Congratz on R11. Very hard earned!
Congratz on R11. Very hard earned!
Gratz to one of the best.
dont worry the dev's are working on a fix that fixes the fix that fixed the fix that was fixing the fix....
that farming was very hard earned! bazing - I make Lotro videos, support meh!
Grats farmer, hopefully it will only take you a few weeks to hit rank 12!!!!
Sometimes i think it takes more effort to farm than it does to kill a scrub freaver...i mean creeps running to poison the hoardale are like cows being led into the slaughter house. it's that simple. pure cash.
You get an E for effort.
Rank 10 Hunter, Rank 9 Warleader, Rank 9 Weaver, Rank 7 Reaver, Rank 6 Guardian, Rank 6 Warg, Rank 5 Lore-master, Rank 5 Blackarrow, Rank 4 Champion, Rank 3 Reaver, Rank 2 Rune-keeper, just to name a few.
Thanks for all the grats.. Let's see. I couldn't have done this without myself, first and foremost, and then after that I would say probably Broodlust or Fnak. Thanks for all the inf guys!
"You play the most OP class in the moors right now."~Hustypoo