Re: Moors, Creep Play

Originally Posted by
How many players are even on the server and at what times of the day in what parts of the world.
Which server ?
We must have at least 100000players on this server with each having 3 players at level 75 then why is it so hard to get people out into the moors.
Which server ?
Why do we have developers over powering the creeps and giving them special powers and advantages so the few freeps out here can just get ran over time and time agian.
They aren't overpowering the creep, they are trying to fix the whole mess they created 5y ago..
Is there something the developers can do to get more freeps involved out in the moors or do they just not care.
I think the customer don't care, not the dev. I think the last update shown the dev care a little and they spoil it wasn't over yet.
I am just looking for a fair fight.
This won't ever happen. What is fair for you may be unfair for other.
When you have a freep that can log off his freep and play on the creep side without a penalty of time or what ever that makes for an unfair advantage.
This is only 1 issue/non-issue. Though there there should be a way to balance things out without denying part of the game to the customer..
Please do something so we can all share in the fun pvping out in the moors. Yes developers have done so much for the game but nothing for the pvp.
They did stuff for pvp. Go check all the dev diarreah and you'll see PVMP section with fluff into it.
lets get that 2 to 5% of all the pvp out in the moors up to like 25% and we will see alot more even fights.
I doubt this will ever happen. It is not a dev problem, it is a people problem, if you can advertise it and get more people for you side then you may win. It is hard but I doubt Turbine have to advertise it more then they do now..
Also is there any way to use skimish pvp to 1v1 or something? That would make it easier to have fun pvping and geting coms and renown. thanks.
Oh god, please no.. I, for one, despise 1v1 to an extreme point. The option is there as duel or you can schedule it if you wish to fight creeples..
On a side note you posted in the wrong forum and you should read the pvmp forum. Most of the issues are discussed there and you could also take part into epeen contest as well.

Originally Posted by
But it is so fun to right the wrong on the interweb.

Originally Posted by
Doesn't the OP realize this game has never had 100,000 players? Doesn't this OP realize this game's PvP coding MANDATES that Creeps outnumber Freeps if they (the Creeps) expect to kill anything?
About the player number, who knows but Turbine and it doesn`t mean much.
OP doesn`t seem to grab the concept of pve versus pvp..
Though P the number ratio is situational and a whole debate by itself, but it isn`t that bad.. really..
Marianna from Windfola, Captain lv115.
Now on Arkenstone, took a few year off on Gladden.