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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Talking The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    Like the title reads, I am confronted by a mistery, I read and have read a lot of posts about people complaining about these lock boxes and how you have to buy keys in the store to be able to open the boxes, the problem is that I HAVE NEVER got one of these boxes, EVER, EVER!!!

    This is the mistery where these boxes drop? I have been all over the map, last stops Moria, Lothorien and Mirkwood, amount of boxes= ZERO< NILCH<NADA.

    So am I the unluckiest player alive or there is a deep mistery surrounding the lock boxes?

  2. #2
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
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    Aug 2008

    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    Boxes drop in game and despite what you may have read, so do the keys (you don't have to buy them in the store, you can simply wait for a key to drop).

    Prior to today's update, both items had very low drop rates. With today's patch the lockbox drop rate has been increased and the key drop rate has been significantly increased. In addition, lockboxes may occasionally yeild more than one item and one of those items may be another lockbox key. They'll also give out better loot in general now.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    Quote Originally Posted by Kantaryo View Post
    Like the title reads, I am confronted by a mistery, I read and have read a lot of posts about people complaining about these lock boxes and how you have to buy keys in the store to be able to open the boxes, the problem is that I HAVE NEVER got one of these boxes, EVER, EVER!!!

    This is the mistery where these boxes drop? I have been all over the map, last stops Moria, Lothorien and Mirkwood, amount of boxes= ZERO< NILCH<NADA.

    So am I the unluckiest player alive or there is a deep mistery surrounding the lock boxes?
    wow easy there i never got one yet eather stop trying then itll show up,

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    Quote Originally Posted by haroldhnicholos View Post
    wow easy there i never got one yet eather stop trying then itll show up,
    Yeah, lootboxes are like girlfriends. If you don't have one, and desperatly look for one, every lootbox notice this within a second and stays way away. Just chill like it's no biggie and they will come.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    Yep, I remember those times, girlfriendless and lonely.... When I got a girlfriend was like someone bathed me with love honey, every single lockbox wanted to date me lol

  6. #6
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    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    Boxes drop in game and despite what you may have read, so do the keys (you don't have to buy them in the store, you can simply wait for a key to drop).

    Prior to today's update, both items had very low drop rates. With today's patch the lockbox drop rate has been increased and the key drop rate has been significantly increased. In addition, lockboxes may occasionally yeild more than one item and one of those items may be another lockbox key. They'll also give out better loot in general now.
    Still zero info on the Sigils of Battle for Monster players?

    Would be nice to get any info on this

    -Boxes are only method of Sigil delivery
    -No Lottery for us
    -Only 1 recorded Sigil found across all servers since Update 5

    We need these to customize appearances of our Monsters.....Free People would be burning cars in the streets if they could not customize/dye their outfits...

    Last edited by PurebloodWorg; Feb 13 2012 at 09:42 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    Got 3 lockboxes prior to the patch, no keys. Another series of items to clutter my already short inventory space, despite me spending every available TP on vault upgrades... it's like you do this on purpose. Do the keys have level ranges like the boxes do or are they at least uniform?

  8. #8
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
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    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    I can answer the lottery question pretty simply. Monster players have no mail, thus no method of delivering lottery winnings. As for why they have no mail, because the character system is not the same for freeps (from a functionality standpoint) and thus difficult to add mail to.

    I'll look into the other question.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    Do lockboxes and keys drop everywhere in the game?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    To the OP - in all that I have played - I have had only 2 drop for my chars.

    As I refuse to buy the keys and I have never had a key drop, I gave them away in GlobalLFF.

    So you are not too unlucky.

  11. #11
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    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    Quote Originally Posted by Kantaryo View Post
    Like the title reads, I am confronted by a mistery, I read and have read a lot of posts about people complaining about these lock boxes and how you have to buy keys in the store to be able to open the boxes, the problem is that I HAVE NEVER got one of these boxes, EVER, EVER!!!

    This is the mistery where these boxes drop? I have been all over the map, last stops Moria, Lothorien and Mirkwood, amount of boxes= ZERO< NILCH<NADA.

