Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name or character name: Thilmariel (Hunter, Elf, Lvl 34)
Age: 38
Preferred server: Laurelin
Location: Italy. (But english speaker even if is not my first language)
Playstyle: Solo for when I can't find groups, but prefer to be in groups to make fellowship quests. Not interested in PvP or raiding for gear. Hope I can enjoy endgame content with other people.
MMO games played: A little bit of UO long time ago, LoTRo is the first I play constantly.
What about me: I'm an adult and I espect other in kinship to be adult too. I know I don't have any experience with MMO world in general, so I have to learn a lot. I'm not the kind of person that argue over pointless stuff, I enjoy a good laugh and don't mind jokes. Since I'm new to this MMO world I know nearly nothing about raiding or hardcore endgame. I play for fun and with my pace, I really like enjoying the world I'm playing in. I can follow orders specially when doing stuff I'm not familiar with, I would like to learn how to play in fellowship and do some instances. I have a busy life, work, wife, kid so I will be online on late hours CET.
What kind of kinship I'm looking for: I'm looking for a kinship with mature people, any age, I don't mind. I'm looking for a medium - light RP kinship (elven kinship a plus) because of language barrier but I will try to do my best. A kinship that helps its members to grow is higly appreciated. Prefer an EU kinship for play time. Last, but not least, a kinship that organizes events, I will partecipate if possible due to my RL duties. I could help lower characters to any quest, skirmish, instances even without getting any loot, I'm not playing for that.
What kind of kinship I'm NOT looking for: People or kinships with names like "$$Daboss$$" or "PoWnZor" similar, that would kill immersion for me. A kinship that forces its members to leveling or to have the best gear possible, I would like to enjoy the game. No raiding kinship.
Hope this is enough, feel free to ask question and thanks for reading
I'm NOT english native, so forgive my grammar errors and spellin mistakes :D