I remember crossing WTAB going to TA with a fraid who apparently didn't know there was a craid at the bridge...I was tabbing through all the creeps and I saw them all already targeting me....I laughingly said....well this isn't going to be good. My target came to rest on Littleblackfoot. I think I died in like 3 seconds....4 if I was lucky. You have always been such a great presence in the moors no matter what toon you were on. I remember 1v1ing your hunter on my reaver and beating you! Now I am pretty sure I would not stand a chance at all! Just as you were always one hell of a blackarrow you are one hell of a hunter and....not to mention an awesome player! Gratz on rank Lieutenant Dumptruck!
[center][b][color=red]The noblest kind of retribution is not to become like your enemy.[/color][/b]
[i]Healing The World One Morale Point At A Time,[/i]
[color=blue]~[font=Monotype Corsiva]Zeldric[/color][/font]
[color=green]Officer Of The Forgotten Fellowship[/color]
[color=yellow]Find me in GW2: zeldric.2354[/color][/center]