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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Hunter Bubbles... Campfires... slow stun ....

    So what are the feelings with the hunter changes? I have visions of alot of camp fires by keep and camp doors.... Maybe campfire then hunter stealth... pop out pew pew .. pew pew... etc.... Oh and now what about the hunters sprint.. well they call it Cry of the hunter(5 second stunn and 10s slow for up to six targets+ bubble).

    Comments welcome and encouraged....

    QuasiMoeDough Rank 7 Reaver / Bigesthulagoober Rank 7 BA/ Scoobydie Rank 7 Warg / DEADHEALZ Rank 1 Defiler / Silkskinner Rank 2 Weaver
    Saeldonnarain 75 Minnie / Bighulagoober 75 Hunter / Amnoahdad 57 RK / Littlelebeau 25 Burg

    Gigady, Gigady!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Very much needed as far as Cry of the Hunter. Hunters only forum of heals are: Agile Rejoinder (parry response), Strength of earth (Stand still and get nuked) and Press Onward (Which induction can be interrupted by an auto attack).

    So imo this change in survivability is very much needed. As far as the campfire goes, it's not as nice as it seems. If you see a campfire there 9/10 you will know a hunter is nearby it. And you will easily know that if you don't cut LoS you will probably be killed.
    Ishali - RK | Ishai - Champ | Ishaz - Warden | Ishah - Captain

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by lord1021 View Post
    Very much needed as far as Cry of the Hunter. Hunters only forum of heals are: Agile Rejoinder (parry response), Strength of earth (Stand still and get nuked) and Press Onward (Which induction can be interrupted by an auto attack).

    So imo this change in survivability is very much needed. As far as the campfire goes, it's not as nice as it seems. If you see a campfire there 9/10 you will know a hunter is nearby it. And you will easily know that if you don't cut LoS you will probably be killed.
    Agreed, Hunters needed some extra survival skills.
    Brandywhine / Vilya
    Fortiscor R10 / Slownkite R9
    Beastt R7 / Diggaa R12
    Warg Guide

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    personally, , it theres enough creeps, its not gonna work... lol

    Vilya: r11 Hunter, r11 Reaver, r7 WL r7 Defiler
    Snowbourne: r3 Warg
    Imladris: r7 Spider

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    They need to bring back stacking campfires!
    Turine Turambare - Warlord - Warg Slayer - Weaver's Enemy - Reaver's Enemy - Blackarrow's Enemy - Warleader's Enemy - Defiler Foe
    TEAM F
    ... occasionally seen on... Mynutts/Thick/Blasthardcheese/Vladtheimpaler/--------/Twiggyt/Belege/Bodybags

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    My Bubbles!

    Moar bubbles plz, nao!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    campfire is welcome so i can put one to avoid wargs sneaking behind the group to make yom yom on the squishies

    as to our cry i have to see it in action, it's like a skill that does everything but nothing especially good

    i would have preferred askir's idea of putting a slow removal and 5-10 seconds immunity (much like reav's resilience) on fleetness and improved fleetness, without other 37 weak effects only in one skill....

    the slow can be potted/branded/resilience/sprint as well as the daze (sigh non even a stun.... so we have 3 dazes, which are gonna last lesser and lesser due to diminishing returns), if we don't have slow immunity/removal upon use it won't be useful, bubble will go do with 2 claws or 2 bas attacks (being positive they don't get a big dmg boost, otherwise 1 is enough)

    anyway the other changes makes me happy

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Sure why not.

    "You play the most OP class in the moors right now."~Hustypoo

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    more hunter survivability.. ok but can BAs please get camoflauge already???

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by UndisputedChamp View Post
    more hunter survivability.. ok but can BAs please get camoflauge already???
    only when we get +10 stealth detect (without stupid campfire) ;P

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Cilladh View Post
    only when we get +10 stealth detect (without stupid campfire) ;P
    The tracking isn't enough?
    [I][B]I refuse to have a battle of wits with an un-armed person...[/B][/I]

    My blog with all my writings can be read [URL="http://aschesnuk.wordpress.com/"]here[/URL].

