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Results 751 to 775 of 1805
  1. #751
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.


    Name: I have 4 characters, Willis the 65 hunter(got bored of him), Willarm the 32 warden (primary), Willayna the 12 minstrel, and Willisina the 7 burglar. All are hobbits, on the Dwarrowdelf Server

    Myself: I enjoy doing fun raids, as long as the people are laid back. I dont like being in a kin that focuses only on raiding, and is completely serious. That gets boring for me. I want to be able to just do a little PUG. I also enjoy going into the Moors. My hunter sucks, but once Willarm gets to 75 or so, he will be pretty good. I tend to be on and off playing. One week I'll play nonstop when i'm out of school, another week i'll hop on to say hi like three times. I ask a lot of questions, so if you kin is annoyed with questions, i'm not for you. I do talk quite a bit, but will shut up once i'm asked. I do have some experience with clans. I was a high ranking officer in the Legion of Doom (early 2011 clan, we go pretty big. Leader quit, his replacement quit, fell to ruins. Attempted to resurrect it, failed.) Then got pretty high up another clan that I do not remember off the top of my head.

    Thanks guys! Just mail willarm in game if you have an opening for me!

  2. #752
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    My character's name is Starglider on the Nimrodel server.
    He is currently a lvl 20 elf lore-master.
    I'm on the west coast.
    I'm looking for an older group to run with. Not interested in a kinship with a lot of
    immature kids in it.
    I've played Asheron's Call, Eve and WoW heavily in the past, just to name a few.
    My playing time will be afternoons or evenings as needed for group quests. I'm
    pretty flexible. I can pay for a Ventrilo server if needed. I'd like to get in on the
    ground floor of a new kinship with leaders that know the game well.

  3. #753
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    LVL 75 Hunter possibly looking to change Kinship on the GLADDEN server...
    Hello all!! I am a 75 Hunter maybe looking to change Kinships. I am usually on in the evening for a few hours 5-6 nights a week. I really enjoy the crafting side of the game and like to help out my kin with crafted items. I am currently also leveling a Champion and a Burglar, levels 31 and 16, respectively. I used to see 10-12 Kin members a night and now I am only seeing 2 or 3. I haven't done much of the "endgame" stuff but I would like to get in with a good group to work towards some of that content.

    I also have a good friend that has a level 75 Guardian (tank you very much) and a level 74 Warden that would be coming with me.

    Any who...if anyone has any interest...send me a tell or a message in game.
    Hunter = Bendryt
    Champ = Amrah
    Burg = Bendros

  4. #754
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    I too,am seeking a kinship. I want a kinship that is relaxed,and has a member majority of people aged 25 or older. This kinship should be one that focuses on crafting and socialization. That is my ideal kinship.

  5. #755
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    Your name, or character name and race (if known): Elf Lore-Master, name undecided (haven't created the character yet)

    Age (some kinships have real life age limits): 33

    Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):Laurelin or Landroval

    Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Florida, USA. I'm typically online from 11pm until 3am Eastern time.

    Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): I've played mostly solo, and am tired of it. I want some friends! So group PvE and RP.

    MMO games you’ve played: WoW, AoC, LotRO, DCUO, CoH, PW, RoM, and a few others I can't remember off the top of my head.

    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Intelligent, funny (though my sense of hummus is sometimes hard to understand), doesn't stand in fire, lore nerd

    What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Friendly, helpful, intelligent, mature, lore nerds, accepts Elves, not a criminal organization, doesn't mind my shyness.
    Last edited by Schijnn; Dec 18 2011 at 08:30 PM. Reason: Readability
    Mae (or mae not) Govannen.
    I haven't decided yet.

  6. #756
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    IGN: Zulthrax. Race of Man, Lvl 38. Warden.


    Server: Firefoot.

    Location: U.S.A. Texas. I play during almost anytime of day as long as it isnt super early or late. Play on weekends due to school on weekdays unless it is a holiday ftw.

    Playstyle: Preferred group, raids, solo as last resort; casual though.

    Other MMO's: Fiesta, Flyff. (Didn't like either too colorful)

    Why Me?: I am a helpful player and know a decent amount about the game. I'm pretty chill and easy to get along with. I will do what im asked to do cuz im willing to help out the kin and have fun.

    Kinship type: Helpful, willing to do raids, a bit chatty so I can socialize while riding horse from quest to quest. Not hardcore though about play times and needing strict guidelines. Kin MUST have a website. Mail me.

    Thx in advance.

  7. #757
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    Found a kin - thanks!

    Server: Elindilmer

    Probably time I joined a kin. Have main as lvl 47 hunter/forester and working an alt lvl 25 champ/prospector.