    So am I the unluckiest player alive or there is a deep mistery surrounding the lock boxes?
    I am confused, are you looking for a dude that knows of the lock box? Or is there some sort of mystery of a mister who has a lock box?
    "What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it."


  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    I don't want one, need or desire one, and, luckily haven't ever had one drop on any of my toons. This attitude is subject to change and is not intended to effect other players attitudes towards lock boxes.
    "I never feed trolls and I don't read spam" - Weird Al Yankovic

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    Nope, no looking for dudes, just trying to find out who has all my boxes.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    Monster players have no mail, thus no method of delivering lottery winnings. As for why they have no mail, because the character system is not the same for freeps
    So not because they are orcs, wolves, etc... and can't understand postage rates?

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    Don't feel bad, I haven't seen one either.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    I finally got one this weekend...on a low level alt (23 cappy) but haven't opened it yet. I think I'll just wait for one of the keys to drop.

  17. #17
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    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    Never got one either on any of 4 chars. No need to get mysty-eyed over it. :P

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    Never found a box but did get a key from a mob in the barrows swings and roundabouts lol well with this increase in drop rate and chance for better stuff never know when i log i may find one

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    Whilst I am generally pleased by these lockbox changes, I have to echo the request on the situation with Sigils on creepside. At the moment they are rare beyond imagining, and honestly the effort you(Turbine) went to to put them and the new skins ingame seems a waste if no one can actually get them.

    Darnit I want my Tarantula!
    Last edited by Nyrion; Feb 13 2012 at 10:31 AM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    I've never gotten one of the boxes either. But it never really bothered me because I had always thought I had to purchase the key in the Store. Which, with my lucky-luck, I'll probably find a dropped box now, and never a dropped key. Cuz that's how I roll.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    The complains were most because introducing and item that works like a lottery only make people, such newbies to spend their hard earned tp in overprized keys.

    Since we dont know the % chances of getting "what", that put us in a very low position, no information of what we are buying.

    In short is cheap "new content" that down the quality of the game. Other games like Runes of Magic have/had the same "boxes" system, with a very low drop rate of the keys which in the end it means if you want to know what is inside the box ->buy the key. The company takes advantage of that because there are players that cannot resist the temptation, its human nature.

    The last changes announced sound pretty fair, the drops of the keys were increased so can be "balance", also the boxes have a chance to drop another key and better items, etc.

    Even that imho it is not enough, the keys are still overpriced for me. One key is just 100 tps, but 10 is 1k, now we are talking about big "numbers" of tps for "air" in a blink.

    I've found one box in Carn Dum, maybe they droped more in instances, from elites or signatures. I sold it for 999 silvers, didnt feel quite well with that.

    /edit, got a key from an elite orc in Carn Dum, after the update.
    Last edited by Laerien; Feb 14 2012 at 02:01 AM.
    Please ignore my ridiculous running animation.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Cool Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    5 Level 75 toons, and I've only seen 1 lockbox. They seem more scarce than a tall thin hobbit?. So meh, there are other things that I would rather waste my time and (limited) storage space collecting. So off to the trash they go.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    Quote Originally Posted by Prof-Moriarty View Post
    To the OP - in all that I have played - I have had only 2 drop for my chars.

    As I refuse to buy the keys and I have never had a key drop, I gave them away in GlobalLFF.

    So you are not too unlucky.
    I've had 4 drop and done the same as above.

    g(lobal)lff can be mad at times, someone was trying to sell one for 50G the other day in there. Their reasoning? 'You might get a first age crafting symbol in it'. He had no takers, just derision...
    For when the lure of loot box proves too much.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    I can answer the lottery question pretty simply. Monster players have no mail, thus no method of delivering lottery winnings. As for why they have no mail, because the character system is not the same for freeps (from a functionality standpoint) and thus difficult to add mail to.

    I'll look into the other question.
    You say mail for creeps would be difficult, but not impossible. What's the likelihood of this happening, say... by RoR? or even sooner (yes, I said that word!).

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: The mistery of the Lock Box/or most unlucky player ever

    I also got a key in Barrow downs and a box in old forest.

    Is it confirmed that the boxes drop regarding their lvl in the region they dropped in or the lvl of your character?


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