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  1. #126
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Dev Diary Feedback: Rise of Isengard: Burglar Developer Diary

    According to the developer diary http://www.lotro.com/gameinfo/devdia...w-stat-updates might will be largely irrelevant for burgs.

  2. #127
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Dev Diary Feedback: Rise of Isengard: Burglar Developer Diary

    WHY the hell are you making stance for each trait line at each classes??!

    make Quiet Knife the default "no stance"-stance like you did for melody for minstrel.

    and make that gambler use the mischief stance which is modified by trait and trait set bonus of the gambler trait line.

    then there will be just one stance: mischief and no-stance.

    And for god sake why can't someone in mischief enter into sneak that defy logic...

    someone who do mischief isn't likely to go sneaky?

    well I never saw a gambler in casino going "litterally" sneaky at the blackjack table sorry.

    Why being able to Ribble out a target is too much OP to allow sneak?

    Just make that:
    +5% Damage Bonus on Gambles
    -500 Resist Rating Debuff on Trick Removal
    become a 2 traits set bonus for the Gambler line.

    -25% Trick Power Cost
    become 2 traits set bonus of Mischief-Maker line.

    so default mischief would end up with
    +5% Evade Chance
    -30s Riddle Cooldown

    Burglars can now use “Riddle” and “Confound” on any creature type (ie; any genus).
    WHAT! why?...HOW!?...how can you riddle a bear? come on that's idiot I understand why you are making it, but don't answer to noobs demands on that, riddle require intellect and language, and for what I know of lotro burg aren't, as lore-master, able to speak with animals.

    Please keep some logic not make it a "generic Mez" spell for burgs.

    Ok blinding flash should be, and I would even go to say that Bane flare should be aswell but not Riddle.

  3. #128
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Dev Diary Feedback: Rise of Isengard: Burglar Developer Diary

    Quote Originally Posted by BIZL View Post
    Yeah and I saw that the new Hunter books have Morale or Power and a significant decrease in skill cost or threat.

    I'd love to see some bonuses on the signals:

    Red, + 500 critical rating
    Yellow, +5% bleed magnitude
    Green, +10% Glee Healing
    Blue, +20% Chance for MD to proc a power heal

    Something like this would be great!
    ^ This please, in regards to the new burg signals.

  4. #129
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: Dev Diary Feedback: Rise of Isengard: Burglar Developer Diary

    Bumping this thread up in the hopes that we can get some clarification on Turbine's official position regarding the purpose of the Burglar in a group setting that makes him a necessary element (aside from CJs, as these take no skill on the part of the Burglar to use).
    Kalysm- Rank 7 Weaver
    Amote- Hobbit Burger, Lost Legion of Dunharrow


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