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by TanisWhisperwind View Post
    The tracking isn't enough?
    I find it funny how creeps complain about hunters tracking... Without wasting a trait on it, it has 80m range, shorter than any other tracker in the game. On top of that, it is the only class on freepside that can track. It also is the only tracking skill in the game with an induction. Each creep class is given a race tracker that tracks from 120m if I'm not mistaken, and wargs can track all races/classes with a non-induction track from stealth that can practically be used on the move (you have to stop for a fraction of a second), and can be traited to allow you to track in stealth. If traited however, hunter's tracking is much better, but at the cost of an important trait to be used, as well as a trait bonus gone completely to waste.

    Creep tracking>Freep tracking

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by TanisWhisperwind View Post
    The tracking isn't enough?
    no because by the time it takes to do the induction, have the window pop up, select the tracking target, track it, wait for it to appear on minimap, select the red dot, i'm already being pounced xD

    stealth detect is much handier in various situations

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    I guess I would say in most cases that creep tracking is better than freep (definitely moreso now that wargs all have their track) but I disagree with the statement about stealth detection being so good.. I would give up my stealth detection boost for a camoflauge skill in a heartbeat

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontdazemebro View Post
    I find it funny how creeps complain about hunters tracking... Without wasting a trait on it, it has 80m range, shorter than any other tracker in the game. On top of that, it is the only class on freepside that can track. It also is the only tracking skill in the game with an induction. Each creep class is given a race tracker that tracks from 120m if I'm not mistaken, and wargs can track all races/classes with a non-induction track from stealth that can practically be used on the move (you have to stop for a fraction of a second), and can be traited to allow you to track in stealth. If traited however, hunter's tracking is much better, but at the cost of an important trait to be used, as well as a trait bonus gone completely to waste.

    Creep tracking>Freep tracking
    LOL... ok, first off, wasn't even complaining... was asking a question in a joking manner (guess the grin and the sticking out of the tongue wasn't enough.. ah well...)

    Creeps also have to trait for extra stealth detection, even a BA has to trait for it... yeah, we do have the skill 'I See You', but then, we don't have stealth, do we? Only class that can track? Store-bought trackers say otherwise... yes, hunters should be the only class that can track, but that hasn't been the case for a while now. You can't have everything, which is why you pick traits... something is going to suffer. But, with guards supposedly getting as much dps as hunters, there is no longer specialty classes and everything is going more and more vanilla... yeah, some classes still do certain things, but it's getting less and less.
    [I][B]I refuse to have a battle of wits with an un-armed person...[/B][/I]

    My blog with all my writings can be read [URL="http://aschesnuk.wordpress.com/"]here[/URL].

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    ^Turbine is catering to the casual pvers... which results in class homogenization... anyone remember leveling a mini or guard in SoA? Well, you get enough complaints from a large contigent of your 'current' population things change to maximize profit... Lotro is more 'casual' now then ever... the writing was on the wall when mini's were given warspeech... and the latest indicator are 'chanks.'
    Turine Turambare - Warlord - Warg Slayer - Weaver's Enemy - Reaver's Enemy - Blackarrow's Enemy - Warleader's Enemy - Defiler Foe
    TEAM F
    ... occasionally seen on... Mynutts/Thick/Blasthardcheese/Vladtheimpaler/--------/Twiggyt/Belege/Bodybags

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Thumbs down Hunters get &&&& again

    Who in there right mind as a hunter is going to stand by a campfire! Im almost done wargies dinner time its like a moors gps beacon cmon. Oh and cry of the hunter ever heard of brands and store pots CTH=worthless in moors bubble can be one shotted then its over and no interuption on inductions while its up oboy maybe you can get one shot off maybe, cc is dead in moors this only means it will take a second longer to kill a hunter we will still have no survivability. we will get 40 more meters out of our death run. The so called improved abilities are junk and may have been viable at level 65 but still underpowered for 75 and will be a joke in ror. Not sure why we didnt get an evade like BAs have so we can escape once in awhile. I just dont understand why a DF with a one hour cool down is op? So once every hour i dont get killed in a zerg big deal ever chased a warg clear across the map and never get him even in a full raid cmon guys.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Skoshia View Post
    :ever chased a warg clear across the map and never get him even in a full raid cmon guys.
    Same can be said for champs, guards, RKs, minis, and wardens...hmm

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    it was every half hour cd on DF... and although it might not seem like much of a problem.. it was.. hunters that only came out when df was up.. hunters that bailed on their raids first sign of trouble...

    not a good idea to ever reinstate DF imo



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