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Thread: FAQ Update?

  1. #1
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    FAQ Update?

    I thought this was worth a new thread. Chewie-nl noticed it here: http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.p...72#post6215572

    This was the first I've read anything directly answering this issue. Sapience said an instance cluster will come in a later update, but many of us were unsure if that meant it'd be included in the cost of the ROR expansion or if it'd be an additional purchase of some sort (which would probably be more concerning for premium players).


    Will there be an instance cluster released with the expansion?

    There are no plans to release an instance cluster simultaneously with the expansion. However, an instance cluster is planned for release in a following update and will be free to players who have purchased the Rohan expansion.
    EDIT: NEVERMIND -- http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.p...52#post6217352
    Last edited by semjaza; Jun 07 2012 at 03:15 PM. Reason: Linked to sapience's post and edited title to not be misleading
    The LOTRO Combo Blog, aggregating some of the best LOTRO blogs and podcasts:http://combo.mmeow.net


  2. #2
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    Re: FAQ Update Says Instance Cluster Will Be Part of the Expansion Cost

    Why was this question/answer not included my. lotro. com

    The very important questions like:8. I’m a Dwarf or a Hobbit. I’m tiny! What do I ride? Do not get ommitted, but things like
    will be free to players who have purchased the Rohan expansion are ommited.

    Surely confirming information about the instance cluster being part of the expansion seems more important and would help pre order sales.

  3. #3
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    Re: FAQ Update Says Instance Cluster Will Be Part of the Expansion Cost

    But that means you won't be able to purchase the "expansion" pack with TP until the instances are released...

  4. #4
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    Re: FAQ Update Says Instance Cluster Will Be Part of the Expansion Cost

    Quote Originally Posted by gonewhaned View Post
    But that means you won't be able to purchase the "expansion" pack with TP until the instances are released...
    Yes, you can purchase portions of the expansion separately with your Turbine Points in the LOTRO Store. These items will be released in the LOTRO Store on the same day as the expansion, September 5th. The prices are as follows:
    • Rohan Expansion Content: 4295 TP
      • Expansion Content includes the quests in the Rohan region.
    • Rohirrim Skinned Soldier on Landscape: 295 TP
    • 6th Inventory Bag (Account-wide): 995 TP
    • Crystal of Remembrance: 995 TP
    • The Outriders Token: 495 TP

  5. #5
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    Re: FAQ Update Says Instance Cluster Will Be Part of the Expansion Cost

    For RoI Turbine did not make available for TP the expansion pack because the instance cluster(IC) was not released.

    Seems this time though for RoR given that the IC is part of the expansion purchase (according to the support site) the expansion pack now gives access to things that are not available yet in game when purchased from the in game store.

    1: Expansion available to buy for TP on release.
    2: IC will be released in a future update.
    3: Support site says the IC is for free to purchasers of the expansion.

    Nice!!! Turbine must have improved their tech to now allow purchase of things from the store that don't exist in the game yet!

    Now this could not be the case but "Rohan Expansion Content" is not the same wording as "Rohan Quest Pack"

    Who knows....it would be nice if Turbine could give some black and white confirmation instead of vague and mismatched details.
    Last edited by Kelleran; Jun 07 2012 at 12:27 AM.

  6. #6
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    Re: FAQ Update Says Instance Cluster Will Be Part of the Expansion Cost

    Quote Originally Posted by Kelleran View Post
    3: Support site says the IC is for free to purchasers of the expansion.

    Now this could not be the case but "Rohan Expansion Content" is not the same wording as "Rohan Quest Pack"

    Who knows....it would be nice if Turbine could give some black and white confirmation instead of vague and mismatched details.
    I am wondering what "Rohan Expansion Content" for TP means. Is it a quest pack + all War-steed traits + instance cluster? I would like to know, to decide what to buy: pre-purchase or TP and then buy expansion (cause I have some TP already)?
    Last edited by Fallwen; Jun 07 2012 at 07:25 AM.
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  7. #7
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    Re: FAQ Update Says Instance Cluster Will Be Part of the Expansion Cost

    Quote Originally Posted by Kelleran View Post
    Nice!!! Turbine must have improved their tech to now allow purchase of things from the store that don't exist in the game yet!
    Or it's a typo and "purchase" means "pre-purchase". Or "purchase, but not with TP". Or I am missing sarcasm entirely :P

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Re: FAQ Update Says Instance Cluster Will Be Part of the Expansion Cost

    One thing less to not worry about. Thanks for this post!
    Please ignore my ridiculous running animation.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Re: FAQ Update Says Instance Cluster Will Be Part of the Expansion Cost

    Good, now maybe people can stop complaining a bit and go have some fun again.