    I don't do much grouping (not even once so far in LoTRO) mostly because of health and time/constraints. I take a boatload of medications so frequent bio breaks are required at times - TMI but you need to know I'm not just antisocial... Anyway, for those reasons I tend to solo most of the time so as not to interrupt other's gameplay. (Blood pressure medication sucks.)

    Played EQ and EQ2 for a few years until they changed it so much that you pretty much couldn't get past level 50 without a lot of grouping. Enjoyed the game, otherwise.

    I'm not against grouping/raiding from time to time, I just don't see it as the main reason to play.

    My play style tends to be very methodical. When I do group I don't much enjoy the "run through the instance at max speed and pity the fool who lags at the back" style. I much prefer tactical play. Pull some mobs, kill them, pull some more, kill them. Slower, but wiping is rare and even single deaths less likely. The few times I was forced to group in EQ to get a particular drop I never found a group who understood how to use (or keep alive) an archer. It was "run through these giants as fast as we can, they'll all aggro us at once but the front of our pack can outrun them." Since I hadn't run the instance a hundred times and was bringing up the rear where an archer should be, guess who spent a lot of time staring at the ground waiting for somebody to come with a feather... LOL

    Why join a kin? Well, I'm happy to group with other casual players for the occasional instance or to help someone meet a goal. I enjoy crafting and am willing to pool resources so the whole kin becomes more than the sum of the parts, etc. To that end, I'm really only interested in joining a fairly large and well-established kin - though obviously not a hardcore raiding kin. Like everybody else, I've turned down dozens of blind requests to join new kins that are trying to meet their establishment minimums.
    Last edited by OldePhart; Jan 09 2012 at 05:06 PM.

  8. #758
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    I am looking for a Kinship that holds to Tolkien lore. Specifically, I'd like to join a kinship that has no RK's or Wardens. I believe these characters don't belong in this game and it's representation of the Third Age of Middle Earth.
    I've been around since open beta, and I have many characters on many servers.
    I will happily change servers and even start a new character. I'd love to join a Kin, but I want one that is more Tolkien based then what this game has evolved into.
    I prefer playing Hunters, but I do like Captains and Champions.
    If anyone is interested in a daily player that has experience in LOTRO, please send a note to me in mail or here. I don't troll the forums so a note to my forum ID will catch my attention.


  9. #759
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Looking for a Kinship in Elendilmir

    Lvl 58 Mini Hobbit (a mini mini) looking for a kinship on Elendilmir. I am based in Eastern AUS so am looking for one that has payers who are on at the same times as me. I am interested in doing more Raids, Instances and Skirmishes but can't seem to find any through regular game requests or IF.

    Pls send me a message in forum if you are recruiting.


  10. #760
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Talking Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    Server: Vilya

    Age: 22
    Country: Singapore

    I don't have too much time to play (avg 4 days a week), often during the day EST (10am-3pm).

    I own a lv28 man hunter(Killblaster) and are leveling a Hobbit burglar (lv8) and an Elf Lrm (lv16). After some months I'm very much into the Lrm, but my Hunter skill is good (with great equipments). Have horses for the hunter and lrm.

    Love to have some grouping/raiding/skirms from time to time. My in-combat teamwork sense is good. Doing some fellowship quests is fun too. REALLY love crafting (master expert woodworker, forester, journeyman weaponsmith, prospector). I love trading and the economy

    Love the literature work of J.R.R.Tolkien (main reason to play the game). I'd say I'm quite a hardcore gamer (decent
    starcraft player) but mature and disciplined, as well as responsible.

    If you're interested pls send me a note through this forum or through mail. Tks

  11. #761
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    Your name, or character name and race (if known): Sargaras Elf Hunter Level 48
    Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 17, 18 on January 28th 2012.
    Preferred server(s): WINDFOLA
    Location: California USA, Pacific Standard Time
    Playstyle: Group, kinship, TEAMWORK
    MMO games you’ve played:Runescape, Lotro, Rappelz, WoW, Maplestory.
    Why kinships should be interested in you. kinships?: I love to roleplay, I love to help fellow KINSMEN, and I enjoy questing!
    What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I am looking for a helpful kinship that enjoys skirmishes, questing, and TP grinding as a team

  12. #762
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    Your name, or character name and race (if known): Siuroa, Hunter, Elve lv 21
    Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 20
    Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Gladden
    Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Europe
    MMO games you’ve played: Last Chaos

  13. #763
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    Hi, I'm a level 52 Rune-Keeper looking for a kinship to join on Imladris. My character is an elf named Dianli. Real life age: 20. Location: Mountain Standard Time, USA. My play style has been a little non-existent lately. I haven't been playing for several months just because I was getting bored with grinding quests all the time. I'm primarily a solo-player but am wanting to get back into LOTRO a little more, and thought a kinship would be a good experience. As far as what I can do for others, I have healing/dps character so that's kind of a nice tradeoff. Also, I don't love to craft so much these days, but I do have my Forester abilities maxed out (still working on the Esteldin Guild experience) so I can make any light armour or turn any hide into leather. Any recommendations for a kin would be appreciated. Thank you!
    Last edited by raydanator; Dec 23 2011 at 04:20 PM.

