Hi folks,

The Lost Alliance is a collection of members from two founding Evernight Kins, The 'Jesters of Middle Earth' and 'Definition of Might'.

It is a collection of players who are though, mainly focussed on end game perhaps don't have the time to dedicate to full raids, or don't necessarily share the ideas of DKP or hardcore grinding like many of the bigger kins. That said, we still desire to do the contents, albiet in a more leasuirely and fun way. We are well versed in causing a havok on Friday night through a drunking wind down, and although we aren't the most famous of kins, some of our members are without a doubt extremely infamous!

We always welcome new members with open arms, but at the same time cannot always guarentee a raid every week in week out. So please bare that in mind with the sign ups. We like to try and accomodate everyones play style, but through real life commitments it's not always the case.

Please feel free to check our website
