As an LM with over 9 months of actual game time (before you comment on my post, please type /played on your LM for your actual game time playing your toon) : Please be aware, the LM is one of the most awesome Classes to play in Middle Earth... yes, it is a bad choice for a new player as it's an "advanced class," but if you put in the time learning the class, it is amazing.
For Solo skirm, you may wish to try using a Bear for tanking purposes; there is no need to put yourself in harm's way when your pet can hold the aggro and you nuke from afar... try it and see if it matches your play style. For an LM, there is no one right way; LMs are massively versatile, and by trying each pet in a variety of circumstances will allow you to experience what works for your fun factor.
As to food; when you open your player journal, you can see by hovering over each stat (statistic, i.e. vitality (Vit), Will, fate), what each one will do for you. More damage comes from will, more critical hits come from fate. if your morale is too low, you want additional vitality, so again, try all of them and see which works best. Also, try installing a program called CSTATS ( ) which will help you work through which works best for you. For my LM, he runs around with near 10k morale, and 7k will (non-raid i.e. without buffs; in raid format, 12+k morale), so I prefer fate food for more crits, but thats just because of the build that I prefer... try everything, and then see what works best for you

Have fun with your LM!!
for more information on my LM: Here's Lotro's featured player article :