  14. #764
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    Char name Videssoss/human/champion/currently lvl 30, and Shadowbaneslayer/elf lvl 3
    Age 43
    Server Evernight
    Location: Seattle, WA, U.S. Pacific Time Zone
    Playstyle: Solo or in groups. PvE and PVP
    MMO games played: Shadowbane, WOW, Conan, LOTR.
    I'm a casual player, a few nights a week and on weekends. I'm married and have lots to do with my wife. I'm looking for a casual, fun guild where people play when they feel like it, not because they HAVE to.

    Give me a shout if you're looking for a good player who likes to have fun.


  15. #765
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    im looking for a kingship

  16. #766
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Cool Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    Hey everyone,

    thanks for taking the time to read my post.

    I'm looking for a laid back leveling kinship. A kinship that can help in quests, skirmishes and more if they are able to.
    I've played the game before a long time ago about 2 years ago to be exact. Back then I was in a hardcore guild and right now I don't have the time for a hardcore guild as I am a very busy person in real life.

    I love a friendly community, I dont care how big the community is be it 500,50 or 5 if it has good friendly people, then I'm interested.

    I'll be most likely making a new dwarf guardian (tank). It'll be my first time making a tank class so It'll be great of a kinship could help me get comfortable tanking.

    I'd be able to help anyone my lvl or lower at the times I'll be online which will most likely consist of weekends.

    So yeah, any laid back kinships interested in me?

  17. #767
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    Your name, or character name and race (if known): Derunthos, Male Elf, Rune Keeper Level 10
    Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 44
    Preferred server(s): Silverlode
    Location: Chicagoland Area, Central standard Time
    Playstyle: Solor for the most part, please see explanation below. I have a level 25 Loremaster and 22 Guardian on Riddermark and love playing those but wanted to try the Rune Keeper.

    Why kinships should be interested in you. kinships?: I'm not sure anyone would but I would love to find a kinship that would be willing to help me learn how to skirmish properly and give advice on how to trait my character properly. I've gotten trait advice on my other 2 more advanced characters but am a little nervous about skirmishing as I don't want to screwup the whole mission because I don't know what I'm doing. I am a quick learner and would really like to become proficient with skirmishing and party instances before I get to the point where they are required and have no clue what to do.

    This character's vocation is tinker, and I'm already well on my way to expert mastery in the prospector & jewler, the cook portion will take a little longer. I would love to share my characters Jewlry and extra ore with a kin. As well as all the hides and other drops that could be useful.

    I usually am online during the weeks after 7pm CST and there are weekends that I am online from 7am to 4am with a few breaks in between. I truly enjoy this game and would love to learn how to play it to its full potential.

  18. Dec 28 2011, 08:28 AM

  19. #768
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    *points new posters back to the first page of the thread that includes post formatting/content suggestions*

    That information, esp. server, is kinda helpful for recruiters to know.

  20. #769
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    Your name, or character name and race: Cabinold of Bree-land, Man, Captain Lvl 21
    RL Age: 25
    Preferred server(s), if any: Gladden
    Location: Michigan, USA--EST (UTC -5) timezone
    Playstyle: Mostly solo at the moment because I haven't met many people; all levels of RP but prefer moderate-heavy RP; new to the game
    MMO games you’ve played: Lusternia (very heavy RP); EVE Online

    Why kinships should be interested in you: I don't like to get in other people's way. I'm not focused on end-game or hardcore PvP, so I'm not super-competitive with other players. As a new player, I have a lot to learn and am always grateful for tips and advice. Plus I'm pretty friendly, and hopefully easy to get along with--I play for fun.

    What kind of kinship you are looking for: Preferably a kinship of mostly Man-race (that Cabinold is a Man from Bree-land defines him), but open to other races as well. While I would like a kinship that engages in some RP, I also like a casual feel so that I don't feel pressured to join events, raids, or skirmishes. My time can be limited depending on the day, so the freedom to come and go is important without getting locked into a 6-hour hell battle. I'm also looking to hang around with mature individuals (some of the stuff I hear on the Regional channels is mind-numbingly childish, and few things annoy me more than bad textspeak and ALL CAPITAL LETTERS BECAUSE PEOPLE WILL LISTEN TO ME MORE).

    So essentially, casual, fun-loving, moderately-RPing Man Captain looking for similar.

