I had to log when you had only 25 inf to go, but I see you did it! Grats on r11, now, break out the Defi and heal (not hela as previously posted lol ) meh!
I had to log when you had only 25 inf to go, but I see you did it! Grats on r11, now, break out the Defi and heal (not hela as previously posted lol ) meh!
Last edited by Skydawg; Dec 06 2012 at 12:27 PM.
gratz jedi, bring that defiler out, and be my pocket healer!
Retired from lotro since june '14. Currently kicking other noobs on gw2.
"You play the most OP class in the moors right now."~Hustypoo
Déjà vu... Grats!
Grats Jedi! Hurry up and catch up to Rash!
Grats on Rank 12...seriously this time
Gratz Luke, I mean Jedi. Always fun 1v1s with you and small group fights, yet another great BA that should stop VTing me!
[center][url=http://www.youtube.com/user/PerishableOath]Burglar 'Moors Videos[/url][/center]
Vilya: Healadder (defiler, R10), Kommisar (stalker, R7).
Snowbourn: Superserial (warleader, R8), Steelstack (reaver, R6).
Brandywine: Manvet (champion, R10 - Retired); Stargash-1 (reaver, R12)