I don't need them."The improved Morale potions and Battle potions of Restoration have also found permanent places on my hot bar, as have my new milestones."
The day I need your super pot from the store it will be a sad day. That will probably mean the end of an era. And that part of the letter feels exactly that: pots are like food or tokens or pip gen skills...
The rest of it is just compliant with the direction the game is taking. Store as the money maker. I agree with one thing though: no promises of LIs leveling with you and other BS. It is what it is.
Aldursil 140 Champion Edved 140 Captain Roovery 140 Minstrel Galathriell 140 Lore-Master EddieVedder 140 Rune-Keeper