Question regarding the new Reveller's Mounts and outfits. If you purchase the account wide option, it states that it will be applied to all of your toons. But its not clear if it applies to any future toons you create later. Anyone know the answer?
Question regarding the new Reveller's Mounts and outfits. If you purchase the account wide option, it states that it will be applied to all of your toons. But its not clear if it applies to any future toons you create later. Anyone know the answer?
If this is truly account-wide (as opposed to server account-wide), it should apply to future toons as well.
[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua][B][SIZE=4][I][COLOR=orange]Adder[/COLOR][/I][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/CENTER]
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Has anyone tested this yet, to see if you create a new toon that they would get the items as well?
A spaceship from another star / They ask me where all the people are
I tell them I'm the only one / There was a war, but I must have won
I will triple confirm -- account wide purchases go to all characters, past, present, and future, on your account.
Seraphina Brennan -- Turbine Community Specialist
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I try to answer all of my PMs, but I get a lot! Sometimes I may not get back to you, but I have read your mail!
Thanks all for the responses. Purchased account wide mount/cosmetics. Very nice indeed!
Wow thinking about the horse now. Not only does it look beautiful, but also a +68% Horse for all Chracters, wow
Is this sale still on? Thought it was only through the 14th...
If they would do it for the Fleet-Footed Goat I would buy that.
Me too! Love that goat. Prior to it's release I completely disliked goats, and only rode them out of necessity in Moria. But that is one gorgeous beast! Still, not gonna purchase it unless I can get it account wide. The Reveller's horse account wide is tempting, but since I already have the festival 5 yr mount for all characters, and it's practically the same mount, I really can't justify it.
!<3?!Wargs Rule!!?<3! But only because we have no playable feline races.
???s6u!?? 3?!?o?@? ?w ?o m3? @ 3?@ 3s3??*s6u!s* ¡?w ?o ?s3!6?@M pu@ 's3ss3??s!w-3?ol 's3s?l3?
Founder & Altoholic: playing wargies and loremistresses since 2006 SoA beta.*Jingle Jangle!*
A "lifetime" of play on: Elendilmir (RIP), Crick, Landy, & more.