  10. #10
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    Re: FAQ Update Says Instance Cluster Will Be Part of the Expansion Cost

    So we will get new instances a few months after release just like in RoI when Ox-Clan camp went live. So what exactly are all the level 85 people suppose to do for those months with no instances? They are suppose to just farm for crafting? I'm sure a huge part of the paying community are tired of "scaled Skirmishes" when you do them every week because of a stupid quest cool-down. They should release atleast 1 6-man on launch date just to make the people who pay their bills happy. If it wasn't for us paying people they wouldn't have a job at WB/Turbine yet we dont get heard only ignored.

  11. #11
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    Re: FAQ Update Says Instance Cluster Will Be Part of the Expansion Cost

    The only good news so far, although having new instances should be a given really, and included for free in an expansion that costs as much as an SSD does now days.

    Still no mention of what it contains though; still hidden in a FAQ update so was hard to spot.
    Communication still very poor, and not nearly enough interaction happening.

    Hope the management are looking at the number of people not buying and starting to wonder if they've made a big mistake...

    So, is it included in the store purchase for TP, or will people who do not pre-order still be milked in every way conceivable?
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  12. #12
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    Re: FAQ Update Says Instance Cluster Will Be Part of the Expansion Cost

    Quote Originally Posted by Eartholloth View Post
    [*]Rohan Expansion Content: 4295 TP
    • Expansion Content includes the quests in the Rohan region.
    I´m positive, in believing that we don´t get the instance cluster with the Rohan Expansion Content for 4295TP. At least, not for free

    Add another 1500 (for an IC like RoI had, 3x3, 1x6, 1x12) or probably 2000+TP for a Moria like IC (0x3, 8x6, 1x12 + 4 or 5 Skirm). I´m just not sure, if the Questpack Rohan Expansion Content will grant you access to the new instances, prolly not the case.

  13. #13
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    So next Instance cluster is free to subscribers?

    Thats what I am reading anyway.

    According to turbine themselves instance cluster slated for update following ROR, soon as VIP's get updates for free that means VIP's won't pay for this instance cluster, Correct?

    No where has it been said this instance cluster is some delayed content, it has also not been said its part of ROR, it has only been mentioned that people that buy ROR will recieve it for free. It does not stipulate anywhere that buying ROR is required for this instance cluster, so therefore the cluster is part of a update which is free to VIP's.

  14. #14
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    Re: FAQ Update Says Instance Cluster Will Be Part of the Expansion Cost

    Quote Originally Posted by entername View Post
    I´m positive, in believing that we don´t get the instance cluster with the Rohan Expansion Content for 4295TP. At least, not for free

    Add another 1500 (for an IC like RoI had, 3x3, 1x6, 1x12) or probably 2000+TP for a Moria like IC (0x3, 8x6, 1x12 + 4 or 5 Skirm). I´m just not sure, if the Questpack Rohan Expansion Content will grant you access to the new instances, prolly not the case.
    I dont understand this, the OP just showed a quote from turbine saying that the IC will be free for those who purchased the Expansion.

  15. #15
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    Re: FAQ Update Says Instance Cluster Will Be Part of the Expansion Cost

    Quote Originally Posted by JustAmy View Post
    I dont understand this, the OP just showed a quote from turbine saying that the IC will be free for those who purchased the Expansion.
    Read the small print below turbine points cost, "rohan regions quests", does not mention instances, just quests.

  16. #16
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    Re: FAQ Update Says Instance Cluster Will Be Part of the Expansion Cost

    Quote Originally Posted by JustAmy View Post
    I dont understand this, the OP just showed a quote from turbine saying that the IC will be free for those who purchased the Expansion.
    It's a reasonable assumption based on how RoI was sold. 'Purchased' was at some point explained to mean 'Purchased with real money', not TPs.

    The TP-purchase of the expac was an ala-carte affair; questpack, instance cluster, dragon raid level increase for soldier etc were all separate TP purchases.

    In fairness to WB/T they have handled this side of things far better than during RoI by giving most of the TP costs now.

  17. #17
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    Re: So next Instance cluster is free to subscribers?

    I wish that was the case, but I'm quite sure that Turbine will view the IC as part of the expac so that you have to pay for it.

