Northern Ireland & Vilya
Northern Ireland & Vilya
I'm on Laurelin - a returning player after a nearly 3 year break and a Londoner living in North Nottinghamshire. Only one character at the moment, Feragia. Used to have a similar character called Ferawe but he got 'lost' in the swap from Codemasters. So I'm starting over!
Last edited by Bikerthing; Oct 08 2012 at 11:30 AM.
Nimrodel & Dorset *sigh*
Gilrain - from Southport.
"I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass."
Officer in the Elders kinship -
We have left the wandering spark (Gilrain) to find the Song of Gold (Laurelin)...
Play on Elendilmir & live in Swindon, Wilts
Withywindle for myself my girlfriend and my brother, maybe 3-4 more Uk players in the kinship on here as well![]()
I play on the Eldar and Snowbourn servers and live in Blackburn, Lancashire
I've just started again, having lost my max levels in the migration purge...I'm on evernight but from this thread, nobody seems to be on thereShould I be looking at Gilrain and Snowbourne?
Eldar & Laurelin - Hertfordshire, originally from Barry, Wales.
(note: i did not say Barry Island, i said Barry, Barry Island is the tourist death trap trash pile part of town, Barry is the "clean" part)
Home is Laurelin, but when I have to leave it I return to Lancaster. Lancashire
Play on Snowy - live in north east near durham
Laurelin and Cardiff, Wales
plymouth and meneldor
Gilrain, Sheffield area.
Eldar & Derbyshire
Eldar, Huddersfield - West Yorks
Nice to see all the other northern monkeys here, and you southern fairies too![]()
Gladden - Shrewsbury - 5 Toons - 1 at 85 the others following.... Slowly lol
Last edited by LaurieAle; Oct 30 2012 at 11:17 AM.
Elendilmir - Somerset. I also spend a lot of time in Philadelphia USA
Riddermark - 4 chars
Evernight from Northern Ireland =D