Hmmmm...... assuming this will be seen through some flashback/dream sequence. (subject quote taken from the features section on the Epic Story here: ) I think this can be handled correctly, but I am worried.
Hmmmm...... assuming this will be seen through some flashback/dream sequence. (subject quote taken from the features section on the Epic Story here: ) I think this can be handled correctly, but I am worried.
Inter faex et urina nascitur sumus
A Boromir session play would be nice, maybe even a Frodo and Merry session play as well.
Being there physicly would destroy the entire story, the point is nobody else but the fellowship was there to save Boromir and the hobbits.
Dobric 100 guardian Dobs 101 burglar Dorblin 64 runekeeper Dobli 37 minstrel Dimbli 20 champion Dobriel 20 loremaster Dabeldor 23 captain Dobegar 21 hunter Dobebrand 21 warden Dobeorn 23 beorning | Moved from Snowbourn and Gilrain to Laurelin
It will be session play, I'm sure, probably as Boromir. We meet up with Aragorn and crew, and they tell us what happened, which we experience as a little instance. This is nothing new, and it shouldn't be lore-breaking in any way. And it's an iconic moment, so it's cool that they've opted to include it (although I would have been surprised if they hadn't).
Incidentally, I don't think this will be the only bit of fellowship session play in the expansion; there's a screenshot of the fellowship when they meet Gandalf in Fangorn, which is presumably session play as well, since we shouldn't be there either (unless it's just a staged shot), which is possible).
A vote for Saruman is a vote for progress! Vote today!
I can imagine fighting the unwinnable fight as Boromir will be very fun. Make it repeatable. Add in deeds for how long you can hold out...or how many foes you bring down with you...or both...
[FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=#ffffff][COLOR=red][FONT=Tahoma][B][COLOR=darkorchid]Second Marshal[/COLOR] Luc Brandenbuck[/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=#a9a9a9][FONT=Tahoma] ~[B]Battlemaster[/B]~
Stalker's Enemy*Reaver's Enemy*Blackarrow's Enemy*Warleader-Foe*Weaver's Enemy*Defiler-Foe
[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#ffffff][COLOR=lime][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=#ff0000][FONT=Tahoma][B]Champion[/B][FONT=Tahoma]:[SIZE=1]'The only thing our opponents can do that we care about is die.'-Graalx2[/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
Very good idea... rep for that. Hope for something like that as well.
Actually, landscape-wise I am more looking forward to Amon Hen/Nen Hithoel/Parth Galen than East-Emnet and the Fangorn edges. Hope it will be nice and with a nice view from the Seeing Seat.... that screams LotR-feeling.
Also hope for a second session play witnessing Gandalf's return... maybe even an Eomer or Merry/Pippin one surrounding the slaugthering of the orcs and Uruk-hai outside Fangorn?
Alternatively...session play as an orc...
--W. H. Heydt
Old Used Programmer
Been saying it for years...
Monster play raid vs. Boromir.![]()
Landroval - The Council of the Secret Fire Friendly, Casual, Mature, and always seeking more!
Message moondog548 here, on Steam, Twitch, and Discord as moondog548#6830
Moondog on Landroval, Isilroa on Anor, Reckless on Bombadil
Why would you be worried? I think Turbine's done -- regardless of other issues they've had -- a fantastic job of dealing with the actual story elements of the Lord of the Rings and integrating them into our experience. Flashbacks with Durin's Bane and the trapped dwarven company in Moria come to mind, as well as other aspects player-character interaction.
Rohan may contain other reasons for trepedation, but I'm really looking forward to the Epic line and all session play.
Mostly I'm worried about this due to the pacing requirements. The session plays are typically told as a flashback from a character that was there or has been told the story directly. In this case there were only a few people that experienced the breaking (1 less than there used to be actually). So in order to do a session play we are going to have to catch up and talk to one of the fellowship very soon. So, I guess that can happen while we talk with Aragorn behind the walls of Helm's Deep.... (JK). Just idle chatter to get us through the day. Again, I think this can happen and be done, but I am slightly worried about the staging of the actual conversation. Regards all.
Inter faex et urina nascitur sumus
We could meet Gandalf after he met the Hobbits, maybe? Or we interact with the Hobbits as well, when they are in Wellinghall, as we did with the Fellowship in Lothlorien.
It may be harder for the reunification of the three hunters and Gandalf, as they travel straight to Edoras after that.
Re-ni-AN-nen - strayed (ppt. of renia- 'to stray')
Aeled Reniannen, Defender of Middle-earth ~ Nendhiniel, Forge-Warden : Captain and Wardenette from [EN-RP] Laurelin
Fluffrash, Blade of Barashish ~ Nathraen, Conqueror of Towers : Warg Puppy and Spider Tailor from the darker side thereof
Faradwen, Swift-Arrow : Huntress from [EN-RE] Landroval
As if in answer there came from far away another note. Horns, horns, horns. In dark Mindolluin's sides they dimly echoed. Great horns of the North wildly blowing. Rohan had come at last.
Kári was a little Dwarf. / Smaller than you or me. / And wherever Kári went / He took his axe… or three.
when the uruks are killed outside of fangorn we can be there! if we reach kindred with eomers riders we will count as a rohhirim and we can kill the uruks in mounted combat![]()
It better not be orc session play. I'm not going to fight Boromir. He's one of my favorite heroes, and I just can't do it.
I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. ~ Faramir
Undo the U12 class changes. The trait trees were, are, and will always be a bad idea.
Maedhric 105 Captain, Nunion 110 Champion, Taraviel 85 Minstrel, etc...
Personally, I'd rather see it is a dream or vision. Just because III.6.1 was SO GREAT.
It has already been established that dreams have power, and that they can be prophetic of real events -- though not necessarily in the order in which they are going to happen.
If we visit Amon Hen ourselves, which I understand we will, we could see a vision of what had previously happened without falling asleep. There are several examples in other fantasy IPs (Emma Bull's Finder in the Borderlands series comes to my mind) in which just touching some object triggers a psychic shock and a vision of how the object figured in someone's death.
E.g., we may assume that before Aragorn and company committed Boromir's body to the River, they removed the Orc-arrows that had killed him. You see a flashing broken arrow ... you examine it ... and you're shocked into a vision of how it was used.
Of course, this is all just me whistling in the wind, since Turbine have already planned out what they're going to do.![]()
Eruanne - Shards of Narsil-1 - Elendilmir -> Arkenstone
7 Haven Way, Tund Loriel, Falathlorn Homesteads
[COLOR=White]Elendilmir[/COLOR] Arda Shrugged -[COLOR=White]Crickhollow[/COLOR] The Colonists[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][SIZE=1]
Amon Hen, Seeing Throne, Vision Flash...
If it's not a conversation we have directly with someone of the fellowship, or someone they'd just talked to, then a flashback vision sort of thing would work well. Don't exactly recall what the Seeing Throne was used for (or even if that's the right name for it) but we could easily have to interact with it (read /sit) and then see what unfolded on the hill below the ruins. Just a thought.
Ha, I wonder why I did not think about that earlier... of course! We could go there and have a vision of both the fight and the meeting of Gandalf and the Hunters... as the seat has powers not only for someone wearing the ring as Frodo did... although it is a bit of stretching also seeing the past and details like that, but I think it is a stretch I could live with gladly... especially as Tolkien never described the powers of the seat anyway.
Helm's Deep Devamp killed my long time toons. Currently bouncing around between post-HD newbie alts (a warden and champ) and other games.
Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu!