Learn about changes to Miss Chance, Critical Defense, and Interrupts in this new developer diary from Jared "Kelsan" Pruett, and post your comments here!
Learn about changes to Miss Chance, Critical Defense, and Interrupts in this new developer diary from Jared "Kelsan" Pruett, and post your comments here!
Last edited by Celestrata; Dec 13 2012 at 02:46 PM.
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I try to answer all of my PMs, but I get a lot! Sometimes I may not get back to you, but I have read your mail!
As a 2-H champ, I wanted to say thanks the for the nerf. Will there be a scroll in the store that reduces clobber cd by 5secs for fifteen minutes?
So... I hope Celestrata you guys have seen that critcal defense also mitigates non crit damage.
Also for PvMP because most freep classes such as hunters and rks, minis and lm's have no crit defense and creeps can slot 6 critical defense traits you have essentially giving creeps 39 audacity?
This isn't fiction, I've tested it.
If this goes live, PvMP will be over.
Yelk, Hunter| Rank 15 | Arkenstone | Leader of Shock and Awe
Original Challenger of Saruman
Original Challenger of Gothmog
Came up just fine for me.
403's for me (if it matters, this is using chrome, vpn'd from home network through to my work then out to the internet...)
I don't need a nerfing for my guard. However, I can get my interrupt down to 5 secs. Please don't nerf me!
Given that Guards are weak enough, are you going to leave them alone? Or, am I missing the point?
I have to say that I'm not a fan of further complicating the Warden. I haven't played mine for a while. When I go back, I know it's going to be like learning to speak another language. Additional things to remember (like what won't interrupt) is not something the class needs.
As for PvMP, I don't do it. And, given what my kinmates tell me, I won't. I'm not going to go out there just to get wailed on by wargs. We actually have one kid in the kin who has challenged us all to one-on-one duels with his warg. He knows it's unbeatable.
Sounds like fun.
Ah, but if you spend enough TP . . .
I spend plenty on TP, but I choose to use it on my character in the area I enjoy: PvE.
I want to read what Sezneg has to say about the effect on PvMP specifically. Guy knows his poop.
However a few things come to mind in the context of PvMP:
1. Freeps have more interupts then creeps, this is a problem.
You nerfed the 2nd most important skill a warg has (stealth being #1) not happy about it, not going to affect pack play much but in small mixed groups particularly when your fighting a warden and mini pounce is crucial.Stalker
- Pounce and Sudden Pounce cooldowns increased from 10s to 15s.
- Raking Claw Brute effect has been replaced with a 50% Induction Duration debuff.
3. Critical hits: the problem here is the % chance to get the crit, advantage freeps. This obviously needs to be seen live but crits have been the problem in the moors for a while, you screw with it and get it wrong we'll have a bad couple of months in here on the forums.
4. Miss Chance:So literally hunters in the moors will never miss unless you debuff (whos got a ranged debuff creepside again?) Looks like a serious buff to me, even ranged auto attacks will not miss. Hunters should be thrilled with this one.Simply stated, your Ranged and Melee (tactical never miss already) skills will not miss, unless your Miss Chance has been increased by an external source (debuff).
You'll forgive the skepticism im sure you know why its present but this feels like a step back for moors play. PvE maybe its a good thing, ive yet to encounter anything vastly complex in PvE anyway I never had an issue with on level or near level mobs on any toon. Raids/skraids are different but the moors is where the combat changes will have a greater impact for that smaller vocal portion of the player base.
I'm getting a 403 Forbidden as well...
Going off of what I know about this from Bullroarer...
I think the captains actually came out ahead of the game - Kick, being a 30s interrupt isn't as bad as it was before; also, with the crit defence change, it means captains are signficantly more likely to get defeat responses, which is awesome in raid boss fights and in the 'Moors.
For anyone getting a "403 Forbidden" error, it's yet another cookie issue with the website & forums. The same issues that been plaguing users since Bilbo stepped out of his hobbit hole.
Just delete your cookies for the site and it should go away (for a while, at least).
Getting the following error...
Even when I try to go to just http://www.lotro.comForbidden
You don't have permission to access / on this server.
Apache Server at www.lotro.com Port 80
So now Burg's need to have a legacy on their legendary committed to reduce Addle CD solely to cut off the lengthy animation of Flashing Blades to maintain their DPS, no longer able to provide interrupts for MOB inductions?
Meanwhile, Burg's don't "chain-interrupt" anything, they work around the excessively long animation of Flashing Blades, the bread-and-butter combat skill.
