Re: Bought expansions....but i still have to pay for content?!? This is not right!
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I think people are missing the OP's point.
It's not "Why can't I have access when I don't subscribe anymore", it's the fact that he did pay for the expansion, and it still isn't unlocked.
More to the point, why was the $30 dollars for Moria less effective than the $30 for ROI.
The first expansion purchase (Moria) gives me ... no content unless I unlock it with points when I stop subscribing.
The second expansion purchase (ROI) unlocked all content in the expansion regardless of my subscription status.
It's the way they decided to go, I accept it and have unlocked the content with points, but you can't convince me it was fair.
Wait, what? The OP made only one post:
I have been playing since day 1. I have bought the base game, Moria and Mirkwood expansions all without using points. I was a vip client for the first 3 years.
I stopped playing for a year and started back up now as a free to play.
I noticed that in just about all zone besides the three starting ones, that i have to purchase to do quests and content...even my deeds will not expand from the slayer deeds to the advance slayer ones in all zones.
I think this is wrong! I have paid cash for all the original games and expansions but i am asked to pay again to play in them!
I have almost 5,000 points and was about to pay for the new expansion this way but i thought...wait...i already bought other ones, and what happens if i buy this one. will i also be asked to pay again for the quests in the new area that should be already part of my purchase.
Is my account corrupted or is this the way the new system works were anyone before the free to play system kicked in, has to pay again for content they already have paid for.
Where does he say that he was unable to go to Moria or Mirkwood? The only examples he gives are the same drawbacks of going premium from VIP (unable to advance deeds to advanced, only the 4 zones), but doesn't specify one way or another whether he was able to go in Moria or Mirkwood. Probably because he's already past that point, and his complaints came from his experience with a new(er) character.
I'm sorry, but unless the OP actually specifies that he was unable to get quests in Moria or in Mirkwood, then I can't help but just assume he's digging up that same old complaint: Looping the base game in with the expansions, and complaining that they have to unlock SoA zones.
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