  21. #770
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    Name or character name: Thilmariel (Hunter, Elf, Lvl 34)

    Age: 38

    Preferred server: Laurelin

    Location: Italy. (But english speaker even if is not my first language)

    Playstyle: Solo for when I can't find groups, but prefer to be in groups to make fellowship quests. Not interested in PvP or raiding for gear. Hope I can enjoy endgame content with other people.

    MMO games played: A little bit of UO long time ago, LoTRo is the first I play constantly.

    What about me: I'm an adult and I espect other in kinship to be adult too. I know I don't have any experience with MMO world in general, so I have to learn a lot. I'm not the kind of person that argue over pointless stuff, I enjoy a good laugh and don't mind jokes. Since I'm new to this MMO world I know nearly nothing about raiding or hardcore endgame. I play for fun and with my pace, I really like enjoying the world I'm playing in. I can follow orders specially when doing stuff I'm not familiar with, I would like to learn how to play in fellowship and do some instances. I have a busy life, work, wife, kid so I will be online on late hours CET.

    What kind of kinship I'm looking for: I'm looking for a kinship with mature people, any age, I don't mind. I'm looking for a medium - light RP kinship (elven kinship a plus) because of language barrier but I will try to do my best. A kinship that helps its members to grow is higly appreciated. Prefer an EU kinship for play time. Last, but not least, a kinship that organizes events, I will partecipate if possible due to my RL duties. I could help lower characters to any quest, skirmish, instances even without getting any loot, I'm not playing for that.

    What kind of kinship I'm NOT looking for: People or kinships with names like "$$Daboss$$" or "PoWnZor" similar, that would kill immersion for me. A kinship that forces its members to leveling or to have the best gear possible, I would like to enjoy the game. No raiding kinship.

    Hope this is enough, feel free to ask question and thanks for reading
    I'm NOT english native, so forgive my grammar errors and spellin mistakes :D

  22. #771
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    Hi, im a new player on Laurelin server. My question is: Exist a Cooking Kinship (or crafter kinships) on this server? Im now level 10 and i would improve my Yeoman skills but i want be part of something.

    Thanks! and sorry for english.

  23. #772
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Post Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    Name: LunarFlame

    Race: Elf

    Class: Champion


    Preferred server: Gladden

    Location: U.S.A. - Florida

    Playstyle: Solo, but would prefer to play with groups.

    MMO games played:None.

    What about me: I get along with people in general & like working with groups, not only kicken 4$$ in the game but also I like to participate in making the group/guild/clan better as in what works best for the group & overall fun for everyone. Cuz if you can't have fun playing with someone then there's no point. I am a laid back kind of person, but do take my gaming seriously.

    What kind of kinship I'm looking for: Laid back, but can put on the game face on any time & kick 4$$.

    What kind of kinship I'm NOT looking for: Hummmmmm...... 10 year olds. LOL

    Oh, I also have a mic so im ready for voice chat
    Last edited by Bl1nd_Pyro; Jan 06 2012 at 08:26 PM.

  24. #773
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    Name: Thavron. Rune Keeper. Elf. Lvl 19. Grinding Hard though.
    Age: 16
    Server: Firefoot
    Location: Texas, U.S.A.
    Playstyle: Solo, Group, or when higher level, raids.

    Bit about me: Im in high school currently so I might not be on during weekdays all the time but during weekends i am playing hardcore. I currently have a lvl 45 Warden on firefoot also, but he is currently taking a break and now im playing as an RK.

    Kinship intrests: A rather loose Kin that helps out lower level players and doesnt have alot of rules. Kin also needs to have a website and be at least life span rank 7.
    Mail me in game or on community.

  25. #774
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Looking for kin

    Age: 21

    Location: Eastern United States

    I am on mostly at nights, have 5 toons including a lvl 64 champ a 30 rk and currently working on my guardian who is lvl 24. Have not played in awhile but I have been played on and off since the game first came out. Send me a tell on the Firefoot server under the Name Chronikel as that is the toon I am currently lvling.

  26. #775
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    Well met, Lotro Community!

    I currently have a 62 Man Guardian over on Landroval and am second in command in a little 5-6 man Kin made up of long time gaming friends, with all but two now being inactive. I've been considering another server to make a new character on and split my downtime between the two. I'm interested in joining a small to medium sized, active, 18-21+, light role-play kinship. Hopefully some of which are newer players. My RL name is JT (male), and I am 42 years old. I reside down in Texas and am pretty laid back for the most part, but do like to get involved in Kin activities and of course helping others. I'm leaning towards rolling a hobbit hunter or an elf lore-master. But would be open to making whatever that Kin needed if was asked to.

    Thanks for the time, and I hope to hear from some of you via PM's.
    Last edited by Raugnar; Jan 09 2012 at 08:18 PM.
    L A N D R O V A L - [url]http://www.mythandlegend.enjin.com/[/url]
    Co-Owner of Myth and Legend
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