I am TOTALLY in favor of more interesting, cooperative combat mechanics, but the primary purpose of Addle on a burg isn't to interrupt inductions (other classes do that, or we use stuns/FMs to do that), it's to cut off our OWN skill. Now both Flashing Blades and Addle will have ten second CDs, so pair nicely, but we won't be able to participate in cooperative MOB induction interrupting since Addle will be on CD.
Other than removing miss chance, I do not know who wanted any of this stuff. I also do not undertstand why the forces with the greatest numbers advantage and mobility advantage are continually being buffed, unless it is to empty the moors of veterans and just zerg noobs at GV.
Crit defense change - nice knowing you RK's, you just became the weakest, squishiest class in the moors.
50% induction increase on flayer brute bonus? Aren't hunters farmed enough?
What's next?
As the whole point of precision Stance was to reduce `miss chance` and this has now been removed, exactly what purpose does precision stance now serve, what buff does the stance now provide, or is it just another way of annoying the Hunters, on top of the Induction cd being increased by 4s,
where do induction based classes now stand, Lm`s, Hunters, Defilers all very hard done by with the change to interrupts, but a real boon to those non induction Classes that really needed it. I can see the Champs, reavers, wargs laughing at us already.
I dont hug, I keep my distance, about 40m.
Although I'm not terribly happy with the changes to interrupts, even as a dual-wield Champ, I think that overall the changes don't harm induction classes as much as you might think.
Prior to RoR, as a Champ I could basically singlehandedly remove a Defiler or WL (or BA, pre-skirmisher stance) from a fight just by focusing on him - normal hits were enough to constantly set back his inductions, and every 5s I could interrupt one (and even stun him out of another every 20s).
With the induction setback changes, that became more difficult since inductions couldn't be constantly set back. Now add in an increased cooldown on my interrupt, and there's no way that I can shut down a Defiler's or WL's heals by myself. 4s cooldown after an interrupt? Not a big deal, as a the Defiler/WL will just use that skill 4s later than planned and I can't do a thing about it (save maybe stun him, but even then he'll pop out of the stun in time to use it before my interrupt is back up again).
I imagine that Hunters and LMs will be just fine as well - skill gets interrupted? Oh well, just use something else then hit that skill 4s later when your opponent can't stop you.
Of course, multiple people on one target can still shut down an induction-based class, but that's to be expected.
Just pulled this from the dev diary
Landscape and Instance combat may be a little more complex as interrupts will cause more immediate panic. To ensure this is not overwhelming or abused we have adjusted many monsters so that they will generally not hit a player with an interrupt more than once every 15-20s.
I rarely fight just 1 mob so when I'm champ, now fighting 2 or more Uruk s means stunlocked to death guaranteed?
Sorry for the horrid formatting, pulled the quote from another window.
Second question - Deadly storm 2 set bonus no longer reduces AoE miss chance. So what do we get instead? Or do we just go without?
Not a word of this makes any sense to me.Why are you changing this?
We wanted more parity between how interrupts work when used against NPC Monsters and Players. This allows both devs and players to force their targets to alter their strategies and creates a more interesting combat experience.
Additionally, we want interrupts to be something used at key moments, not just another rotation filler that must be used at all times when fighting an induction based target.
If you wanted to make interrupts less frequent in PvP, why isn't this a Moors-only change like CC DR?
So Wardens go from being able to use interrupts on demand in PvE to one of the worst interrupt c/d's in the game (becoming worse than Hunters, and on-par with traited LMs), with no way to improve it? Thanks!Warden
• Boot, Onslaught, and Wall of Steel no longer interrupt inductions.
• A new skill has been added to the Warden's rotation to provide them with a non-gambit based interrupt: "Shield-slam". This skill unlocks at level 15 and has a 15s cooldown.
And unless "Shield-slam" (you really couldn't think of a new name, and had to copy the name of a Guardian ability?) becomes ranged in Assailment stance (which the name suggests it won't), that is another nail in the coffin of *that* half-designed, half-finished, half-supported spec...
I am one of those people who rarely ever post on the forums but love the game and play every day. The revisions to interrupts are stupid....to all classes. On my warden I solo alot (obviously) and I look forward to soloing the new 3 mans, but taking away my interrupts and giving me some new skill on a 15s cooldown! There was no need in PvE for this change, and PvPMP should not dictate changes in this game. You really need to change this back and chalk it up to a bad idea (like radiance gear).
Last edited by Crell_1; Dec 13 2012 at 05:00 PM.
Crell-L85-Champion - Riddermark ; Swego-L85-Burglar ; Kotvi-L95-Runekeeper
Delego-L85 Hunter ; Stodden-L51-Captain ; Edhul-L61-Loremaster
Deglorion - SoA XP Disabler