Nite, when did you transfer? Did you bring all your toys with you, or just the RK?
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="aqua"]Confectrix: Destroyer, or that which destroys[/COLOR]
[COLOR="red"]Firedotz ~~ Umadbrah --- Elendilmir Creeps --- Crowdcontroll ~~ Ilurkz[/COLOR]
[COLOR="lime"]Previously known as Nitefall[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
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thats right im just gonna sit there and let 4 burgs and hunter spam track and gank me hmm negative i will runs everytime
and points for me not getting points i seem to be getting alot of them and ranking extremely fast
oh well .... Keep it up
Booo! Why'd ya take down that haiku Glorn? It was hilarious. Balin also deleted a gem a few weeks ago about druzik and his ilk. Let em ride for a bit next time fellas, adds some spice.
Guys, I removed the haikus because they called out another player for in-game actions and insulted him.
The forums are not the place for these types of messages. They violate our community guidelines and will result in actions being taken by the moderation team as detailed in the community guidelines. We strive to promote an environment where everyone can speak freely and discuss the game -- not a place to start "drama."
Seraphina Brennan -- Turbine Community Specialist
"When in doubt, reach for the stars. That way you'll never come up short."
Don't forget about our Facebook page! and Twitter page! =^_^= Questions on our policies? Read the community guidelines!
I try to answer all of my PMs, but I get a lot! Sometimes I may not get back to you, but I have read your mail!
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Sorry about that Celestrata, it may have crossed the line in terms of talking about another player but I only meant it in jest and tried not to use any bad language. It won't happen again.
In other news, Burgs are very fun. It's nice to be able to run around and actually fight people that I have a chance of killing instead of being jumped by 4 wargs every 5 minutes like I do on my Warden. Just got the Copper Sphere, too! Creeps watch out!
Last edited by thunderchickn; May 10 2011 at 02:03 AM.
[color=green][b]Gloarn[/b][/color] 80 Burglar [color=grey]|[/color] [color=green][b]Glorn[/b][/color] 75 Champion [color=grey]|[/color] [color=green][b]Gloirn[/b][/color] 75 Rune-keeper [color=grey]|[/color] [color=green][b]Glourn[/b][/color] 75 Captain
[color=brown][b]Glarnakh[/b][/color] R7 Warleader [color=grey]|[/color] [color=brown][b]Glarno[/b][/color] R6 Reaver
Yea I need to knock the dust off of Roast and slice and dice me some freep steaks. I will try to log him this weekend some, I really want to finish leveling my cappy.
I found this you tube link on the Brandywine PvP forums at lunch today I think it might be the aftermath of one of Rahbs many raids in the moors. ( jk )
enjoy all
Last edited by SirJeffreyAlan2; May 10 2011 at 05:09 PM.
FREEPS: Ohdinn 65 Rune Keeper R-6, Sturrm 65 Captain R-6, Sempirfi 65 Hunter R-7.
lol.....saw a diff version a year ago or so.....but it still cracks me up....funny stuff
Classic. (apparently you need 10 letters to post on this forum, so this aside is fulfilling that requirement)
Posts a Lot
10 letters?
rank niner!
Biological - Weaver - Dwarrowdelf
Gruxxor - Reaver - Immortals
Since I really never play freepside, I'm a bit out of touch with identifying raid leaders in the Moors. However, I know Belli runs a lot of them, and since I saw him out Sunday night, I'm assuming he had a hand in organizing the freep resistance. Just wanted to say well done! The back and forth was a lot of fun. Both sides did some flanking to change it up. I was crushed my fair share of times when our pushes didn't pan out too. But hats off to Belli and his merry men (and women). Had a blast.
P.S. Belli...Miltok was talking trash about you, so I'd keep making him your primary target. I need a break!
If only we could somehow harness the power of the internet to distribute porn...
Belli doesnt lead raids he just invites freeps to a group and has them stand at whatever keep they own. We had an Ins group of 5-6 fighting you guys down at the water a couple times and earlier 3 of us managed to almost fend you guys off at SOP. The fights were pretty decent.
careful might break the enthusiasm meter.
(signature removed due to poor data management)
Blacktoegash, Blackspeak, Stenchofdeath, Blacktoes, etc ELENDILMIR
lol its hard to entertain as much as The Jersey Shore does
I was solo most of the weekend but yah fights were pretty decent lol the wtab under the bridge fights were hilarious i ran down there a few times to come around the corner into a fairly decent sized force.
Derlan of Arkenstone(Champ R10), Wilantuk of Arkenstone(LM R6), Adgor of Arkenstone,
Urukder Lan (Defiler Rank 6) of Ark
Auzue Windstalker (Warg Rank 9) of Ark
(Retired from Freepside)
Freeps: [color=#9999ff]Elerene[/color], Ikaelus, Graedus, Ziebold, Saracia, Zandiran, Erunir, Jaenda, Derwisch, Gwendilas
Creeps: [color=#ff9999]Ishtiluk[/color], Sranakh, Fangborn, Tolorath, Oroknash, Logarat