    Since I'm wishing, I wish they would just come out and say that RoR is an expac in two parts: the quest pack available on Sept 5 and the IC to be released in a future update; if they had stated that initially there wouldn't have been a couple days of wondering where the IC fit in.

    While I'm at it, I wonder how an expac should be defined? Is it just a yearly quest pack that every one must pay for? Does it expand game play somehow? (LIs, mounted combat, skirms - those all fit) Must a level cap always accompany it, which implies new end game content/instances? New level of crafting? New "season" in the moors?

    So far, I can say an expansion of game play, level cap and a quest pack that all must buy fit the definition.

  18. #18
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    Re: FAQ Update Says Instance Cluster Will Be Part of the Expansion Cost

    Quote Originally Posted by Zerric View Post
    So we will get new instances a few months after release just like in RoI when Ox-Clan camp went live. So what exactly are all the level 85 people suppose to do for those months with no instances? They are suppose to just farm for crafting? I'm sure a huge part of the paying community are tired of "scaled Skirmishes" when you do them every week because of a stupid quest cool-down. They should release atleast 1 6-man on launch date just to make the people who pay their bills happy. If it wasn't for us paying people they wouldn't have a job at WB/Turbine yet we dont get heard only ignored.
    I am hoping just because this instance cluster is coming later that it doesn't mean that they won't include ANY instances... But who knows, they've not said at all.

    I mean, there is a new type of repeatable content, we will want to level up our horses, etc. So there's new things to do there... But if your focus is raiding? No idea.

    I really, really hope that they built the Isengard instances with scaling in mind. I'm going to be really disappointed if 85 rolls around, we have no new instances yet and all of the Isengard stuff is still stuck at 75. At least scaling it gives the illusion of something "new" in the meantime.
    The LOTRO Combo Blog, aggregating some of the best LOTRO blogs and podcasts:http://combo.mmeow.net


  19. #19
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    Re: FAQ Update Says Instance Cluster Will Be Part of the Expansion Cost

    Quote Originally Posted by Theorick View Post
    It's a reasonable assumption based on how RoI was sold. 'Purchased' was at some point explained to mean 'Purchased with real money', not TPs.

    The TP-purchase of the expac was an ala-carte affair; questpack, instance cluster, dragon raid level increase for soldier etc were all separate TP purchases.

    In fairness to WB/T they have handled this side of things far better than during RoI by giving most of the TP costs now.
    This is true to some extent...They didn't get anyone the ability to buy the full expansion in the LOTRO store because the instance cluster was coming out later. You could only buy pieces of it.

    However, the LOTRO store, after that instance cluster released, started selling the entire ROI expansion in one package -- that includes the quests, the instance cluster and draigoch, etc (everything the expansion on the Web store included). You can buy that whole thing as one purchase now and have been able to do so for quite some time.

    So my impression of this is largely the same -- pre-order it on the web store now, buy it on the web store later, buy it in pieces on the LOTRO store or eventually when it's all available buy the whole expansion on the LOTRO store. If someone wants to buy it in pieces they can do so, but I guess they shouldn't be surprised if the cluster costs more later given the past. But if you buy the "expansion" on the LOTRO store when it's available, I don't see why this wouldn't be included given what we've seen with ROI.

    People will just have to key in on the different wording there -- buying an instance or a quest pack is not the same as buying the "expansion" in the LOTRO store. That's currently true of ROI, Moria and Mirkwood.

    All of that is apparently just a caveat because they've not figured out how to let people pre-order in the LOTRO store, from what I've understood based on what happened with ROI. I'd like to see that handled better in the future, but that's another story.

    Given all of that, if you buy the "expansion" wherever you might be able to buy it, I don't see any reason to infer that the instance cluster won't be given to you on release.
    Last edited by semjaza; Jun 07 2012 at 11:53 AM.
    The LOTRO Combo Blog, aggregating some of the best LOTRO blogs and podcasts:http://combo.mmeow.net


  20. #20
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    Re: FAQ Update Says Instance Cluster Will Be Part of the Expansion Cost

    Quote Originally Posted by Kelleran View Post
    For RoI Turbine did not make available for TP the expansion pack because the instance cluster(IC) was not released.

    Seems this time though for RoR given that the IC is part of the expansion purchase (according to the support site) the expansion pack now gives access to things that are not available yet in game when purchased from the in game store.

    1: Expansion available to buy for TP on release.
    2: IC will be released in a future update.
    3: Support site says the IC is for free to purchasers of the expansion.

