Want to win a Free LOTRO Mithril Edition!? Check out the details at my blog! http://middleearthchronicles.wordpre...ription-below/
.. and take a tour of Rohan while your there!
Good Luck!
Want to win a Free LOTRO Mithril Edition!? Check out the details at my blog! http://middleearthchronicles.wordpre...ription-below/
.. and take a tour of Rohan while your there!
Good Luck!
Exploring Middle-earth, 1 Blog post at a time
http://middleearthchronicles.wordpres s.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Doug111973 Twitter: @doug200463
What a nice thing to do
Exploring Middle-earth, 1 Blog post at a time
http://middleearthchronicles.wordpres s.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Doug111973 Twitter: @doug200463
Very nice gesture, promotion or not...it worked well enough that I subscribed, liked, and followed you! (it helps that I like your vids as well
Crickhollow: Odolas, Odobearpig, Odobrand, Odoworf ; et al. (Knights Who Say Ni) |Arkenstone: Odowulf, Odoborn, Odomuil, Odominous; et al. (Deephollow Brewers) | Arkestone Creeps: Shakwowbagger (r 12); Shakrantula; Shaksdoctordeath; Shakbagnusz (Cohorts)
Exploring Middle-earth, 1 Blog post at a time
http://middleearthchronicles.wordpres s.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Doug111973 Twitter: @doug200463
Okay so i have reached and passed 100 subscribers, Tomorrow evening I will be taking a screenshot of my YouTube subscriber page, and picking a winner at random.. so if you want a chance to win, you have till tomorrow evening to Sub on Youtube, and Follow on Twitter or Facebook! so hussle hussle! If you dont get a chance to enter, there will be more promotional giveaways coming in the future! You will find links to Facebook & Twitter on My Youtube Channel & My Blog!
Thanks Everyone!
Exploring Middle-earth, 1 Blog post at a time
http://middleearthchronicles.wordpres s.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Doug111973 Twitter: @doug200463
Woohoo a new Lotro blogger and youtuber! We need more of this.
And no sir, I thank you!