Well once again you got it wrong i reckon i would burn all my power before you did doing that since i have two dps skills while healing one is on a 20 second cd and tge other does about 200-300 damage against a r13 ba. That would be stupid for a rk to do that so ill give you an insight as to what i would do. To start i would trait my bubble duration and writ of health healing and use prelude and writ to get to 9 attunement then heal myself to full pop both bubbles 15 second duration 5k bubbles then use steady hands to blow you up before the bubble drops saving me time and effort. Ib cobclusion my whole point is that you dont not get 1v1's because of scared freeps but cause you dobt want to fight a batle you might lose.
p.s. All writing done on phone while on breaks at work