Character Information:
Creo 65 LM Tailor
Cretin 65 MIN Scholar
Creolle 65 CAPT Metalsmith
Creosotic 65 GRD
Creopatra 65 HNT Jeweller
Crebane 51 CMP Weaponsmith
Ruined 42 RK Cook
Crena 23 WDN Woodworker
Cremate 16 BRG Farmer
All crafting vocations are Kindred with their respective Guilds.
Age: 54
Server: Landroval
Location: New South Wales, Australia
Playstyle: Solo, Group, PvE, (some) RAIDs, Casual, Crafter
MMOs: LOTRO and Rift
About me:
I started playing LOTRO about 4 years ago at the suggestion of a friend. I have been a Lifetime VIP sub ever since. LOTRO was my 1st MMO and it's taken me some time to understand the mechanics of the game and MMO's in general. I'm no expert by any means and I play for the fun of it. My reflexes may not be as fast as a teenager but I try my best and if I can have a laugh then I consider I've been successful.
I am a casual player who loves to craft. I'm achievement-oriented and will do the grind required to improve my characters. Of all my characters, I think I prefer to play my mini.
I travel a bit with my work so my play time is not always predictable. I try to play as much as possible and at the moment I'm introducing my son and his partner to the game.
... anyway, enough about me, what do '
you' think about me?

Preferred Kinship:
I was an officer of a (small) US-based kin for sometime and I still have contact with my friends. (I have recently moved back to Australia.) We'd get together offen to help each other with class quests, instances, skirmishes, raids, etc., etc. but it was always about the chat in vent and the laughter and friendship. We understood each others skill levels and although we'd often put #### on each other it was always in good fun.
I'd like to find a mature (in age and approach) kin that enjoys having a good time and isn't all-consumed with outcome of the raid, don't get me wrong, I love to beat a difficult boss and it pisses me off if we wipe repeatly, but at the end of the day it's a game and games are supposed to be fun.

Hmmm, I seem to have waffled on a bit here, sorry bout that. Anyways, let me know if you think I might be a good fit for your kin and hopefully I'll see you ingame.
Cheers, Creo.