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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Confirmed no instances at launch but in development

    Are there any new Instances with Rise of Isengard?

    Sapience confirmed that there will be no new 3/6/12 man instances at launch, nor will any of the instances that currently don’t scale be converted to scale to level. He also confirmed that yes, they ARE actually working on an instance cluster at this very moment and that progress is good, but when asked whether that would be released around Christmas or possibly later he simply said “Sure, or maybe even before Christmas. I really can’t say anything more specific on that subject.”

    So as with mom they will arrive a bit later

    Source: www.casualstrolltomordor.com

    With some more q&a aswell

    Edit:feel free to delete as i missed the other topic on this on the forums, sorry about that
    Last edited by Chewie-nl; Aug 22 2011 at 05:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Confirmed no instances at launch but in development

    Really guessing they wanted the Xpac out, and people leveling, prior to the SW:TOR launch. Betting we'll see an instance cluster pretty early into the Xpac, likely right before or after SWTOR goes live.

    Personally, given a choice between a Sept Xpac release with no instances and a Nov/Dec instance cluster, or, a Full Xpac in Nov/Dec with instances, I like the former. Gives me a chance to get leveling, working on virtues, fooling around with the class changes, etc.

    The last instance cluster they put out was one of their best imho, so I expect the next to be solid. We shall see.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Confirmed no instances at launch but in development

    It seems to me that landmass/instance development simply got out of sync. Moria, Lorien and Mirkrwood both included landmass update + instance cluster, then Enedwaith was released as a landmass alone, but followed by an instance cluster in 6 months, which was probably originally supposed to go live with Enedwaith (the themes are really similar after all), but got pushed back to get it polished. Now we're getting Isengard as landmass update alone and we already have a word that an instance cluster is in development and will arrive 4-8 month later, so no worries.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Confirmed no instances at launch but in development

    Quote Originally Posted by Malachi108 View Post
    Moria, Lorien and Mirkrwood both included landmass update + instance cluster, then Enedwaith was released as a landmass alone...
    Lothlórien was originally supposed to be included with the Mines of Moria expansion. Instead, it was added in an update. It definitely wasn't a separate expansion.
    Faërie is a perilous land, and in it are pitfalls for the unwary and dungeons for the overbold. – J.R.R. Tolkien, ‘On Fairy-Stories’.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Confirmed no instances at launch but in development

    I was one of the optimists. I thought to myself that there's simply NO WAY you could release a MMO expansion with no new group content. So to me, this is absolutely outrageous and MASSIVELY devalues the expansion purchase for non-VIP players. Despite sapience umming and ahhing about it, we all know that they're going to release this cluster as a separate purchase for 400+ turbine points each, which will push the cost of the full expansion content up massively.

    Isengard is shaping up to be a huge disappointment. Sapience couldn't even confirm that existing scaled instances would be scaled. pathetic.

    and ready by Christmas? don't count on it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Confirmed no instances at launch but in development

    Quote Originally Posted by PsychobabbleJJ View Post
    Ito me, this is absolutely outrageous and MASSIVELY devalues the expansion purchase for non-VIP players
    Yes, I'm sure that's true for some players. For me, it's completely irrelevant. When I found out what was in Update 2 this year, I just skipped it and played other games for 2 more months. I'll likely do the same if the first update post-RoI is all about endgame instances - hopefully, SWTOR will have released by then so I'll have something new to enjoy until LOTRO gets back to the sort of content I actually care about.

    (See how that works? )


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Confirmed no instances at launch but in development

    also no new instances doesn't mean no new group content, it's possiable that some areas of isengard could be "open dungeons" for example

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: Confirmed no instances at launch but in development

    Also... while the raiders may push 75 in a few days.....
    Most people will take weeks to get to 75, if not a couple of months, even if they were already at 65.

    Meaning a new lvl 75 instance cluster isn't going to get much use other than the raiders for the first two months of RoI, so by staggering the development, they actually bring it out at a point a larger number of people are ready for it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Confirmed no instances at launch but in development

    Quote Originally Posted by Malachi108 View Post
    ...instance cluster is in development and will arrive 4-8 month later, so no worries.
    What ist this? an xpac without instances? a big heap of dung! 4-8 months? 2 weeks after xpac realease its through seen all got all quests and then what? doin the old instances again and again as before? i think not...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Confirmed no instances at launch but in development

    All i have to say is: What have they been doing all this time?One year, isnt it?
    If it takes an entire company one year to just create one region with some quests, then i dont know really what to think about it

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Confirmed no instances at launch but in development

    Closing this thread as it's being discussed in multiple other places:



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