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Thread: Sons of Gondor

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Sons of Gondor

    The Sons of Gondor is a Rank 10 kinship on the Evernight Server, comprising of 40+ people from all around the world, emphasising in fun, fairness and support for all of its members.

    We here at SoG do not consider ourselves to be either a causal or hardcore kinship as in truth we do not fit either of those roles.

    We have many members who have different playing styles and as such we feel that we do not fit in with the typical stereotype that these titles give.

    As a kin we aim to experience all that Lotro has to offer so whether you enjoy raiding, running instances, exploring or fluff, small talk in kinchat...you will be more than welcome here.

    We are currently running regular weekly raids to Ost Dunhoth where we are actively working on getting challenge modes done and could do with a few good souls to bolster our raid roster.

    The difference you will find with us is that we have a very relaxed and friendly atmosphere and above all else we ask and expect all of our members to be friendly and supportive to all players in Middle Earth.

    If we sound like the kin for you then please visit our website and just post an application here.

    Hope to see you in game soon
    Last edited by Goleo; Jun 12 2011 at 08:39 PM.



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