Name or character name: Unknown, waiting to see what the team would need (would like to be a healer though).
Age: 24
Location: USA; MST timezone.
Playstyle: Casual, and I like to play support/healing positions.
MMO games you’ve played: None
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm an easy going guy. I have little to no experience with MMO's, however, I can learn any position. Games I am experienced with are games like Diablo 2, KOTOR, and Dragon Age. For my personality type, I'm a casual gamer as I have a wife, career, school, and other responsibilities. This is just a game to me (unlike some people who take online gaming as life and death), however, I really want to get into a game that I can play with others (not impressed with other games on the market right now). Also, I'm professional as much as possible when it comes to language because I don't want to sound ignorant or offend someone. I understand that obscenities slip or can add flavor to conversation, but not when it is used every other word in your speech.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm looking for a kinship that play regularly enough to be able to not have to wait all the time to hear from them, but also understand that there are lives outside of the game. The members must be willing to allow for new comers to learn the game and be fair among everyone. Really, I'm just looking for understandable people or people that have similar views as me. Please feel free to contact me here or my personal mail at