One of the best, if not the best active solo hunter on Vilya! Keep going man, and keep reminding those wargs you aren't a scooby snack!
One of the best, if not the best active solo hunter on Vilya! Keep going man, and keep reminding those wargs you aren't a scooby snack!
Grats ya pewpew monster! Stop stickin' those things in meh!
Grats suicide buddy!
Ye yer a beast solo, now stop soloing and team up with me, we'll pwn it all! cuz were so suicidal n such, and we just run in without thinking cuz were no scared like everyone else! :P -dam well wish id never taken that hunter break when i levelled my mini >.< rofl-
your gonna beat me to 11! cuz i stopped playing half as seriously as i would have been playing. rofl
Vilya: r11 Hunter, r11 Reaver, r7 WL r7 Defiler
Snowbourne: r3 Warg
Imladris: r7 Spider
"You play the most OP class in the moors right now."~Hustypoo
Gratz Cil, keep it up!!
ooohhh my grats thread *.*
thank u all very much guys, opponents and fellow freeps it's always a pleasure to be in vilya with (most of) you!
Grats Lt. Cilladh!
Gratz right back atcha Cillahdh! I'm sure I've contributed my share of points to your new Rank! On to 11 we go!
Chieftan DefilerDan
Member of Inverted Cross, Vilya
(Also seen wandering the Moors on Riddermark, Snowbourn, Landroval, Brandywine and others.)
Those arrows are really starting to hurt, y'know. :C
Ahaha~ Congrats!
On to rank 11! C: