These are a few screen shots of the second to last day to RoR:
A few of those in the freep raid there were more. Was fun fighting you guys one last time before RoR! See you at 85!
The Avengers and Special Guests Yellzor representing The Black Blade and Metre one of my new friends!
From Left to Right: Zrodin, Metre, Giovy, Hezzboroth, Branders, Grishgashr, Esfiel, Volodic, Valiava, Johnyskywalker, and Yellzor. O and that Thistledown in the background whom we didn't kill >.> or did we....
The last time Plains OP will ever be flipped by us...
This was a fun last few days of Nimrodel PvP before the changes come. Cheers!