    Nice!!! Turbine must have improved their tech to now allow purchase of things from the store that don't exist in the game yet!

    Now this could not be the case but "Rohan Expansion Content" is not the same wording as "Rohan Quest Pack"

    Who knows....it would be nice if Turbine could give some black and white confirmation instead of vague and mismatched details.

    1. Quest pack available on release for TP.

    2. IC available in future update for a further TP cost

    3. Yes, but expansion for TP wont be available until the 'future update'.

    Think about this logically...
    ROI = $30 or 5995TP
    ROR = $40 or 4250TP??

    I think not.

  21. #21
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
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    Re: FAQ Update Says Instance Cluster Will Be Part of the Expansion Cost

    The FAQ on the CS site was partially incorrect and is being updated. The instance cluster answer in particular was based on older Rise of Isengard information and was not properly updated before going live. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

    As mentioned previously, Riders of Rohan will not include an instance cluster when it releases on September 5th. While we are not including a new instance cluster in RoR, the expansion will ship with an entirely new type of repeatable high-level content that we're very excited about. Once the expansion pack has launched we will introduce a new instance cluster based in the Rohan region as part of our regular update schedule. Expect to hear more about the new content and systems of Rohan as we move through the summer.

  22. #22
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    Re: FAQ Update Says Instance Cluster Will Be Part of the Expansion Cost

    Will there be a new raid with RoR though? Not an instance cluster, but a raid.

  23. #23
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    Re: FAQ Update Says Instance Cluster Will Be Part of the Expansion Cost

    Sigh. So basically, as a premium player I'm definitely going to be stuck buying this expansion and then later buying a raid cluster package too.

    Disappointing, but at least I know I guess.
    The LOTRO Combo Blog, aggregating some of the best LOTRO blogs and podcasts:http://combo.mmeow.net


  24. #24
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    Re: FAQ Update Says Instance Cluster Will Be Part of the Expansion Cost

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    The FAQ on the CS site was partially incorrect and is being updated. The instance cluster answer in particular was based on older Rise of Isengard information and was not properly updated before going live. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

    As mentioned previously, Riders of Rohan will not include an instance cluster when it releases on September 5th. While we are not including a new instance cluster in RoR, the expansion will ship with an entirely new type of repeatable high-level content that we're very excited about. Once the expansion pack has launched we will introduce a new instance cluster based in the Rohan region as part of our regular update schedule. Expect to hear more about the new content and systems of Rohan as we move through the summer.
    This is highly disappointing. Especially because it was the first bit of news encouraging me toward buying the expansion. One which I had saved in advance to purchase, as well as some VIP time to give PvMP a shot. Now I am again reluctant to purchase either.

    Describe please, the manner in which it was incorrect, so I can pass corrections along to the places I have published this information in response to player inquiries. It is highly disappointing that this was not vetted before going live on an official support site. Changing this published information may be grounds for a refund in some locales.

    Edit: I note the statement in the support document is still live.. how long should it take before someone at turbine can pull the page until appropriately vetted?
    Last edited by Crell_1; Jun 07 2012 at 03:04 PM.
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  25. Jun 07 2012, 03:06 PM

  26. #25
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    Re: FAQ Update Says Instance Cluster Will Be Part of the Expansion Cost

    Quote Originally Posted by Crell_1 View Post
    Describe please, the manner in which it was incorrect, so I can pass corrections along to the places I have published this information in response to player inquiries. It is highly disappointing that this was not vetted before going live on an official support site. Changing this published information may be grounds for a refund in some locales.
    Yeah, this is a big deal to me. We're getting random clarifications at random points in time over this stuff and so much is unclear. I've been trying to be cool and patient about this, but it's getting really hard now and I'm more bothered the more I think about it.

    The big problem is we're being asked to hand over $40 to $70. If I pre-ordered that'd be one thing, but I pre-purchased -- Turbine already took my money. And yet I'm still getting redactions on mistakes about its content? That FAQ update on the instance cluster information was a HUGE part of this puzzle to me.

    I get being informed about your purchases, but too much of this has been muddled and in this case something on an official channel was outright wrong. And now other people and sites have ran with that information, so it's in other places too. At this point I'm not even sure what the facts are on half of this.

    I don't envy the community specialists dealing with the ire over this, but this is a big problem.
    Last edited by semjaza; Jun 07 2012 at 03:30 PM.
    The LOTRO Combo Blog, aggregating some of the best LOTRO blogs and podcasts:http://combo.mmeow.net



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